Lighting belongs to which class of trademark

Hello, lighting belongs to the trademark class 11 registered trademarks, class 11 trademarks include:

1101 lighting equipment, appliances (excluding gas lamps, oil lamps)

1102 welding lamps

1103 gas lamps, oil lamps

1104 Cooking and civil electrical heating equipment (excluding kitchen hand utensils, food processing machines)

1105 Refrigeration, cold storage equipment (excluding refrigerated trucks)

1106 Drying, ventilating, air-conditioning equipment (including equipment for cold and warm rooms)

1107 Heating, steam equipment (including industrial furnaces and boilers, excluding locomotive boilers, boilers for boilers for pot camel engines, boilers for steam engines)

1108 Plumbing fittings

1109 Sanitary equipment (excluding lavatory appliances)

1110 disinfection and purification equipment

111111 small heaters

1112 not belonging to other classes of lighters

1113 nuclear energy reaction equipment

Trademarks class 11 class classification details are more, such as the above is only for your reference, if you are looking for a trademark class is not in the If you are looking for a trademark class is not in the list above, you can contact the eight ring trademark online consultant QQ: can one-on-one for you to answer a variety of trademark registration, trademark transfer difficult pieces of the problem. Sincerely wish you buy trademark registration trademark, horse to success!