How devices form biofilm, biofilm definition, hazards

Biofilms are complexes of bacterial clusters and extracellular matrix that adhere tightly to the surface of medical devices and are difficult to remove. In layman's terms, biofilm is a structure formed by bacteria within their secreted mucus (mucopolysaccharide). When biofilm accumulates to a certain thickness, it is difficult for disinfecting and sterilizing factors to kill the bacteria wrapped in it.

Removal methods:

1. Prevent organic pollutants from drying out

The instruments should be cleaned as soon as possible after use, and all measures should be used to prevent clumping of blood and tissue. Soak immediately after use. Enzyme-based moisturizing can quickly and efficiently break down organic contaminants.

2, pay attention to the choice of cleaning agent and rational application

Select organic matter and biofilm removal ability is better, less corrosive force on the instrument, environmentally friendly cleaning agent products.

3. Ensure the dryness of instruments

Ensure the dryness of the lumen and joints of instruments, especially for the high-level sterilized instruments stored overnight. Strengthen the management of temperature and humidity in the endoscopic storage environment.

4, strengthen the cleaning quality inspection