Medical masks cannot be cleaned or sterilized in a microwave. Heating the mask in a microwave oven will destroy the internal structure of the mask. Microwave ovens are used to dispose of medical waste and should not be continued to dispose of food, which can easily cause a fire when heated. The correct method is to wear the mask for 4 hours at a time and replace it immediately after contamination or wetting. Masks are not recommended to use the microwave oven for heating and disinfection, mostly because 56 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes, can kill the coronavirus, but at 56 degrees, there is also the possibility of damage to the filter layer, which will not play a preventive role.
Currently the best way to disinfect the mask is to use ultraviolet lamps, at a distance of 80-90 at an intensity of more than 90 microwatts / square centimeter, 30 minutes to kill the virus. Other masks that have been washed, sterilized at high temperatures and contaminated masks can no longer be used. Under normal circumstances, masks need to be replaced every four hours. Whether the mask is heated in a microwave oven, electric oven or steamer, on the one hand, the internal structure of the mask is damaged, the mask can not be reused, and care is taken to prevent bacteria from multiplying on the microwave.
Microwave oven after daily use, should pay great attention to the inner cavity and shell cleaning, both to extend the service life, but also to prevent bacteria breeding on the machine, increasing the difficulty of disinfection. Immediately after use, you should use a damp cloth to wipe the oven door, oven cavity and the glass plate on the dirt, because at this time it is the easiest to wipe. If the machine is not cleaned in time each day, it is best to use a container to heat some of the water into steam after several uses to soften the dirt inside the oven, then wipe with a clean, damp rag. If the dirt is heavy, you can also scrub with a neutral detergent or soapy water (rinsing with soapy water is not allowed). However, scrubbing with banana water or brushes is not allowed and will damage the paint layer and hard cloth inside the oven cavity.
You can sanitize some paper products, books and bills. Microwave ovens can also sanitize some paper products, books, and banknotes, but put a cup of water in the cavity or just wrap the books or banknotes in a properly moistened towel, and keep a strict control of the heating time to prevent the paper from turning yellow. Disinfecting clothes, bedding, children's diapers, etc. You can also disinfect clothes, bedding, children's diapers, rags, and so on. When disinfecting, you should sprinkle some water on your clothes and other items to improve the disinfecting effect and prevent your clothes from burning.