22 flow charts for financial accounting jobs

? Accountants not only need to deal with a variety of people, but also need to deal with all kinds of statements, with the depth of the accounting work, more and more things occupy most of the accountant's time, always feel busy hands and feet?22 accounting workflow table to help you work efficiently.

I, accounting novice need to understand the workflow of various types of accounting positions and career ability analysis.

The next step is to understand how to inventory fixed assets and how to deal with the agency bookkeeping

1, fixed asset inventory flow chart

2, agency bookkeeping flow chart

3, production costing process

Eighteen financial accounting workflow charts in a nutshell

1, vice president of finance workflow chart

1, the cost of management accounting workflow chart

2, cost and expense management accounting workflow chart

3, cost accountant workflow chart

4, cashier workflow chart

5, branch accounting workflow chart

6, fixed fund management accounting workflow chart

12, revenue accounting flow chart

10, other accountant job title Workflow Chart

9, Current Asset Management Accounting Workflow Chart

8, Accounting Auditor Workflow Chart

11, Production Finance Department Minister Workflow Chart

7, Accounting Department Minister Workflow Chart

13, Statistics Workflow Chart

17, Funds Budgeting Staff Workflow Chart

18, head office accounting flowchart

14, marketing and finance minister flowchart

15, accounts receivable accounting flowchart

16, funds management minister flowchart

? Due to the nature of the work, the decision of the accountant most of the time spent on the work, in their own ability is not enough, not only need to more and their leadership and colleagues to communicate more, but also learn to use the off-duty time in time to recharge, to enhance their own accounting ability to learn some accounting skills, in the most should be learning the age of not letting the youth be squandered.