What is the discharge standard of hospital wastewater treatment and how much COD and BOD should be achieved?

I. Comprehensive medical institutions and other medical institutions water pollutant discharge limits (daily average)

Note: 1) the use of chlorine disinfectant disinfection process control requirements are:

The first level of standards: disinfection contact pool contact time ≥ 1h, the contact pool outlet total residual chlorine 3-10 mg/L.

The second level of standards: disinfection contact pool contact time ≥ 1h, the contact pool outlet total residual chlorine 2-8 mg/L.

The second level of standards: disinfection contact time ≥ 1h

Second level standard: contact time of disinfection contact pool ≥1h, total chlorine residual of contact pool outlet 2-8 mg/L.

2) The use of other disinfectants on the total residual chlorine is not required.

II. infectious diseases, tuberculosis medical institutions water pollutant discharge limits (daily average)

Note: 1) the use of chlorine disinfectant disinfection process control requirements are: disinfection contact pool contact time ≥ 1.5h,

contact pool outlet total residual chlorine 6.5-10 mg / L.

2) the use of other disinfectants on the total residual chlorine is not required.