Science and technology are accompanied by the development of human beings and gradually produced and perfected, and the development of science and technology has further enhanced the practical ability of human beings. Doing science and technology handbook let you know more about science knowledge. Here is what I brought for you for your study reference.
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About Technology Newspaper Handbook ReferenceI. Science Knowledge Around Us
1. Why do people's hair turn gray when they get old?
There is a substance called melanin in our hair, and the more melanin there is, the darker the hair color becomes. If you have less melanin, your hair will turn yellow or gray. When humans grow old, their body functions will gradually decline, and the formation of pigment will become less and less, so their hair will gradually turn gray!
2. Why do fireflies glow?
Fireflies will glow because at the end of their abdominal luminescence, luminescence filled with many phosphorus-containing luminescent and luminescent enzymes, so that fireflies can emit a flash of light. Fireflies glow for the purpose of lighting, in addition to lighting, but also courtship, warning, trapping and other purposes. This is also one of their communication tools, different kinds of fireflies will be different ways of light, light frequency and color, they use this to convey different messages.
3, why hungry will grumble?
The stomach will grumble when hungry, this is because the food eaten before the digestion is almost finished, although the stomach is empty, but the gastric juice in the stomach will continue to secrete. This is because the stomach is still producing gastric juices even though it is empty. The contraction of the stomach gradually expands, and the liquids and gases inside are stirred up, resulting in the gurgling sound. Next time, don't be embarrassed by your stomach grumbling! It's a normal physiological action.
4. Why can't opossums fly?
The humpbacks are huge, but they can't fly! This is not because their wings do not work, but their feathers are all too soft and their wings are too small to fly. In addition, the opossum's underdeveloped muscles and flat sternum don't even help with flight. Camelids live in Africa, due to long-term residence in the desert region, the body in order to adapt to the environment, it gradually evolved into the current appearance.
5. Why is food in cans not easily spoiled?
Luncheon meat, pangasius in black bean sauce, beans in eggplant sauce ...... are all delicious canned foods, and they can all be stored for a long time without going bad. This is because cans are sealed, so bacteria can't get in. When people make canned food, they take all the air out of the can and seal it. Without air, even if the food inside gets a little bit of bacteria on it, they can't survive or reproduce!
Two Science Fiction Stories
Scientists were ready for all the Earthlings to emigrate, because this Earth was just too dirty to stay on. The scientists launched the space shuttles and spaceships of all countries, loaded with more than 8 billion people, and headed for the new Earth as fast as they could.
At their destination, the new Earth was exactly the same as the original, clean, beautiful Earth. To distinguish it, humans named the new planet Skyball, and they began to live and reproduce happily. However, in less than a hundred years, mankind has treated the celestial sphere like the Earth: hunting and killing of precious protected animals, indiscriminate deforestation; the construction of countless pesticide factories, power plants, cement factories ...... These factories emit a lot of sewage exhaust, the ozone layer of the celestial sphere is getting thinner and thinner, coupled with the frequent activity of sunspots, the ozone layer is subject to The ozone layer is being destroyed on a large scale. A clear river became turbid, a piece of green forest into a vast desert, the Arctic glacier melting speed accelerated, every year at least one low-lying countries were submerged by seawater
This is when mankind awakened, but unfortunately it is already too late, the scientists, no matter what means to be of no help, it seems that the situation to the point that can not be undone. Some guys still don't care, thinking that the celestial sphere is dirty, the big deal is to live on another planet. However, the sad thing is that the entire universe has only two earths, not all planets are suitable for human survival home.
After another fifty years, the celestial sphere, which had been spoiled by humans, suddenly exploded, and the human race perished.