What exactly is FPGA for?

FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array), that is, Field Programmable Gate Array, it is in the PAL, GAL, CPLD and other programmable devices on the basis of further development of the product. It is as a special-purpose integrated circuits (ASIC) in the field of a semi-custom circuits and appeared, both to address the shortcomings of custom circuits, but also to overcome the shortcomings of the original number of programmable device gates are limited.FPGA uses are as follows:

Circuit design: connectivity logic, control logic is the FPGA early role in the field of the larger FPGA application is also the cornerstone of the cornerstone of the application of FPGAs, which is also an important role of the FPGAs. An important role of FPGA.

Product design: the relatively mature technology applied to certain specific areas such as communications, video, information processing, etc. to develop products to meet the needs of the industry and can be accepted by industry customers in this area is mainly the combination of FPGA technology and professional technology, in addition, there is also the problem of interfacing with the professional customer product design also includes professional tools and civilian products, the former focus on performance, the latter price-sensitive product design to achieve the desired results. The latter price-sensitive product design to achieve product functionality as the main purpose, FPGA technology is a means of implementation in this area, FPGA because of the interface, control, functional IP, embedded CPU and other features have the conditions to achieve a simple construction, high degree of solidification, comprehensive functionality of the system product design will be the most extensive market for the application of FPGA technology.

System-level applications: system-level applications is the combination of FPGA and traditional computer technology to achieve a FPGA version of the computer system such as Xilinx V-4, V-5 series of FPGAs, the realization of the embedded POWER PC CPU, and then with a variety of peripheral functions, the realization of a basic environment, running on this platform, such as LINUX system, the system It also supports a variety of standard peripherals and functional interfaces (e.g., graphic interface), which is very helpful for the rapid formation of large FPGA systems.