Platinum-rhodium wire in industrial thermocouples. Used as a thermocouple in the thermocouple wire, used to directly measure or control a variety of production processes within the range of 0-1800 ℃ fluid, steam and gas media, as well as solid surfaces and other temperatures. Platinum rhodium wire in the thermocouple series has the highest accuracy, the best stability, temperature measurement of a wide temperature range, long service life, the upper limit of the advantages of temperature measurement. Applicable to oxidizing and inert atmosphere, can also be used for a short period of time in a vacuum, but does not apply to the reducing atmosphere or containing metal or non-metal vapors in the atmosphere.
Industrial thermocouples are assemblies consisting of one or more pairs of hot electrodes with insulators, parts or materials used to prevent short circuits between the hot electrodes and/or between the hot electrodes and the protection tube, tubes that protect the hot electrode assembly from harmful environmental influences, and if properly connected to the thermocouple being mated, the reference end of the thermocouple is moved to the output of the pair of wires. In the event of a step change in temperature, the time required for the output of the thermocouple to change to a specified percentage equal to that step change is usually expressed as T.