Biography of William Jefferson Clinton

William Jefferson Clinton

William Jefferson Clinton, usually known as Bill Clinton, born August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas, United States, is an American politician of the Democratic Party.

Clinton became Attorney General of Arkansas in 1976. he served as Governor of Arkansas from 1978 to 1980, and then for five consecutive terms from 1982 to 1992. During Clinton's tenure as governor, she made achievements in promoting state education reform and implementing economic development programs, was elected chairman of the U.S. Southern Economic Development Policy Council and chairman of the National Governors' Joint Conference, and had assisted the president in presiding over the nation's top education authority.In 1990, Clinton was elected chairman of the Democratic Party's top committee.She was successfully elected president of the U.S. in 1992 and, in 1996, was On November 20, 2013, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

During his presidency, Clinton proposed new economic policies and reformed education within the United States.

Chinese name: William Jefferson Clinton

Foreign name: WilliamJeffersonClinton

Alias: Bill Clinton

Nationality: United States of America

Place of birth: Hope Township, Arkansas, United States of America

Date of birth: August 19, 1946

Occupation: Politician

Graduate School: Yale Law School, Oxford University

Faith: Baptist

Major Achievements: 42nd President of the United States

Twice honored as Time Magazine's Person of the Year

Representative work: "The President is Missing"

Office: Chairman of the Clinton Foundation

Affiliation Political party: Democratic Party

Mrs. Hillary Clinton

People experience

Early life

Born on August 19, 1946, Clinton was born in Hopetown, Arkansas, United States, in a hospital called Julia Chester, Clinton was born as William Jefferson Bryce III ( WilliamJeffersonBlytheIII).

After Clinton's birth, his mother traveled alone to New Orleans to study nursing, leaving Clinton with his maternal grandparents, who owned a grocery store.

Clinton was living with his mother and stepfather*** in Spa City by 1950.

In 1960, John F. Kennedy was elected president. When Clinton was in his last year of high school, he was selected to attend a Young Leaders Federation conference in Washington, D.C., where he was received by Kennedy at the White House.

In 1962, Clinton traveled to the capital city of Washington, D.C., as a student delegate from Arkansas to the National Congress of Youth Groups.

After graduating from high school in 1964, he enrolled at Georgetown University, where he majored in diplomacy, served as president of the university's student government and assisted U.S. Sen. William Fulbright.

Clinton graduated from college in 1968 with a bachelor's degree in international politics and was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to study at Oxford University in England.

In 1970, he enrolled at Yale Law School.

Graduating in 1973 with a J.D., he moved to Arkansas State University as a professor that same year.

Beginning in politics

In 1976, Clinton became Arkansas Attorney General.

He was governor of Arkansas from 1978 to 1980, and then served five consecutive terms from 1982 to 1992. During her tenure as governor, Clinton's accomplishments in promoting state education reform and implementing economic development programs led to her selection as chairman of the Southern U.S. Economic Development Policy Council, as well as chairman of the National Governors' Joint Conference, and she assisted the president in presiding over the nation's top education authority.

In 1990, Clinton was elected chairman of the Democratic Supreme Committee.

Running for President

Clinton decided to run in the 1992 presidential election to challenge *** and party President George H.W. Bush Sr. who was seeking re-election. At the time, Bush Sr. who had just survived the Gulf War, seemed set for re-election, and with several other rivals in the Democratic Party, notably New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, jumping into the race, Clinton's chances of being elected were slim.

Clinton lost the nation's first New Hampshire primary to Massachusetts Sen. Tsongas, but he went on to win the Democratic nomination.

On July 9, 1992, Clinton, who won the party primary, chose Senator Albert Gore as his running mate. Many initially criticized the choice as ill-advised because Gore was from Tennessee, which borders Arkansas, and both states are in the South, violating the traditional strategy of having the presidential and vice presidential candidates from different regions.

In the early morning hours of Nov. 4, 1992, Clinton defeated George Bush Sr. to become the 42nd president.

Clinton ultimately won the 1992 election, largely due to his campaign strategy of focusing on domestic issues, particularly the U.S. economy, which was in the doldrums at the time.

Re-election as president

Clinton won re-election in the 1996 presidential election.

Life after leaving office

In 1999, the Clintons moved their legal address to a suburb of New York City. President Clinton published a memoir, MyLife, after leaving office and now lives in New York City.

In 2004, published memoir MyLife; November 18, Clinton Library inauguration ceremony in Little Rock, Arkansas, the capital of the Clinton Library, Clinton, George W. Bush Jr, George W. Bush Sr, Carter and the United States from all walks of life and representatives of various countries attended the opening ceremony of the Clinton Library.

On August 4, 2009, former U.S. President Bill Clinton visited North Korea and successfully fought for the North's release of two U.S. female journalists sentenced to reeducation through labor. This was Clinton's first visit to Pyongyang after leaving office and the second former U.S. president to visit North Korea after Jimmy Carter.

November 20, 2013, then-President Barack Obama presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former President Clinton at the White House.

On June 3, 2018, former U.S. President Bill Clinton and renowned U.S. thriller writer James Patterson kicked off a book tour that will cover multiple locations in the U.S. and Canada.On June 5, ThePresidentisMissing, a novel co-authored by Clinton and James Patterson, was officially unveiled and put on sale globally; on December 5 On December 5, Clinton, along with Obama, Bush Jr, Carter, and Trump, attended the state funeral of George Bush Sr.

Political Initiatives


In 1993, Clinton signed an executive order that successively called for the repeal of one-half of the federal government's internal regulations and for a rigorous review of the new rules and regulations.In February 1995, Clinton also instructed the heads of some 68 regulatory agencies, ordering them to repeal outdated systems, rules, and regulations; in March of the same year In March of the same year, Clinton issued a presidential directive to "streamline the government's work processes," which continued to be centered on the goal of eliminating outdated red tape, improving efficiency, and saving the government money. By eliminating and reducing about 16,000 pages of outdated regulations, the government saved $28 billion a year. By 2000, the situation had improved even more.


The U.S. House of Representatives and Senate passed the Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which began the government's efforts to tax society as a whole and served as a general framework for tax collection over the next decade. Thereafter, Clinton signed the Deficit Reduction Act, which required the government to reduce its deficit by $496.8 billion over the next five years, and taxes accounted for $242 billion of those total deficit reductions. As far as the content of taxes is concerned, the main taxes during this period were the corporate tax and the personal income tax. After the enactment of the said bill, more than 2,700 out of 10,000 companies of all sizes across the United States will qualify for this tax increase. In addition, in this aspect of corporate taxation, Clinton further strictly enforced the law and rigorously investigated and punished many domestic and foreign companies opened in the United States tax evasion, through this administrative and judicial crackdown, so that the federal government's finances were able to increase by another $15 billion a year or so.

In addition to the personal income tax and corporate tax, the Clinton administration also specified a series of tax increase plans, which include: first, the medical care insurance tax, which before the enactment of the two taxing bills mentioned above was levied on the group of people who earn more than US$140,000 a year, and after the enactment of the new bill, the tax on this group of people is levied regardless of whether or not they are over $140,000 a year. Second, the Social Security tax, which provides that individuals earning more than $35,000 a year and U.S. households earning more than $45,000 a year are subject to this tax. As a result, the number of people who pay social security has increased dramatically from the previous one, and some data show that among the working class as a group, those who pay social security increased from 55% in 1991 to 84% in 1996. Statistics show that the tax increase program can make the federal government in addition to increase up to 27 billion dollars in additional tax revenue. Third, the tax increase on transportation fuels, the new tax increase bill enacted, the United States gasoline prices from the previous 14.1 cents per gallon to 18.3 cents per gallon.

In 1997, President Clinton signed a new tax bill, the Balanced Budget Act, in which the federal government made new adjustments to its previous tax policies. Overall, the bill continues to implement Clinton's overall approach of making deficit reduction the centerpiece of tax policy.


President Clinton began working on a health care reform plan at the start of his presidency, but failed to submit it to Congress for a vote.

Clinton's second term as president focused on environmental protection, and in 1997 the Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan. Although the U.S. Congress did not approve the Kyoto Protocol, Clinton signed it in March 1998 with the support of Vice President Albert Gore.


Clinton believed that education was the key to economic recovery and prosperity. In his presidential inaugural address, he mentioned, "Above all, let's make education our first priority." In his 1997 State of the Union address, President Clinton said, "On the sure path to the future, the most important step to be taken at this moment, and the number one priority for the next four years of work is to ensure that all Americans enjoy the best education in the world." During his eight years in office, President Clinton has issued 120 education policy initiatives and Congress has passed five pieces of education legislation, with major accomplishments including increased funding for Head Start, reforms to the student loan program, funding for violence prevention programs, and the enactment of the Schools to Jobs Act.

President Clinton's education policies during his administration covered the areas of basic education, higher education, and vocational education, and served as the programmatic long-term plan for education reform during his administration, as well as the implementation of specific education initiatives and programs. President Clinton's education policy and reform practice is the inheritance of the education reform of the old Bush administration, but on the basis of its development and innovation. The education policy during his administration has adhered to the concept of equality, emphasizing education for all; focus on disadvantaged groups, to achieve balanced education; focus on education quality, based on first-class education; the development of uniform standards, to promote education reform; the implementation of the performance accountability system, improve the evaluation system; increase financial investment, to promote the development of education; the use of the market competition mechanism, and vigorously develop the charter school; pay attention to information technology in education, to promote the modernization of teaching and learning. and other eight features.

Education policy during Clinton's administration has achieved some results, but did not achieve all the expected goals, education policy in the process of implementation, there are some of the goals are too high, difficult to achieve; credit program running difficulties, lack of momentum in education development; uniform standards can not be implemented, educational differences are still obvious and other issues.


Clinton has been vigorously promoting environmental diplomacy during her tenure. After Clinton took office, she appointed many environmentalists in the executive branch such as the State Department, the National Security Council, and the Office of Administration and Budget. In the government's administrative institutions, Clinton also carried out a significant reform. 1992, the U.S. Department of State to create a deputy secretary of state, mainly responsible for international environmental diplomacy, while adding an assistant secretary of state, specializing in dealing with environmentally related issues such as international maritime, environmental and scientific affairs; also created a number of environmental protection administrative departments, such as the Environmental Ecology Service Center, the White House Office of Environmental Policy, the President's Council on Sustainable Development; in addition to Clinton's presidency; in the executive branch, such as the National Security Council, the Bureau of Administration and Budget to appoint many environmentalists. President's Council on Sustainable Development; in addition, Clinton attempted to elevate UNEP to cabinet-level status, but unfortunately failed due to congressional opposition. Clinton also disbanded an environmentally harmful agency, the Council on Competitiveness, created by former President George W. Bush Sr.

Clinton also launched economic aid to developing countries. According to statistics, Clinton's first and second term foreign environmental diplomacy aid budgets each amounted to 10 percent and 10.6 percent of the entire U.S. foreign aid budget, compared to only 7.6 percent and 9.2 percent for his predecessor, George W. Bush Sr. and successor, George W. Bush Jr. In addition to direct economic aid, Clinton also tried to shrink the foreign debt of underdeveloped countries to be used for environmental protection, the "debt-for-nature" method, to help these relatively backward countries to deal with environmental problems.

Clinton in office attached great importance to the issue of environmental diplomacy, the introduction of the first report on environmental diplomacy in U.S. history, improving the status of environmental diplomacy in U.S. diplomacy; but also actively carry out environmental diplomacy assistance, the relative backwardness of Asia, Africa and Latin America is the main area of assistance. The most prominent environmental diplomacy achievement of the Clinton administration is in cutting greenhouse gas emissions and combating global warming. Clinton also actively participated in the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and pushed for the creation of important international documents such as the Berlin Mandate and the Kyoto Protocol.

During Clinton's first term in office, the Clinton administration pursued a tough China policy, pressuring China on issues such as "human rights" and "arms proliferation".

July 1993, the Clinton administration began to realize that the deterioration of Sino-US relations will be detrimental to the United States; July 4, Clinton went to Tokyo to attend the Seven Heads of State meeting, will "begin to re-examine the policy on China"; in early September, Clinton signed an Executive Memorandum, decided to change the hard-line attitude Clinton signed an Executive Memorandum in early September, deciding to change his hard-line attitude, pursuing a policy of comprehensive contact with China, raising the level of dialogue, and carrying out a wide range of exchanges; on November 19, Clinton met with then-President Jiang Zemin in Seattle, believing that "there are many *** same interests between China and the United States," and that "we need to maintain high-level contacts. " But at a subsequent press conference, Clinton said he would still enforce the Taiwan Relations Act, and on May 16, 1996, Clinton expressed his willingness to "improve relations with China" and reaffirmed the "one China" policy.

Jiang Zemin's official visit to the U.S. from Oct. 26 to Nov. 3, 1997, during which Clinton met with Jiang on bilateral relations and global issues of concern to ****, resulted in the issuance of the U.S.-China Joint Statement, which asserted that the U.S. was committed to building a "constructive, strategic U.S.-China partnership". Since then, the U.S. side has strengthened its dialog and exchanges with the Chinese side in the areas of military, security, human rights and religion.

In the early morning hours of May 8, 1999, the United States caused the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (see: May 8 Incident); on June 3, the Clinton administration continued to extend normal trade relations with China; on September 11, Clinton met with Jiang Zemin in New Zealand and expressed U.S. support for China's early accession to the WTO; on November 15, the United States signed a bilateral agreement with China on China's accession to the WTO. signed a bilateral agreement on China's accession to the WTO.

On September 8 and November 16, 2000, Clinton and Jiang Zemin met again; on September 19, the U.S. Senate passed a bill for permanent normal trade relations with China.


Personal Writings

Social Activities

In 2001, he founded the Clinton Foundation, whose primary mission is to "strengthen the interdependence of the United States and the world's people in the face of global challenges," with an emphasis on health and safety, economic empowerment, leadership development and civic service, race and ethnicity. leadership development and civic service, and racial and ethnic and religious reconciliation.

In 2004, Clinton was the UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery after the Indian Ocean tsunami.

On April 13, 2005, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan appointed Clinton as special envoy for assistance to tsunami-affected areas.

On May 19, 2009, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the appointment of Clinton as the United Nations Special Envoy for Haiti, charged with promoting and coordinating international assistance for Haiti's recovery and reconstruction.

Personal life

Clinton's father, William Jefferson Bryce, Jr. was a salesman for a company that sold equipment, and had been married three times and had two children before he met Clinton's mother, Virginia Del Cassidy Clinton.On May 17, 1946, Clinton's father accidentally drowned at the age of 28 years.

When Clinton was 4 years old, her mother was forced by necessity to marry Roger Clinton, a hard-drinking car pusher who treated Clinton reasonably well but was often violent toward Virginia.

Roger died of cancer in 1968, and shortly afterward Virginia married her third husband, Jeff Dwyer. Dwyer was a barber who ran a very famous local barbershop in Arkansas and was very gentlemanly, but spent nine months in jail for stock fraud. Clinton had a crush on Dwyer. But Virginia and Dwyer's marriage lasted only five years before it ended when Dwyer died of complications from diabetes.

Virginia's fourth husband was named Dick Kelly, who ran a food agency in the Arkansas capital during his lifetime; Virginia and Kelly met at a rodeo and fell in love, eventually marrying in 1982. Virginia died on 6/1/1994. Kelly remained close to the Clintons even after Virginia's death, and often met the Clintons for golf outings.Kelly died in 2007.

Clinton married Hillary in 1975 and had a daughter from the marriage.

People Evaluation

Clinton is America's "most brilliant strategist in the White House" since President Franklin D. Roosevelt. (Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean)

Clinton made positive efforts to promote China-U.S. relations during her presidency, and after leaving office, she has carried out effective cooperation with China in such areas as poverty alleviation, charity, and health prevention, especially in the fight against AIDS. (Xi Jinping Commentary)

Character Controversy

Travelgate Incident: In order to install Hillary's people, Clinton fired the director of the White House travel office, Billy Dyer, and six other staff members right after she took office. When questions arose, the White House ordered the FBI to investigate Dyer, accusing him of stealing public money in an attempt to justify the firings. After two years of litigation, a jury found Dyer not guilty after only two hours of deliberation. Memo documents show the Clintons' Hollywood friend Harry Thompson wanted to wrap up the White House travel business.

WHITEWATER: The case arose out of a Clintons' involvement in a land development known as Whitewater. The case involved tax evasion, transfers of benefits and other illegal activities, and during the initial investigation the death of the associate, Vince Foster, who committed suicide, leading the Justice Department to intervene in the investigation. The Whitewater investigation ultimately found no evidence of wrongdoing by the Clintons, but it led to a series of extra-judicial cases that resulted in the conviction of 15 people, including the Clintons' business partner, McDougal, fellow attorney Webster Hubble, and Clinton's lieutenant governor, Jim Tucker.

Filegate: the Clinton administration accessed the FBI files of more than 900 top **** and party figures. When the incident came to light the White House claimed it was an inadvertent mistake. According to Dick Morris, then a Clinton schemer but who later broke with Clinton, it was after he told Hillary about the worrisome poll results that Hillary launched a fecal pickpocket of rival party figures.

Golfgate: White House staffer David Warkins privately calls the presidential helicopter to go golfing. Waggins was forced to resign after the incident came to light.

Hubblegate: Hillary's former legal colleague Webster Hubble, who had many insider tips, seemed to be uncharacteristically always in good hands. During the five-month gap between the convicted Hubble's forced resignation from the Justice Department and his pending incarceration, the Indonesian Lippo Group went so far as to hire him as legal counsel, paying him a quarter of a million dollars.

Indonesiagate: A moderately well-off Indonesian couple was able to donate $452,000 in political contributions to the Democratic National Committee. The couple had ties to the Lippo Group. ***And the party suspects there was an exchange of favors.

Paula Jones affair: Former female hotel employee Paula Jones accused Clinton of calling her into a secluded room and exposing her lower body to her while he was governor. The investigation sparked by Jones' allegations led to the subsequent Monica Lewinsky affair.

Jennifer Flowers affair: Jennifer announced an 11-year affair with Clinton; Clinton insisted the two of them "didn't have an 11-year affair". Years later, Clinton admitted that he and Flowers had a 10-year (not 11-year) affair. The incident was one of Clinton's masterpieces of smooth talk.

Katharine Willey incident: campaign volunteer Katharine Willey accused Clinton of sexually harassing her.

Vanita Brotrick affair: people with knowledge of the situation accused Clinton of raping Vanita while he was Arkansas attorney general; the person in question would not come forward again, but did not deny the claim.

Cabinet member's misuse of public funds: Energy Secretary Hélène O'Leary was revealed to have used public funds to hire an image designer for her personal services, to have traveled frequently in foreign countries, and to have spent lavishly on each trip.

Cabinet member's mistress: Housing Secretary Henry Cincinello was forced to step down after he took a mistress, paid for her silence, and lied to FBI agents.

Conflict of interest: Agriculture Secretary Michael Espy allegedly accepted hospitality from Tyson Foods to watch the Super Bowl. The Agriculture Department is responsible for regulating the food industry in which Tyson Foods is located, and Espy was forced to step down.

Lincoln Suite Incident: In 1994, after the Democratic Party midterm election fiasco, *** and the party's popularity, Clinton feared that he would lose his re-election in 1996, so he stepped up his efforts to raise money for the campaign, the national public property for sale at an explicit price. For a $100,000 political contribution, a night in the White House's Lincoln Sleeping Room was available; there was a price for coffee with Clinton.

Monica Lewinsky affair: In 1998, Clinton's sex scandal with White House intern Monica Lewinsky came to light and was investigated by the Justice Department. *** and the party and in Congress proposed a motion of impeachment, but the conviction was not passed. This is the famous "Zippergate" case, which is generally considered to have more political than legal significance.

Pardon-gate: Clinton pardoned 140 people hours before leaving office, many of them controversial, including his brother (for drug offenses), Marco Rizzi (for tax evasion), and several drug dealers and fraudsters who paid Hillary's older brother, Hugh Rodin, $200,000 for his services. A special prosecutor has been assigned to investigate Pardon Gate.