Has anyone ever encountered a situation where the computer shuts down slowly? What is the cause? How to solve it? First eliminate the virus problem~Thank you~

Three tricks to make Windows XP several times faster. It is very simple to set up, but the article is also practical.

1. Reduce the waiting time for boot disk scan, start → run, type: chkntfs /t:0

2. Delete system backup files:

In each After the software and hardware are properly installed, XP actually rarely needs to update files. Start → Run, type: sfc.exe /purgecache and press Enter, nearly 3xxMb.

3. Compressed folders:

This is a very good optimization. Windows XP has built-in support for .ZIP files. We can browse zip files as folders. However, the system uses some resources to implement this

function, so disabling this feature can improve system performance. The implementation method is very simple, just cancel the registration of zipfldr.dll, click Start - Run,

Type: regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll. Then just press Enter.

Complete strategy and experience of running Win

First of all, let me introduce the main parts of my "Stupid 4" computer, CPU: Celeron 800. Memory: 128M+32M. Hard disk: 20G. Graphics card, sound card: motherboard integrated. Motherboard: I really don’t know what model it is. But know one thing, this type of motherboard has been discontinued on the market, and if one breaks, there will be one missing. Monitor: 17mm screen. This is a second-hand computer that costs 1,000 yuan. Even if it is not optimized, it is more than enough to play games like Legend under Win98 that do not require too much attention on the brain and the computer. This is still the price in Liaoyang. If you go to Anshan Computer City, you can talk to the boss about the price of a second-hand optical drive. In addition, a brother who was a big-bodied man also got me a Samsung optical drive, a floppy drive from a different brand, and a 32 memory stick in the warehouse of my unit. Don't underestimate this 32M memory stick. Without it, it would be really hard work to run XP. Microsoft emphasizes that the minimum configuration of XP is 256M of memory. Don't listen to it. If the 128M is a bit tired, go to the second-hand computer market and spend 20 to 30 yuan to buy a 32M memory. It will definitely make XP "tossing". But the premise is that it must be manually optimized, otherwise there is no difference between installing XP with this second-hand configuration and Lao Niu.

Haha, my configuration is rubbish, right? You may have doubted, can this also bring XP? Yes, that’s right, we can use what Gates uses. If he can study it, we can use it. Not only can it be brought up, but it can also float like a 98. (Of course, I don’t mean to restore XP to a plain page like 98. Although that would be faster, the method I introduce below is fast enough. There is no need to ravage your eyes.)

Below , I will mainly talk about various optimizations to the system, which are all learned from e-books or posts. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all the brothers who posted their opinions on modifying the registry online.

If you want to make a 1K-yuan computer faster, it is inevitable to start with the registry. Before making changes, it is recommended to go to the software market and buy a pirated XP installation disk, because if the registry is not changed well, it is easy to drive the system crazy. (P.S. I suggest contestants like me to go to the software market and buy an XP installation disk with light blue packaging. I forgot its name. That kind of installation disk requires almost no brain to install, and after installation, it has SP1 and SP2 patches. All are automatically installed, and some commonly used software such as BT, Internet Express, QQ, etc. are installed directly. Anshan Dongshan Street has a unified piracy price of 3 yuan. Don’t be fooled. Don’t think that you have to pay more for XP.)

Don’t be soft-hearted because I said the system will crash if the registry cannot be changed well. Don’t we have an installation disk in our hands? Before you understand the changes, you don’t even need to make a backup. Just treat it as a practice installation of the system.

R U ready? Let's go

1. Acceleration plan

WinXP startup will have many functions that affect speed, although MS says it has been optimized Processed, but there's still a lot of customization for us. This is how I usually do it.

1. Modify the run key of the registry and cancel those uncommon things, such as Windows Messenger. Enable the registry manager: Start → Run → Regedit → Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MSMSGS" /BACKGROUND this key value, right-click → Delete, the world is much quieter, and by the way, put those cfmon Get rid of them all.

2. Modify the registry to reduce pre-reading and reduce the waiting time of the progress bar. The effect is that the progress bar will run around and you will enter the login screen. Start → Run → regedit to activate the registry editor and look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management \PrefetchParameters, there is a key EnablePrefetcher and just change its value to "1". In addition, friends who do not frequently change hardware can set the device type on the bus device to none in the system properties.

3. Turn off the special effects in the system properties. This is a simple and effective way to speed up. Click Start→Control Panel→System→Advanced→Performance→Settings→In Visual Effects, set to Adjust for best performance→OK. In this way, the desktop will be very similar to win2000. I still like the blue window of XP, so I tick "Use visual styles on windows and buttons" so that I can see the beautiful blue interface and speed up the process. .

4. I use Windows commadner+Winrar to manage files. The ZIP support of Win The system resources of Xian Shao have been reduced again. Click Start → Run, type: "regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" between the double quotes, and then press Enter to confirm. The sign of success is that a prompt window appears with the content roughly Successfully UnrgisterServer for Dll:zipfldr.dll.

5. It is said that a system service Qos of XP takes up 20% of the network bandwidth. People like us who live on a dime cannot stand it. The method to remove it is: Start menu → Run → type gpedit .msc, the "Group Policy" window appears, expand "Administrative Templates" → "Network", expand "QoS Packet Scheduler", right-click "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" in the right window, and click "Settings" in the properties If there is "Limit reserved bandwidth", select "Disabled" and confirm. After the above modifications are completed and applied, the user can see "QoS Packet Scheduler (QoS Packet Scheduler)" in the general properties tab column of the network connection properties dialog box. It means that the modification is successful, otherwise it means that the modification fails. By the way, also remove (uninstall) the Qos protocol in the network properties.

6. Quickly browse the benefits of local area network

Normally, when Windows XP connects to other computers, it will comprehensively check all scheduled tasks on the other computer. This check Will make you wait 30 seconds or more. The method to remove it is Start → Run → Regedit → Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Current Version\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace in the registry.

Under this key value, there will be a {D6277990- 4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} key. After deleting it, restart the computer, Windows XP will no longer check scheduled tasks, hoho~~~, and the speed will be significantly improved. La!

7. Turn off the debugger Dr. Watson

I seem to have never used this thing since win95. You can cancel it like this: open the registry and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug subkey branch, double-click the Auto key value name below it, change its "numeric data" to 0, and finally press F5 to refresh the setting to take effect, thus canceling its operation. Following this idea, we can cancel all options with debugging functions, such as memory.dmp that appears during a blue screen, in "My Computer → Properties → Advanced → Settings → Write debugging information → Select None" and so on.

8. Remember to turn off error reporting, KAO! This thing makes me feel like a free Microsoft tester: click Control Panel---->System---->Advanced--- ->Lower right corner--->Error reporting---->Disable error reporting-->OK!

9. Remove the waiting time for disk scan

When Windows XP is not normal 9. When shutting down, you need to wait 10 seconds before restarting the computer before starting the disk scan. If you think these 10 seconds are too long, just let it become 0 seconds! Press "Start" → "All Programs" → "Accessories" → "Command Prompt" and type "CHKNTFS / T:0" and press Enter, so you don't have to wait for the long 10 seconds next time

10. Shorten the startup time

It is recommended that you use the Bootvis software released by Microsoft, which can Automatically optimize the system to shorten the startup time. Select "Optimize System" in "Trace" and then restart; in addition, you can also reduce the number of programs loaded at startup through the MsConfig setting program built in Windows XP to shorten the time. For the startup time, just enter the startup "msconfig" during operation and then make relevant settings through "Startup".

Are you done? You haven’t finished changing it yet. Next:

2. Weight-loss plan

1. After the various software and hardware are installed properly, In fact, XP rarely needs to update files. Delete the system backup file: Start → Run → sfc.exe /purgecache nearly 3xxM.

2. Delete the driver backup: driver.cab file in the %windows%\driver cache\i386 directory. Usually this file is 76M.

3. In fact, Microsoft's help can't help you much. I don't have the habit of reading help, so keeping the things in the %windows%\help directory is a harm to me, haha. . . Kill them all, nearly 4xM.

4. After the upgrade is completed, you will be surprised to find that %windows%\ has many more directories similar to $NtUninstallQ311889$. Don’t think it is a gift package from Gates. Get rid of them all, 1x -3xM.

6. Uninstall uncommon components: Use Notepad to modify \%windows%\inf\sysoc.inf, use the find/replace function, enter, hide in the search box, and replace all with empty. In this way, all hides are removed. After saving and exiting, run "Add-Remove Programs" and you will see many more options in "Add/Remove Windows Components"; delete games, computer tables, etc. Things not used.

7. Except for the unused entry method under \windows\ime, 8xM. You can delete it carefully and don't destroy all the cards you use.

8. If the space is really tight, enable the compression function of NTFS, which will use 2x% less space. However, I don’t know what NTFS is. If you know how to use it, you might as well give it a try.

9. Turn off system restore. This broken function is a disaster for people like me who often download and test software. Use the right mouse button to click "My Computer" on the desktop and select " Properties", find "System Restore", select "Turn off System Restore on all drives" Haha, you can save space again.

10. Automatically close programs that have stopped responding

In the Windows XP operating system, we can modify the registry to make Windows XP detect that an application has stopped responding. It automatically closes it so no manual intervention is required. To implement this function, please click "Start" → "Run" and enter RegEdit, open the Registry Editor, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Auto End Tasks, and change the key value to 1.

11. Turn off the hibernation function

To support hibernation, you only need to go through Control Panel -> Power Options -> Hibernate (Hibernate), and remove the check mark in front of "Enable Hibernate". Haha, this way you can free up 512MB of hard drive space. This is not a small amount for a 20G hard drive.

If you can follow the above process, your original 1.4G XP can be reduced to less than 800.

The optimization is basically completed and the backup can be performed. Do you know how to make a backup? Don’t know? It doesn’t matter, buy a GHOST disk, if there are explanations in it, read it a few times and then you can start. It is recommended that if there are important items in the machine, backup them under the guidance of an expert.

What? What do you mean by system security? For a novice, the safest setting is to avoid viewing pornographic web pages. If you insist on viewing them, you will generally not be targeted or invaded. Your machine can be invaded. Most people don't bother to invade you. Usually those who invade you use you as a training ground, so there is basically no need to panic against Skynet Firewall. If you are so unlucky that you get struck by lightning while walking, you will learn to be smart by being a chicken a few more times. However, websites with Trojans and viruses are really disgusting, so be more careful when browsing the web. The Skynet firewall can basically deal with common malicious attacks on websites. If it is really caught by a virus, cooperate with Norton (I choose, I like it, it is not necessary to use Norton) to kill it, and the system should still be able to survive.

Here are two more practical questions, posted here for your reference.

FAQ: Why is my Windows XP still in English after installing the Simplified Chinese language pack?

On some BBS, many friends say that they are not good at installing this language pack. In fact, it is installed. After that, the welcome screen has changed from WELCOME to Welcome. As for the interface, go to the control panel, regional options, menu display, select Simplified Chinese, log out and log in again. If you do not choose to use this configuration for all users, you will find that other users still have an English interface. Haha, congratulations, they will all enjoy dual languages.

Why does my QQ run very slowly under Windows XP?

This problem seems to be that the current version of QQ is not compatible with Windows XP, especially the older version. QQ710 is okay. Could it be that Microsoft did this deliberately to promote MSNMessenger? Hahaha... If you are really good at downloading the coral polyp version or the muzi version, it seems that you can only wait for QQXP.

I have personally tried all of the above modification methods and accelerated plans. There are no big problems, just one word: great! I have not tried all the slimming plans. I have used several of them in my machine slimming. It still feels great!

3. Newbie’s experience:

1 Don’t think that you are invincible after changing the registry. In fact, the hardware is still garbage. I can run 3D games except 3D pinball. The rest of the 3D games are just drool-worthy. If you have some spare money, remember to exchange everything you can.

2. Install as few things as possible on the system disk (usually the C drive), but do not install anything that does not have to be installed on the system disk.

3 If you want to spend a thousand yuan to install a second-hand mobile phone, it is recommended that you buy a new fan no matter what. I didn’t understand it at the time and bought the fan second-hand. Later I found out that when the fan of my machine was turned on, the tow machine seemed extremely quiet. Especially those who install such second-hand mobile phones are usually college students. They inevitably have to play online games or hang up their phones at night. No one can sleep because the fan is too rubbish.

4 If you are in the dormitory, it is recommended to leave one side of the chassis bezel uninstalled. In addition to making up for the heat dissipation shortcomings of the second-hand fan, it is also used to make it easier to copy the hard drive from other people's machines. What? Afraid of breaking it and not being able to do it? No way. . . You don’t dare to practice removing the hard drive and play with a machine that costs 1,000 yuan. If you buy a laptop, you will still be numb. Copying method: Do you know the hard drive? Get it off and be gentle. Then open the target machine case, pull the data cable connecting the target machine to the optical drive from the optical drive end, and plug it into your hard disk interface. (Be careful, there is only one way to plug it in.) In the same way, plug the power cord of the optical drive into your hard disk. Then turn it on, and you will find that there is an extra disk in the target machine's "My Computer". Yes, that is your hard drive. Hehe, I want to copy pornographic movies, I want to copy movies. (P.S. Just treat it as a mobile hard drive. Anyway, buying a second-hand 20G one is only 180 yuan. But remember to handle it with care and work without power. If you work with power on, it may not be a matter of money. )

If they are in the same dormitory, or the entire floor is a LAN, this item is omitted.

5 If you install the machine for one thousand yuan, then everything should be simple, and you should never buy an optical mouse. Because: 1 will be a relatively large overhead in the configuration process. As for the mouse, keyboard and even mouse pad, you can ask the boss for a free set of old ones when you pay. 2 Play in the dormitory, and when you go to bed at night and hang up to download something, you will know how annoying the optical mouse is. Within three days, others will definitely give priority to taking care of your photoelectric mouse before it breaks down.

6 If you are really too lazy to do anything and still want to optimize the system, there is nothing you can do. Buy a disk with Optimization Master, remember to have the registration code in it, and just follow the prompts to select optimization projects. But if you don’t know what the options are, then the optimization master won’t be able to solve the problem. Just find a basic book and read it like crazy.

7 Want to hide your IP? No problem, you need to download a tool: Steganos Internet Anonym Pro 6 But it must be used for legitimate defense first. Unkind gays do not support its use. Don't rush to test after installation. Close all browsers first and then reopen them. If there is no effect yet, restart and you will see the effect.