The incorrect nursing measure for blue light therapy is turning every 4 hours.
Blue light therapy is a type of light therapy that is one of the easiest ways to reduce serum unconjugated bilirubin by transforming bilirubin to produce isomers that convert bilirubin from fat-soluble to water-soluble and excrete it directly in the bile or urine without binding it by the liver.
Bilirubin absorbs light, and because blue light is the best light source for light therapy, it is called blue light therapy. Blue light therapy is a common treatment for pathologic jaundice and reduces bilirubin levels by converting fat-soluble unconjugated bilirubin in the blood of newborns into water-soluble isomers that can be easily eliminated from bile and urine.
Blue light therapy is mainly used in the treatment of neonatal jaundice, the details are as follows:
1. Indications, when the serum total bilirubin level is increased, according to the baby's gestational age, the presence of high-risk factors and the day-old after birth, compared with the intervention of the column line graph, when the light standard is reached;
2. Principle, mainly using the wavelength of 425-475nm Blue light and wavelength 510-530nm green light, the best effect, fluorescent lamps and sunlight also has a better therapeutic effect, phototherapy is mainly used in the superficial tissues of the skin;
3, the equipment, mainly light therapy box, light therapy lamps, LED lamps and phototherapy blankets, etc., the phototherapy method of light therapy has a single-side phototherapy and two-sided phototherapy;
4, phototherapy infants double eyes should be protected by a black eyewear, so as not to damage the Retina, perineum and anus covered with diapers, the rest of the parts are bare, can be continuous irradiation, can also be carried out at intervals of 12 hours;
5, phototherapy may appear fever, diarrhea and rash and other side effects, generally not serious, can continue phototherapy, phototherapy process should be closely monitored the changes in the level of bilirubin, 6-12 hours once to monitor the neonate greater than 35 weeks when the total serum bilirubin <13-14%, the total bilirubin <13-14% and total bilirubin <13-14%. The phototherapy can be stopped when the total serum bilirubin is <13-14mg/dL in neonates older than 35 weeks.