Why Western countries produce different models of communication business

Different Modes of Market Economy in Western Countries

First, the proposal of the market economy model in Western countries

1, the meaning of the market economy model

First of all, the meaning of the Western countries, it is often said that the division of East and West countries have three criteria: geographic location, cultural background and political system, a comprehensive determination. The West refers to Europe, the United States, Australia, three continents, while the East refers to Asia, Africa, Latin America, Japan belongs to the Western countries. Generally speaking, Western countries refer to capitalist developed countries. The East used to mean socialist countries, but now it refers to developing countries in general. Plus the meaning of market economy model, the market economy model is a country or several countries market economy has a typical representative of the characteristics of the difference with other countries. This feature belongs to the market economy *** personality; this personality has a certain typicality and representativeness; this model is proved to be a successful model.

2, the difference between the market economy model and the general characteristics of the market economy

The general characteristics of the market economy have five: enterprise autonomy, market system, macro-control, social security, economic regulations. All market economy countries must have these five. Market economy model is a country or several countries in the market economy with general **** the same characteristics on the basis of the performance of some outstanding typical representative features. For example: the United States of America's corporate autonomy, Japan's government regulation, Germany's social security and so on.

3, the market economy model and the difference between the individual characteristics of the market economy

Individual characteristics of the market economy refers to a country or region in the market economy with the general **** the same characteristics and the premise of a certain model, the performance of their specific systems and methods. Such as the life-long employment system of Japanese enterprises.

4, why study the market economy model of Western countries

(1) the market economy is the first to get up by the Western countries, with two or three hundred years of history, there is a wealth of experience and lessons learned. Therefore, only the Western model is mentioned, not the Eastern model. (2) Western countries have different histories and status quo, and different models of market economy. The emergence and development of different models have their own inevitability and regularity, so they are for people to study. (3) Eastern countries began to embark on the track of market economy, lack of experience, had to learn from the West, to avoid taking a detour. This is called secondary school for the body, Western learning for use.

5, the different models of market economy in Western countries

In 1991, the World Economic Cooperation and Development Organization, a subsidiary of the United Nations, published a study entitled "Switching to a Market Economy". Based on analyzing the market economy situation in various countries around the world, this report put forward three major models of contemporary market economy: the consumer-oriented market economy model of the United States, the administration-oriented market economy model of France and Japan, and the social market economy model of Germany and the Nordic countries.

II. Introduction to the different models of market economy in the United States, Japan and Germany

(I) The free market economy model of the United States

The free market economy of the United States, also known as the consumer-oriented market economy, and also known as the libertarian market economy, refers to an economic system that pays more attention to the interests of the consumer

and market regulation.

1, the main features

(1) very much emphasize the main role of market forces on economic development, that the government can only play a secondary role in economic development. (2) It promotes entrepreneurship and market efficiency and criticizes government intervention in the economy. (3) Factors of production can move freely. (4) Everyone has the right to unlimited legal action. (5) Whether the government regulates or not, it aims at whether it favors the interests of consumers, and less from the producers' point of view. (6) Social habits and government policies favor private consumption over saving. (7) The government pursues a deficit fiscal policy.

2. Economic Management System

(1) There is no national economic plan and industrial policy, but states and counties have economic plans and industrial policies. (2) The state influences economic activities through government orders and purchases. (3) The state exercises macro-control over important sectors such as energy, cutting-edge technology, agriculture, and environmental protection. (4) Three stages of economic system change: from the founding of the country in 1776 to 1960, the implementation of the three levels of federal, state and county management, state-based; from the Civil War in 1861 to 1933, the country's emphasis on production rather than consumption, with economic crises occurring every ten years; from the introduction of the New Deal by Roosevelt in 1933 to the present,

the gradual formation and refinement of the consumer-oriented market economic system.

3. Macro-control system

(1) The fiscal budget is not balanced, and a deficit fiscal policy is implemented. (2) The implementation of the tax system, the federal government accounted for 60% of the revenue, the local

income accounted for 40%, and the government then transfer payments of 14% to the local, used to intervene in the local economy. (3) A high wage system to increase effective demand and to promote production through consumption. (4) Subsidizing agriculture to increase its competitiveness. (5) The central bank is the Federal Reserve Bank, and there are two levels of central and state management of commercial banks, which are not allowed to buy and sell corporate stocks and bonds.

4. Current economic conditions

(1) The market economy has been improving, relaxing intervention in the transportation industry and oil, and pricing according to the market way. (2) The values of the United States are to live free and pursue happiness. It promotes the spirit of freedom of enterprise and does not advocate industrial policy. The medium household income is $35,000, about $10,000 per capita. (3) Health care costs 14% of GNP. (4) Peak fertility from 1945 - 1965, unplanned population, aging in the 1990s.

The above U.S. model is related to the U.S. national situation: a newly discovered continent, the population is a collection of continents, emerging capitalist countries, two wars without harm and make a fortune, and advocate freedom, equality and fraternity.

(ii) Germany's social market economy model

Social market economy, that is, the market economy that pays more attention to social equity, social welfare, macro-control.

1, the main features

(1) emphasizes the macro-control of the economy, opposes the laissez-faire of the economy, but also opposes the economy to be tightly controlled. (2) Combining the principles of individual freedom of creativity and social progress, both to protect the interests of private enterprise and property, and to bring benefits to the public. (3) The state intervenes in the market as necessary, and provides a general framework for the operation of the market to ensure the coordination of market freedom and social equity.

2. The basis of social market economy

(1) Resource allocation is based on the market, and the government does not regulate what the market can regulate spontaneously. The state does not regulate general wages and prices, nor does it set production targets, which are mainly determined by supply and demand in the market. (2) Prices of railroads, post and telecommunications are set by the government and subsidized by the government in case of losses, and the prices of agricultural products are set by the Eu**** body. (3) Anti-unfair competition and anti-restriction of competition laws are enacted, and an anti-cartel bureau is established to prohibit monopoly agreements between enterprises and encourage mergers. (4) Wages are determined by the labor market, and labor-management negotiations determine wage increases and vacations, dismissals, overtime, bonuses, and other issues.

3. Macroeconomic management

(1) Both the central and local governments formulate plans, mainly medium-term plans, such as the provision of more than 100 billion marks to the eastern states for the repair of railroads, highways, telecommunication and other infrastructure. (2) The macro-control bodies are the Economic Development Council and the Financial Planning Council, which is chaired by the Minister of Economy and meets twice a year to coordinate the actions of the ministries. There is also a coordinating committee with representatives from the federal government, labor unions, and business owners' organizations, specializing in coordinating and advising on opinions and actions regarding wages and prices.

4, the Federal Bank

(1) The Federal Bank is the country's central bank, its capital belongs to the federal government, the right to issue currency, but also a legal entity, independent of the federal government, separate from the Treasury. (2) The funding of the Federal Bank is not included in the government budget, independent expenditure, when the government and the bank in the policy disagreement, can be negotiated to solve. (3) The highest authority of the Central Bank is the Board of Governors of the Central Bank, which consists of the Governor, the Vice-Governors, the other members of the Board, and the Governors of the State Banks. It meets every two weeks and takes resolutions by simple majority.

5. Business Organization System

(1) Most of the enterprises are corporations, most of which are limited liability companies, a few are joint-stock companies, and 5% are listed companies. (2) The state encourages employees to become shareholders in their own enterprises. (3) The state invests in key industries, such as electric power, coal mining, iron and steel, aviation and so on. (4) The two main bodies of the enterprise, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, and the Supervisory Committee are composed of representatives of both management and labor *** together. (5) Enterprises are required to listen to the views of labor unions on welfare and personnel issues, and managers are not allowed to arrange overtime work and shorten working hours without the consent of labor unions.

6. Social security system

(1) Unemployment insurance. The insurance premium is 4,8% of the worker's gross income, half of which is paid by the employer and half by the laborer. Unemployment benefits are 68% of the net salary and can be received for up to one year, and the elderly unemployed can receive them for 32 months. If you continue to be unemployed, you can apply for unemployment benefit, which is 58% of your net salary.

(2) Health insurance. All low-income people and workers are required to participate in medical insurance, the premiums are 12,3% of the employee's gross income, half of which is paid by the employer and half by the laborer, including treatment, medicines, maternity, funeral, hospitalization, rest and recuperation, and so on. The insured person sees the doctor with the medical bill, and the cost is settled by the insurance company.

(3) Pension insurance. All employees must participate in the insurance premiums for the individual gross income of 17, 7%, by the employer and the labor side of each half, to pay more than 60 months, 60 years of age or older to enjoy the pension. The longer the contribution period, the more the pension, and with the growth of the employee's salary and growth.

(4) Workplace accident insurance. Employees, students, farmers, and young children.

(5) Social welfare. Child allowance, housing allowance, social assistance, etc.

7. Prospects for economic development

After the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990, privatization was introduced in the east, a social security system was established, and the market economy is moving towards soundness. There are difficulties and hopes.

The German model is determined by the country's national conditions: rich in coal and iron ore, the launch of two world wars, the desire for peace and stability and affluent life, the development of social welfare.

(C) Japan's association market economy model

Association market economy, also called administratively oriented market economy, refers to the market economy model that pays more attention to the government administration and the management of social organizations and organizations.

1. Main features

(1) The government intervenes administratively in the market and makes economic plans and industrial policies. (2) The private economy is the main body, while there are state-owned economy and cooperative economy. (3) Playing the role of community organizations to manage the economy.

2, foreign trade policy

Japan's foreign trade policy is an important economic policy. 50 - 60 years, to protect the country's weak industries, such as heavy chemical industry, the import of raw materials and technology to implement preferential treatment, restrictions on foreign investment. 70 years after the gradual relaxation of the import of heavy industrial products, a large number of exports of high-tech products, such as microelectronics, robots, and so on. High-tech products, such as microelectronics, robotics, office automation equipment.

3, industrial policy

The guiding principle is to protect the structural adjustment of sunset industries, such as textiles, coal industry, shipping industry, technological transformation. Cultivate new industries, such as the electronics industry. Encourage competition and prevent excessive competition. Encourage technological upgrading, take the shortened depreciation period approach.

4. Economic Planning

Since 1955, the government has formulated 11 medium- and long-term economic plans. The focus has been on government public **** undertakings and also on the private sector. 1960-1980 the economy has multiplied and achieved good results.

5. Macro Policies

(1) Finance is divided into a tax system, with 70% central tax revenue and 30% local tax revenue, and central transfers to localities. (2) Finance is divided into government and private banks. (3) Enterprise workers have a life-long employment system and an annual merit sequence wage system, which helps stabilize the backbone of the workforce. (4)

Social security system, child allowance, old age pension, medical insurance.

The Japanese model is related to the national situation: few resources, small country, dense population, strong ethnicity, the failure of World War II, fast economic recovery, the second largest economy.

Third, learn and learn from the advanced experience of the market economy in Western countries

From the analysis of the market economy model of the above three countries, we need to y understand four issues:

1, a correct understanding of the nature of the market economy

The market economy is an economic system, not the basic economic system, the same economic system can be a different economic system; different economic system can have the same economic system. Both market economy and planned economy are methods and means of developing productive forces. Capitalism can be used and so can socialism. The advanced experience of capitalism's market economy can also be learned and utilized by socialist countries.

2. Correctly recognize the different models of market economy in the western countries

(1) The different models of market economy are determined by the different national conditions of each country. (2) The national conditions of each country are variable, the market economy model is also variable. (3) The foreign market economy model, can not be copied, but can only learn from.

3, selective learning to use the successful experience of Western countries

For example, mixed economy, corporate system, tax system, social insurance, protection of consumer interests, industrial policy, fiscal policy, monetary policy, financial system, etc., are important aspects of our learning.

4, in practice, to create our own Chinese market economy model

China's market economy model is the socialist market economy model. The establishment of a modern enterprise system, market system and macro-control mechanism with Chinese characteristics. We firmly believe that as long as we stick to the goal of reform and opening up, we will be able to establish a perfect new system of socialist market economy. Since the market economy can greatly promote the development of the productive forces of capitalism, we are also fully confident that it can also greatly promote the development of the productive forces of socialism, so that our country can become a modern power standing on its own among the developed countries of the world. Let us strive hard for this ambitious goal.

(This article was published in 1996, 5, 27, Jiamusi Municipal Party School County Division class of youth class. Signed Wang Zhenyue.)