The classification and collection of garbage can reduce the amount of garbage disposal and processing equipment, reduce the cost of processing, reduce the consumption of land resources, in the classification of the time, the garbage cans painted green, yellow, red, blue four different colors, the purpose of doing so is to facilitate the convenience of everyone in the garbage casting will not produce confusion.
One, green trash cans on behalf of food waste, in fact, it is good to remember, food waste is generally our leftover meals, and meals when most of the dishes are green, so we remember to put the food waste into the green garbage can, then these food waste in fact can be reused as a plant nutrient fertilizer to be used, the soil is buried in the microbes and plants to decompose, so the garbage can be used for the purpose of waste disposal, so the garbage can be used for the purpose of waste disposal, so it is good to remember to put the garbage cans in the green garbage can. and plants to decompose, so the classification of waste, not only can reduce environmental pollution, but also waste utilization, many benefits.
Two, yellow trash cans on behalf of medical waste dedicated trash cans, we go to the hospital I believe that we will see a lot of this color of the trash can, generally speaking, the home is not too much need, in addition to the family of health care workers, this trash cans are generally used in hospitals, health centers and other medical places of use.
Three, red garbage cans on behalf of hazardous waste, in fact, this is also very good to remember, many times there is red on behalf of the problem is serious, the garbage is also so, so some of the harmful garbage at home should be thrown into the red garbage cans, such as waste batteries, paints, cosmetics, expired medicines and so on, these are non-recyclable garbage, and with pollution and other hazards of the garbage.
Four, the blue bin represents recyclable waste, including plastics, paper, metal and other valuable materials, these wastes will be sent to the specialized waste recycling station, and then for recycling disposal, but also for the country to save a lot of resources.
After classification, those who can use the garbage after recycling will also be turned back into energy, each recovery of a ton of waste plastic can be back to refining 600 kilograms of diesel fuel; a ton of waste paper can become 700 kilograms of good paper, cut 17 trees at the same time can also reduce the production of pulp in the process of water pollution; and a ton of melting cans can be less than the mining of 20 tons of aluminum ore. It can be seen that if the waste is classified in a timely manner, not only can reduce incineration, landfills bring environmental problems, but also can really realize the waste into treasure.