What is disposable medical supplies

Medical consumables are expendable medical devices approved by the drug regulatory authority for a limited number of uses, including disposable and reusable medical consumables.

On June 18, 2019, the official website of the National Health Commission (NHC) released the Measures for the Management of Medical Consumables in Medical Institutions (for Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the Measures), a document jointly formulated by the NHC and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM).

Procurement is the responsibility of specialized agencies, other departments shall not be purchased, "Measures" clearly, the second level of hospitals should set up a medical consumables management committee; other medical institutions should be set up to manage medical consumables organization. Village health office (office, station), clinics, clinics, medical offices and other medical institutions may not set up medical supplies management organization, the person in charge of the institution designated personnel responsible for the management of medical supplies.

Medical consumables procurement-related matters by the medical consumables management department to implement unified management. Other sections or departments shall not engage in procurement activities of medical consumables, shall not use non-medical consumables management department procurement and supply of medical consumables.

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Expanded Information

The Measures say. To increase the management of medical supplies in the process of violation of the "nine forbidden" provisions of the investigation and handling of behavior, the problem of serious medical institutions in accordance with the law to investigate the relevant leadership responsibility.

The medical institutions and related personnel are required not to accept funding linked to the procurement of medical consumables, and are not allowed to violate the private use of medical consumables purchased without formal procurement procedures.

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