⒈ accident prevention facilities
(1) detection, alarm facilities
Pressure, temperature, level, flow, component and other alarm facilities: pressure gauges, thermometers are counted
Combustible gases, toxic and hazardous gases, oxygen, and other detection and alarm facilities: such as the "Combustible Gas Alarm", the jargon called "probe"
For safety inspection and safety data analysis and other inspection and testing equipment, instruments: such as thickness gauge
(2) equipment safety and protection facilities
Shield (mechanical rotation parts), protective screen, load limiter, stroke limiter (lifting machinery, etc. above). Limiters (lifting machinery, etc. above)
Braking, speed limit, lightning, moisture, sun, frost, corrosion, leakage and other facilities
Electrostatic grounding facilities: grounding flat iron is also counted
(3) explosion-proof facilities
All kinds of electrical, instrumentation, explosion-proof facilities
Inhibition of combustion-assisted substances mixed in (eg, nitrogen seals), flammable and explosive gases and dust formation
Barrier explosion-proof equipment
Explosion-proof apparatus.
(4) workplace protection facilities
workplace radiation, anti-static, anti-noise, ventilation (dust, detoxification), protective fences (nets), anti-skid, anti-scorching and other facilities.
(5) safety warning signs
Including a variety of instructions, warnings and escape operation safety and wind direction and other warning signs.
Peak control accident facilities
(6) pressure relief and non-return facilities
For pressure relief valves (safety valves), rupture discs, vent pipes and other facilities, for non-return valves and other facilities, the vacuum system sealing facilities.
(7) emergency treatment facilities
Emergency backup power supply
Emergency cut-off, shunt, discharge (torch), absorption, neutralization, cooling and other facilities
Passing or joining inert gases, reaction inhibitors and other facilities
Emergency stop, instrumentation interlocks and other facilities.
3 Reduce and eliminate the impact of the accident facilities
(8) to prevent the spread of fire facilities
Fire arresters, safety water seals, flashback preventer, oil (fire) dike
Explosion-proof walls, explosion-proof doors, and other explosion-preventing facilities
Firewalls, fire doors, steam curtains, water curtains, and other facilities
Fire-resistant material coatings.
(9) fire extinguishing facilities
Water spray, inert gas, steam, foam release and other fire extinguishing facilities
Fire hydrants, high-pressure water guns (cannons), fire trucks, fire water hose network, fire stations and so on.
(10) emergency individual disposal facilities
eye wash, sprinkler, escape, escape rope, emergency lighting and other facilities.
(11) emergency rescue facilities
Plugging, engineering rescue equipment and on-site medical rescue equipment for injured personnel.
(12) escape and evacuation facilities
Escape and evacuation of safe passage (ladder), safe refuge (with air breathing system), evacuation signals and so on.
(13) labor protection supplies and equipment
Including the head, face, vision, respiration, hearing organs, limbs, torso fire, poison, burn, corrosion, noise, light, fall, smashing, stabbing, etc. from the workplace physical and chemical factors of the labor protection supplies and equipment.