A central air conditioner repairman is a skilled laborer who is responsible for routine maintenance and upkeep of central air conditioners, including cleaning, replacing parts, and repairing malfunctions. Their position requires certain specialized skills and experience, the ability to skillfully operate maintenance equipment and tools, and an understanding of air conditioning circuits and mechanical structures.
The salary of a central air conditioning repairman is based on work experience and skill level, generally speaking, the salary of a novice repairman is between $200 and $300, while an experienced repairman will be paid a higher salary based on his experience and skill level. Especially for those more skillful repairmen, they can diagnose the faults faster and come up with effective repair solutions, so their wages will be higher.
Besides the salary, central air conditioning repairmen will also get some additional allowances as needed, such as transportation allowance, meal allowance, accommodation allowance and so on. In addition, some central air-conditioning repair companies also purchase medical insurance and workmen's compensation insurance for their employees to ensure their safety during work.
Overall, the salary of a central air conditioner repairer is relatively high compared to other industries, and this is also due to the fact that its position requires skill and experience, and the repair work involves certain risks, so the company also pays the right salary.