Wahaha Jinan Industrial Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that Wahaha Jinan Industrial Park is located in Jinan City, Shandong Province, Zhangqiu District (Jinan City, Zhangqiu District, Industrial Six Road 1), covers an area of about 205 acres, as of now in the park **** there are four enterprises, including Jinan Hengfeng Drinks Company Limited, Jinan Xinsirui Construction Engineering Company Limited, Jinan Yingkun Trade Company Limited and so on.

Wahaha Jinan Industrial Park in the enterprise has 25% distribution in wine, beverage and refined tea manufacturing industry, 25% distribution in the road transportation industry, multimodal transport and transport agency industry, water transport industry, air transport industry, railroad transportation industry. Among them, the enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million are Jinan Hengfeng Beverage Co.

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