Chinese medicine
Prostatitis, especially chronic prostatitis, is a chronic condition, which makes traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) play a very important role in its treatment, and the outlook is optimistic.
Dampness and heat under the injection type: the symptoms of the urine gonorrhea red pain, abdominal constriction, will *** bloating pain, urethra pick white turbidity, yellowish tongue, pulse slippery. Treatment is recommended to clear the heat and dampness, the formula selection of eight Zheng San addition and subtraction: 7 grams of Mouton, Psyllium 10 grams, Bianzhu 10 grams, Qu Mai 10 grams, talcum 20 grams, gardenia 10 grams, 6 grams of rhubarb, licorice 5 grams. Spleen deficiency and dampness type: symptoms see urine flow turbid, face color is not gorgeous, limbs sleepy, not think of food, tongue pale moss white, pulse is weak. The treatment should strengthen the spleen and promote dampness, the formula selected ginseng Baijushan plus reduction: 10 grams of ginseng, fried atractylodes macrocephala 15 grams, Poria 24 grams, Coix lacryma 30 grams, 7 grams of sand nuts, 15 grams of zedoary, 10 grams of angelica, 30 grams of kunjiu, 10 grams of pericarp.
Qi stagnation and blood paralysis type: the symptoms of urinary astringency perineum and abdominal drop swelling and pain, prostate enlargement and hardness, the tongue is purple and dark, the pulse is astringent. The treatment is to activate blood stasis, move qi and clear the channels, the formula is selected Shaobuyu Tang: 10 grams of peach kernel, 10 grams of safflower, 15 grams of angelica, 6 grams of fennel, 10 grams of neem, 10 grams of black cohosh, 12 grams of red peony, 15 grams of zeolan, 30 grams of dandelion.
Yin deficiency of the liver and kidney: the symptoms of the urethra often white, perineum, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, hot flashes and night sweats, red tongue with little moss, and fine pulse. The treatment is to nourish the liver and kidneys, and clear the phase fire. The formula is Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang plus subtraction: Zhi Mu 15 grams, Huang Bai 10 grams, land yellow 30 grams, Ze Xie 15 grams, Dan Pi 15 grams, Poria 30 grams, the system of 15 grams of Shouwu, 15 grams of Huang Jing, White Vine 10 grams, Salvia divinorum 15 grams.
Kidney yang insufficiency type: the symptoms of urination, cold, cold, cold waist and knees, impotence, premature ejaculation, tongue pale fat, weak pulse. The treatment is to warm the kidneys and strengthen the yang, the formula is Jin Gui Kidney Qi Pill plus subtractions: 10 grams of sliced epiphyllum, 10 grams of Semen Cuscutae, 10 grams of Codonopsis, 10 grams of Cortex Eucommiae, 10 grams of Semen Heterophyllum, 10 grams of Rhizoma Polygonatum, 15 grams of Angelica Sinensis, 15 grams of yam and 24 grams of poria.
Injection therapy
Because antibiotics systemic medication in the prostate is not easy to reach an effective concentration and affect the efficacy of treatment, so there will be antibiotics injected directly into the prostate of the treatment method. The specific method is to choose gentamicin, kanamycin, vanguardin, individually or jointly applied, directly injected into the prostate through the will ***, or ultrasound-guided injection of liquid directly into the prostate foci, 1 to 2 times a week, 10 times for a course of treatment.
The main advantage of this treatment method is that the drug is injected directly into the prostate, it is easy to diffuse and reach the effective antimicrobial concentration, not only can kill the bacteria at the injection site, but also eliminate the bacteria in the surrounding tissues, the drug is partially absorbed into the bloodstream can also be synergistic elimination of urethra and other parts of the infection, the refractory, persistent chronic prostatitis is a valuable method of treatment. But it also has some disadvantages that are not easy to overcome, mainly:
(1) the prostate is deep, direct injection is not easy, puncture can cause damage to the surrounding tissue and cause hematuria.
(2) puncture can cause pain and discomfort, such as repeated, it is difficult to be accepted by the patient.
(3) Transdermal or transrectal puncture can bring bacteria in and cause repeated infections of the prostate.
(4) Repeated puncture can cause prostate fibrous tissue hyperplasia, prostate sclerosis, anal diagnosis of the prostate gland can be found in the hard nodules, or found a hard texture of the prostate. Fibrous tissue hyperplasia will cause the lesion to be separated and surrounded, antibiotics more difficult to penetrate, and will make the discharge of prostate fluid difficult.
Therefore, in the choice of this treatment method must be careful, only when the other methods are not effective, only consider this method, and puncture can not be too frequent, puncture 1 to 2 times a week, the course of treatment is not too long, should be controlled in about 1 to 2 months.
Physiotherapy is a therapeutic measure to restore the normal physiological state with the help of various physical factors such as sound, light, electricity, heat, water, etc., which have an effect on the tissues and organs of the body and the causative factors to regulate the internal factors of the body itself. Physiotherapy is mainly the use of the resulting thermal effect, so that the deep tissue congestion, improve blood circulation, strengthen the nourishment of local tissues, accelerate the absorption of inflammatory products removal, is conducive to the dissipation of inflammation.
1. Ultrasonic wave therapy: ultrasonic wave refers to the frequency of 20,000 weeks / second or more, can not cause the normal human auditory response to the vibration wave. Clinically used frequency of 8001000 kiloweeks / sec. Medical ultrasound can improve the local healing fluid and lymphatic circulation, strengthen the local metabolism, so that changes in tissue acidity and alkalinity, pH to alkaline change, so that the local acidosis is reduced, relieve or eliminate pain. Ultrasound treatment is suitable for chronic prostatitis out of the urinary tract *** symptoms obvious and prostate fluid microscopy leukocytes more patients.
2. Short-wave therapy: it is a high-frequency current therapy, the applied current is called short-wave current, the frequency is 3*10 6~3*10
7 Hz, the wavelength is 10~100 meters, and the voltage is 90~120 volts during the treatment. The bactericidal effect of short-wave is not direct, but due to the short-wave enhancement of the body's immune defense mechanism produced by the indirect effect. Short wave therapy is easy to operate, treatment with two electrode plates, one on the buttocks and one on the lower abdomen above the pubic bone, 15~30 minutes each time, once a day, 2 weeks for a course of treatment. This therapy is adapted to acute and chronic prostatitis and prostate microscopy leukocytes more.
3. Ultrashort wave therapy: another method of applying high-frequency current for treatment, the current frequency is high, generally 30-300 MHz, the wavelength is 10-1 meters, the treatment voltage is 40-50 volts, the mechanism of action and indications are the same as the short-wave therapy, but its ability to penetrate the tissues and kill microorganisms than the short-wave effect is much larger.
4. Microwave therapy: a new high-frequency electrotherapy. Frequency of 2450 MHz, wavelength of 12, 5 cm, than short-wave and ultra-short-wave easier to reach deep inside the tissue, the microbial killing ability of the deep tissue is very strong, and will not make the subcutaneous tissues overheating, the heat generated by the uniformity of the characteristics. The method of use is to put the microwave transmitter probe into the rectum 5~6 centimeters about the depth of the rectal wall irradiation of the prostate, each irradiation 8~12 minutes, daily or every other day, two weeks for a course of treatment. In the normal dose of microwave is generally harmless to the human body, but the testicles are very sensitive to microwave, so in the treatment of prostatitis, must pay attention to protect the testicles from irradiation. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what is going on in your life and what is going on in yours.
5. DC drug ion introduction method: is the use of direct current to make the drug ions through the skin or mucous membrane diffusion into the tissue, to achieve the purpose of the treatment of disease, a method. Drugs into the body's main pathway is the opening of the skin and sweat ducts, and then gradually into the blood and lymph; its treatment is the synergistic effect of direct current and drugs. Both Chinese and western medicines can be ionized, such as 1% streptomycin liquid, 10% scutellaria liquid, etc. Before the operation of the patient to clear the stool, the liquid from the *** irrigate the rectum, and then apply direct current, the drug ingredients can penetrate. Once a day, 20 minutes each time, two weeks for a course of treatment. This method is suitable for chronic prostatitis pain is heavier and bladder *** syndrome is more obvious.
6, magnetic therapy: the law is the application of magnetic field effect Ding organism to achieve the purpose of treatment of disease. Experimentally proved, the magnetic field strength of 1500 ~ 3000 gauss magnetic sheet, on the E. coli and other have a certain killing or inhibiting effect, and can increase local blood circulation, resulting in the absorption of exudate and dissipation, to play the role of swelling and pain. The magnetic sheet is usually applied to the surface of the skin near the prostate, such as the Huiyin and Guanyuan points. This method is suitable for all types of chronic prostatitis.
Sitz bath therapy
Sitz bath therapy is actually also a kind of physical therapy, but because it needs any medical equipment, at home the patient can operate by themselves, so it is worth promoting the family's most effective treatment method. Its specific operation is:
Will be about 40% of the water (hand into not feel hot), poured into the basin, about half of the basin can be, each time to sit for 10 ~ 30 minutes, the water temperature decreases and then add an appropriate amount of hot water, so that the water to maintain an effective temperature, 1 ~ 2 times a day, 10 days for a course of treatment. The hot water can also add appropriate aromatic herbs, such as Cangzhu, Guangmu Xiang, cardamom kernel. If you introduce the prostate disease plug and then sit in the bath, you can promote the absorption of drugs and improve the efficacy of treatment.
It should be noted that, for those who have been diagnosed with infertility due to prostatitis, the sitz bath method should not be used. This is the area for the *** belongs to the senior cells, the survival conditions require high, take the temperature, the normal temperature in the scrotum should be 32 ~ 33 ℃, when the temperature in the scrotum for some reason rise, can make the *** of the production of obstacles, resulting in the consequences of the *** stop producing, thus reducing the possibility of fertilization.
*** therapy
Self *** The efficacy of the treatment is certain, the operation is simple, the patient is easy to accept and master, is a very good auxiliary treatment. Methods are:
(1) after stool, clean *** and lower rectum can be performed *** therapy. The patient to take the chest and knee position or lateral position, the doctor with the index finger along the *** in the front wall of the rectum touched the prostate, according to the order from the outside up to the inside down regular gentle pressure on the prostate, while the patient was asked to make the anus action, so that the prostate fluid out of the urethra, and immediately urinate.
(2) self ***: the patient to take the squatting position or lateral flexion position, after cleaning *** and the lower rectum, with their own middle finger or forefinger pressure on the prostate body, the same method as the previous, each *** 3 ~ 5 minutes to each time there is a prostate fluid from the urethra is good. *** The pressure must be gentle, *** can be lubricated with soap before the condom, to reduce discomfort. Each *** treatment should be separated by at least 3 days. If you are looking for the best way to get the most out of your life, then you need to be able to get the most out of your life and get the most out of your life.
Prostatitis is a common disease in adult men.
The prostate is an accessory gland of the male reproductive organs, growing in the posterior urethra, located in the neck of the bladder, shaped like a chestnut, with a smooth surface and a groove in the center, elastic. The function of the prostate gland is mainly to secrete prostatic fluid, and seminal vesicles, urethral bulbous glands and other secretions *** with the liquid part of the composition of the ***, and *** survival, activation, fertilization, etc., all have a close relationship. In addition, the prostate gland makes testosterone fast metabolism for androgen, so with the male sexual development has a close relationship.
Prostatitis is categorized into infectious and non-infectious.
Infectious prostatitis is often caused by urethritis, seminal vesiculitis, epididymitis, and can also be caused by infections in other parts of the body traveling to the prostate through the bloodstream. The most common cause is the direct spread of bacteria from the urinary tract to the prostate gland. When the body's resistance is lowered, potential bacteria in the urethra can enter the prostate through the opening of the prostatic gland ducts located in the posterior urethra. When there is inflammation of the skin boils and tonsils, gums, and respiratory tract, bacteria can also invade the prostate through the blood and lymphatic routes, causing prostatitis. In addition to bacteria, viruses, trichomonas, fungi, mycoplasma, etc. can cause prostatitis.
Prostatitis is not necessarily related to STDs, but in recent years a lot of people with STDs do suffer from gonorrheal prostatitis, mycoplasma prostatitis, and chlamydia prostatitis, so prostatitis can be a symptom in people with STDs. When found with prostatitis should be carefully analyzed, if necessary, to make gonococcus, mycoplasma and chlamydia laboratory tests to confirm whether it is due to STDs caused by prostatitis.
Non-infectious prostatitis is often caused by congestion of the prostate gland due to alcohol consumption, *** overdose, prolonged cycling, and ***.
Prostatitis is a common disease in adult males, accounting for about 25% to 30% of urologic outpatient illnesses in general statistics. It can be asymptomatic, or it can cause persistent or recurrent genitourinary infections. It can be divided into the following categories:
(1) non-specific bacterial prostatitis, which can be divided into acute prostatitis and chronic prostatitis.
(2) Idiopathic non-bacterial prostatitis, also known as prostatosis.
(3) Non-specific granulomatous prostatitis.
(4) Atopic prostatitis, including prostatitis caused by gonorrhea, fungi, and parasites (such as trichomonas).
(5) Other causes of prostatitis, such as viral infections, mycobacterial infections, and chlamydial infections.
(6) Prostate pain and prostate congestion.
Prostatitis can be divided into acute and chronic.
(1) Acute prostatitis. Acute prostatitis is often caused by the spread of inflammation in other organs of the body. The main symptoms are *** bloating pain, abdominal pain is more obvious, can be to the lumbar-sacral area, *** part and thigh root radiation. If it is caused by urinary tract infection, it can appear urinary frequency, urinary urgency, urinary pain or hematuria and other symptoms. The onset of the disease is rapid and may be accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever, chills, anorexia, and fatigue. Examination of peripheral blood white blood cells increased, urine can be seen in a large number of white blood cells. Rectal palpation can feel the enlarged prostate, with obvious pressure pain, and fluctuating sensation when forming abscess. The result is that acute prostatitis is rare today due to the widespread use of antimicrobial drugs.
(2) Chronic prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis is the most common. The main symptoms are:
1. Changes in urination, initially there is urinary discomfort, the feeling of incomplete urination, or burning sensation, urinary frequency, urgency, urinary pain and itching. A small number of patients in the early morning found that the urethral orifice of the secretion adhesion, after urination residual leaking and wet clothes. 2. urine color abnormalities, most of the urine color deepening, can appear cloudy, white urine, there can also be hematuria. Patients often have prostate overflow, mostly occurring at the end of urination or when straining at stool, with white discharge from the urethra.3. Pain, often distending and throbbing, radiating to the head of the *** and will ***, can cause pain in the lumbosacral region, hips, will ***, suprapubic area, and the abdomen, and sometimes radiating to the testes, inguinal area.4. Sexual dysfunction, manifested by *** decrease, impotence, premature ejaculation, dreaming, and sterility, etc..5. 5. Neurasthenia, manifested as dreamy, anxiety, restlessness and so on. It even affects study and work, which is very annoying. 6. Rectal diagnosis of the prostate gland is soft and hard, and there is mild pressure pain. 7. *** Prostate fluid for smear can be seen per high power field of view more than 10 white blood cells or piles of white blood cells, and less lecithin.
How are bacterial and non-bacterial prostatitis differentiated?
Although the clinical symptoms of bacterial and non-bacterial prostatitis are quite similar, there are major differences in etiology, pathology, physical examination, and laboratory tests.
Is ultrasound reliable for diagnosing prostatitis?
The diagnosis of prostatitis is mainly based on medical history, rectal palpation and prostate fluid examination. However, in some cases when you are unwilling or unable to do these tests, ultrasound can also be used as an adjunct to the diagnosis of prostatitis.
Acute prostatitis has three main features on the ultrasound image:
(1) A hypoechoic halo around the urethra.
(2) Uneven echogenicity of the glandular parenchyma with multiple hypoechoic areas.
(3) Anechoic areas appear around the prostate due to congestion and swelling of the prostatic venous plexus. In addition, the prostate is mildly enlarged and the envelope is sometimes blurred, but the morphology remains symmetrical.
The characteristic changes in the ultrasound images of chronic prostatitis are not obvious, but in severe cases, the following manifestations are present:
(1) The enlargement of the prostate is not obvious, and the morphology is generally symmetrical.
(2) Thickening or irregularity of the envelope.
(3) Internal echogenicity is uneven, there may be strong echogenic spots or hypoechoic areas, often combined with prostate stones.
What is prostatitis and how many types are there?
Prostatitis is a common disease in adult males, accounting for 25% to 30% of urological outpatient illnesses. It can be asymptomatic or symptomatic, and can be prolonged, or even cause persistent or recurring genitourinary infections, and it can be classified into the following categories:
(1) non-specific bacterial prostatitis: this can be divided into acute prostatitis and chronic prostatitis, which can be treated as an acute or chronic disease, or as a chronic disease. The first one is the one that is not a problem, but the second one is the one that is not a problem. The first is that the first time a person is in a position to get a good deal of money, he or she will have to pay a lot of money to get a good deal of money. The main reason for this is the fact that it is not possible to get a good deal of money out of the money, but it is possible to get a good deal of money out of the money, and it is possible to get a good deal of money out of the money.
(2) idiopathic non-bacterial prostatitis: clinical pain in the prostate, urinary abnormalities, urethral fluid overflow and other symptoms, prostate fluid leukocytes can be increased, but the bacterial culture of no bacterial growth.
(3) non-specific granulomatous prostatitis: clinically, the main manifestation of urinary frequency, urinary pain, urethral burning, lower back or will *** pain and other symptoms, but the disease develops quickly, there is an increase in the overflow of the prostate, acute urinary retention and other concomitant symptoms, it is the reticuloendothelial system hyperplasia produced by the poorly dissolved substances caused by a kind of foreign body reaction or allergic reaction, so divided into metamorphosis (allergy) and non-metamorphosis two categories. allergic) and non-allergic.
(4) prostate pain and prostate congestion: clinically, with persistent urinary frequency, urgency, difficulty in urination and prostate discomfort, or true prostate pain and other symptoms, no pus cells in the prostate fluid, there is no obvious infectious pathological changes, is a non-bacterial prostatitis.
(5) Specific prostatitis: including prostatitis caused by gonorrhea, fungi and parasites (such as trichomonas).
(6) Other causes of prostatitis: such as viral infections, mycobacterial infections, chlamydial infections and other causes of prostatitis.
For the treatment of prostatitis, especially acute prostatitis caused by infection, treatment with antibiotics is necessary. Commonly used antibiotics are haloperidol, 0.2g per dose, 3 times a day; ampicillin, 0.25g per dose, 3 times a day; memantine, 0.1g per dose, 2 times a day; azithromycin, 0.5g per dose, 1 time a day. But for chronic prostatitis, antibiotics are often ineffective, the treatment is mainly ***, hot compresses and so on.
Chronic prostatitis medication can be cotrimoxazole, erythromycin, doxycycline, cefadroxil, flumicidin, etc.; such as trichomonas caused by metronidazole (mebendazole); if infected with gonorrhea, it is used to treat with high-dose penicillin or mycobacteria and other medications. Antibiotics can also be injected into the prostate via the perineum or rectum; a double-bladed, four-lumen silicone catheter can be used for posterior urethral drug infusion; drugs can also be injected into the vas deferens or closed around the prostate. Chinese medicine with bitter ginseng, atractylodes, cypress, raw oyster, red peony, peach kernel, danshen, raw licorice and so on, also has a certain effect. Adhere to hot water sitz bath, or go to the hospital for drug iontophoresis physiotherapy, regular prostate ***, can eliminate the symptoms.
Chinese medicine often divided this disease into three types of treatment.
(1) damp-heat type can be seen onset of acute, perineum and abdominal distension, cramps, with frequent urination, urinary urgency, urinary pain and other symptoms. The tongue is red, the moss is yellow and greasy, and the pulse is slippery. Treatment should be to remove heat and dampness, regulate qi and activate blood circulation. Commonly used prescription for gentian diarrhea liver soup plus subtraction: gentian 10g cypress 10g gardenia 10g Che Qianzi 10g Mutong 10g neem 10g red peony 10g dandelion 10g poria 10g raw glycyrrhiza 6g water decoction, 1 dose per day.
(2) qi stagnation and blood stasis type Longer course of the disease, mainly pain, pulling the abdomen and testicular pain. The treatment is suitable for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. The common prescription is: Salvia divinorum 30g red peony 10g safflower 10g Wang Bu Liuxing 10g frankincense 10g myrrh 10g Qingpi 10g neem 10g fennel 10g water decoction, 1 dose per day.
(3) Kidney qi deficiency is seen in chronic prostatitis. There are symptoms such as lumbar and knee soreness, fatigue and impotence and premature ejaculation. The treatment should nourish the liver and kidney. Commonly used drugs are: cypress 10g Zhimu 10g raw and ripe ground 10g yam 30g cornelian cherry 10g poria 20g zeliguan 10g wangbuliuxing 10g dandelion 10g neem 10g decoction of water, 1 dose per day. In case of kidney yang deficiency, you can add 10g of Radix Polygoni Multiflori, 20g of Radix Pseudostellariae, 10g of Spleen.
Chronic prostatitis requires *** treatment of the prostate gland. The specific method is, the patient to take the knee chest position, the operator wearing gloves, coated with lubricant, gently inserted into the patient's ***, in the anterior wall of the rectum from the *** edge of the prostate about 4 to 5cm can be touched, the finger first from the two sides of the central groove ***, and then to the upper and lower ***, the prostate fluid can flow out of the urethra, 1 time a week. This can improve the local blood supply and help the recovery of chronic prostatitis.
Protection against prostatitis
(1) Avoid cold, moisture and overwork. Prevent cold. After getting cold, it can cause sympathetic nerve excitation, which increases the pressure in the urethra, and the prostatic ducts are also constricted by the obstruction of excretion and congestion, so that the symptoms tend to recur or aggravate.
(2) Pay attention to diet. Do not eat too much greasy, spicy, fried food in your regular diet. Do not smoke, drink alcohol, so as not to aggravate the congestion of the prostate, so that the symptoms are aggravated. Drinking more water and increasing the amount of urine can relieve the symptoms.
(3) Life and living should be regular, work and rest. Prostate congestion is not conducive to the subsidence of inflammation. Sitting time should not be too long, so as not to affect the blood circulation of the will ***; horseback riding, cycling or driving a vehicle time can not be too long; sexual life should be regular, moderation, do not be too frequent; *** do not interrupt or endure not ***. It is also necessary to exercise and enhance physical fitness.
What is non-specific granulomatous prostatitis?
This disease is rare and is generally considered to be a foreign body reaction or allergic reaction to poorly soluble substances produced by the proliferation of the reticuloendothelial system in the body. Foreign body reaction has epithelial ulceration necrosis and prostatic duct obstruction effect. Prostate stagnation of *** or bacterial products, *** component of the autoimmune response, such as reflux to the prostate interstitium, that is, become a foreign body, then a foreign body reaction occurs, resulting in tissue damage, destruction of the prostate gland wall, the formation of tissue necrosis, and finally protruding to the interstitium to form granulomas.
Schmidt also divided the disease into metamorphosis and non-metamorphosis two types. The following are described:
(1) Metaplastic granulomatous prostatitis: often secondary to systemic metaplasia, bronchial asthma, or recurrent allergic rhinitis, paranasal sinusitis. This is because the prostate has the same allergic tissue reaction as other places such as the lungs and bronchial tubes. Immuno-allergic reactions exacerbate the tissue reactions. *** *** etc. can also produce autoantibodies that cause the disease.
The main symptoms are hardening and fullness around the prostate due to massive cellular infiltration and edema, no pressure pain in the prostate, frequent urination, painful urination, painful discharge of spermatozoa, a small number of leukocytes or normal prostate fluid, and increased blood eosinophils. Urine precipitation, prostate fluid Rachel's staining can be seen eosinophilic cells increased and made the diagnosis.
Treatment is mainly with hormones or antihistamines, but the prognosis is often poor.
(2) non-metaplastic granulomatous prostatitis: often occurring in the elderly, mainly due to the prostate tissue for the stagnation of the interstitial *** components and bacterial products of the foreign body reaction.
Its main symptoms are similar to bladder neck obstruction, with frequent urination, dysuria, burning sensation in the urethra, increased prostate overflow, pain in the lower lumbar region and perineum, and radiating pain in the groin, testes, and suprapubic region. The disease is characterized by the rapid progression of these symptoms, which quickly progress to urinary retention. The prostate is enlarged, hard and fixed on anal examination. It is often easily mistaken for prostate cancer.
The diagnosis relies mainly on perineal puncture confirmed by biopsy of prostate tissue. Prostate fluid pus cells are slightly higher than normal. Cystoscopy may show a rapidly developing bladder neck obstructive lesion.
Treatment mostly involves transurethral resection of the prostate. It can also be treated with antihistamines to eliminate edema or with prednisolone. For those with insignificant obstructive symptoms, observation for a sufficient period of time to wait for spontaneous healing is often advocated. Antibacterial drugs can be used for 2 to 4 weeks, and surgery can be considered only if it is ineffective. However, there are also many cases, no matter what kind of treatment, after a certain period of time can also be relieved by themselves. Generally speaking, it takes about 2 to 4 weeks for symptoms to disappear, and about 4 to 18 months for pressure and lumps to disappear on prostate examination.
What is chlamydial prostatitis?
Some patients with chronic prostatitis, repeated bacterial culture of prostate fluid can not find the causative organisms, but through the PCR examination, the chlamydia test was positive, then can be diagnosed as chlamydial prostatitis. This infection is a sexually transmitted disease, mostly due to chlamydia infection of urethritis, treatment is not timely spread to the prostate gland.
The main manifestations of this disease in addition to the *** pain and discomfort symptoms, but also accompanied by varying degrees of urethral itching, as well as urinary urgency, urinary pain and urinary difficulties, a few patients have frequent urination, morning urethral opening can have a small amount of thin viscous secretion, the condition of the serious or untimely treatment can be combined with acute epididymitis.
Once the disease is diagnosed, it should be actively treated, preferred tetracycline or erythromycin, these two drugs on chlamydia have a better killing effect, prolonged course of treatment can reduce recurrence. Tetracycline 500 mg, 4 times a day orally, a week later changed to 250 mg, 4 times a day, followed by 3 weeks. Azithromycin can also be used, the first dose of 1000 mg, and then 250 mg once daily.
Because this disease is a sexually transmitted disease, it must be treated at the same time ***, and sexual intercourse is prohibited during treatment.
What is Candida prostatitis?
Candidiasis is caused by a pathogen called Candida albicans, which is a small, ovoid, thin-walled yeast-like bacterium that can germinate. In fact, many yeast-like bacteria are commonly found in human urine, most of which are not pathogenic, but Candida albicans, when infected, can cause chronic prostatitis.
After Candida infection of the prostate, the symptoms of chronic prostatitis are manifested in the form of a discharge at the end of urination, an uncomfortable sensation in the perineum and rectum, and in severe cases, an enlarged prostate causing obstruction of the urethra in the prostate. Diagnosis is not difficult and can be done by Candida albicans examination of prostate fluid. The method is to add a small drop of 10% sodium hydroxide solution or ordinary water to the prostate fluid, covered with a coverslip slightly heated, and then observed under the microscope, you can see this species of elongated mycelium or groups of sporangia. If for culture, in glucose peptone agar base, 24 to 48 hours at room temperature that is to see the growth of mold.
Candida prostatitis treatment methods are:
(1) systemic therapy:
① Triphenylmethylimidazole (Clotrimazole): 1.5 ~ 3.0 / day, divided into 3 times oral. Side effects include loss of appetite, stomach upset, nausea, rash, urinary tract burning, leukopenia.
② 5?Flucytosine: 100 mg / kg body weight / day, divided into 4 doses. The drug must be stopped if serum aminotransferases are elevated while taking it.
③ iodide: 50% potassium iodide solution is taken orally 3 times a day, starting with 5 drops each time, and then increasing by 1 drop each time until 30-50 drops each time.
④ Bacterial vaccine injection: 0.5 to 1 ml of special bacterial vaccine containing 2 billion Candida albicans sporangia is injected subcutaneously.
⑤ Chinese medicine can be used to clear the heat and detoxification formula such as Scutellaria baicalensis, Cyperus rotundus, Rhizoma Coptidis, and Shengdi Yu.
⑥ alkalinization of urine, available baking soda, 1.0 grams per time, three times a day, so that the survival of Candida albicans is not conducive.
(2) local treatment: intraurethral instillation of gentian violet can kill Candida albicans.
What is gonorrhea prostatitis?
Gonococcal prostatitis is secondary to gonorrheal urethritis, often due to untimely and inappropriate initial treatment or infection with drug-resistant strains of bacteria leading to chronic gonococcal prostatitis.
Once the diagnosis should be timely treatment, and need to spouse or *** simultaneous treatment. If left untreated, it can easily lead to more serious complications.
(1) general treatment: ban *** sexual food, daily hot water sitz bath, weekly prostate *** once.
(2) Traditional Chinese medicine treatment: 15 grams of Poria cocos, 20 grams of Porphyra alba, 20 grams of septoria, 20 grams of dandelion, castor seed?10 grams, 15 grams of Wang Buliuxing, 15 grams of Soapberry, one dose per day.
(3) Western medicine treatment: fluzinic acid 200 mg, twice a day, served for 2 weeks. Severe cases can be used cefotriazine 250 mg, once a day intramuscular injection. Treatment for one week.
(4) will *** pain is obvious, the available cefotrizine 250 mg + 2% lidocaine 2 ml through the perineal prostate injection.
(5) urethral burning *** Symptoms of obvious people can be combined with urethral instillation therapy, the method is to first empty the urine, lying on the back, the urethral external orifice disinfection and then instillation of 2% Lidocaine 10 ml, dexamethasone 5 mg, Gentamycin 80,000 units, or gonadotropin 200 mg, hyaluronidase 1500 units.
What is trichomonas prostatitis?
Trichomonas prostatitis is often secondary to trichomonas urethritis, the onset is relatively slow, the main manifestation of the urethral opening with discharge, tingling at the end of urination, perineum and rectum tingling or heaviness, and the general symptoms of chronic prostatitis are similar. When any patient with chronic prostatitis does not respond to common antibacterial drug therapy or the effect is not big, we should think of the possibility of prostate trichomonas infection, especially when the spouse suffers from trichomonas *** Inflammation, should be taken more seriously. At this time, the microscopic examination of prostate fluid should be done to look for trichomonas, once found, the diagnosis can be established.
Prostate trichomonas infection using drug treatment:
(1) systemic treatment: Mirex, 0.2 grams per oral, 3 times a day, 15 to 20 days for a course of treatment, a course of treatment does not need to repeat the treatment.
(2) urethral local medication: 1:5000 silver nitrate to flush the urethra, to treat trichomonas urethritis often coexist with prostate trichomonas infection.
(3) Prostate *** : This is done once a week to help drain the prostate fluid.
Sexual intercourse should be stopped during treatment, and the woman should also be treated for trichomoniasis *** in time.