Consumer price index, abbreviated as CPI in English, is a price change index based on the prices of products and services related to residents' lives, and is usually used as an important indicator to observe the level of inflation. Starting from 2011,China's CPI began to calculate the price index series based on 20 10. CPI= (the value of a group of fixed commodities at current price/the value of a group of fixed commodities at base price) × 100%. If the monthly cost of buying a group of goods in a country is 800 yuan in 1995 and the cost of buying this group of goods in 2000 is 1000 yuan, then the consumer price index of this country in 2000 is (based on 1995) CPI =1000/800.
CPI composition ratio: food 34%, entertainment, education and cultural services 14%, residence 13%, transportation and communication 10%, medical care 10%, clothing 9%, household equipment and maintenance 6%, tobacco and alcohol 4%;