I. Comprehensive medical institutions and other medical institutions water pollutant discharge limits (daily average)
Note: 1) the use of chlorine disinfectant disinfection process control requirements are:
The first level of standards: disinfection contact pool contact time ≥ 1h, the contact pool outlet total residual chlorine 3-10 mg/L.
The second level of standards: disinfection contact pool contact time ≥ 1h, the contact pool outlet total residual chlorine 2-8 mg/L.
The second level of standards: disinfection contact time ≥ 1h
Second level standard: contact time of disinfection contact pool ≥1h, total chlorine residual of contact pool outlet 2-8 mg/L.
2) The use of other disinfectants on the total residual chlorine is not required.
II. infectious diseases, tuberculosis medical institutions water pollutant discharge limits (daily average)
Note: 1) the use of chlorine disinfectant disinfection process control requirements are: disinfection contact pool contact time ≥ 1.5h,
contact pool outlet total residual chlorine 6.5-10 mg / L.
2) the use of other disinfectants on the total residual chlorine is not required.