Netizen a:
I am a teacher, coordinates Chengdu, the basic salary of 1022 yuan, school age 100 yuan, homework correction 672 yuan, weekly testing early morning reading after school tutoring 860 yuan, 1,702 yuan of classroom fees, duty patrol 450 yuan, teaching reform and innovation of 600 yuan, the subdistribution of the school Registrar's Office website backstage operation of 550 yuan, the large classroom management of the students 40 yuan, a total of **5976 yuan **5976 yuan, after deducting the five insurance premiums of 1000 yuan, to 4928 yuan. The workload is to take two classes of lessons, subdivided into a special school section. This salary is considered middle of the road in the school. Most teachers are around 4,000 yuan.
Meeting with the leadership said, Chengdu teachers per capita salary of 3,800 yuan, of course, this is a public school, the year-end bonus per capita 25,000 to calculate the annual income of 76,000 bar vacation pay, is 90% of the usual salary! Because we are a reform and innovation school, although it is public, but advocate the distribution of labor, equal pay for equal work, so every penny is based on, for example, a homework correction, a qualified lesson plan, are recorded. Private schools, to be nice, they should have more than we do. Of course I quit now. Taking classes at a training organization.
Networker 2:
Touched most of the provinces in the country, according to my understanding, part of the teacher treatment is better. For example, the treatment of teachers in big cities is guaranteed, such as Guizhou Tibet and other places where the level of guaranteed treatment of teachers is relatively high, but this proportion is not large. The current level of guaranteed teacher treatment in most places is relatively low. For example, North and Northeast China, such as the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in several provinces. The lowest level of protection has worked for more than 20 years still only 2600 per month.
Many people have no hope for the treatment of teachers, low income teachers have their own way of coping with the part of the teacher passive, work perfunctorily; part of the mind on doing business and other second careers; part of the organization of the students to make up for the class, earn another treatment.
Networker 3:
My sister, who has been teaching for four years, just came to teach, and I live with me, the salary is still relatively clear. At first the base salary was about $1900 and now it's about $2100. Performance pay 800-1200 yuan (including 300 for being a classroom teacher). Then there's the provident fund, which was around $900 a month at first, now it's around $1300. And then there is no then.
However, the welfare of urban secondary schools will be better, usually on weekends if there will be invigilation, usually a half-day is 100 yuan, plus invigilation training 50 yuan, a invigilation is almost 450 yuan or so. Occasionally there will be overtime on weekends, and it's $50 for a half day. There is also the National Day, each person is paid 800 yuan. The meal card is 300 yuan per month. The public transportation card is 60 yuan. Finally, there is a year-end bonus of 6,000 yuan, civilization awards, 13, 14 months of salary, will be sent over before the New Year, this is almost 15,000 yuan less. I forgot the rest. Public high school salary will not be high, don't expect too much, private, it may be about 1.5 times higher.
We are not sure what to expect, but we'll see what we can do to help you. In the same urban area, key schools and private schools will be treated better than regular schools. Nationwide, the north is treated better than the south, and those in first-tier cities are much better than those in third- and fourth-tier cities. Teachers' pay is related to the level of economic development of the place where they work. Generally speaking, areas with a high level of economic development pay their teachers better.
We often see on the Internet that those who complain about the low salary and poor treatment of teachers are basically teachers in township schools. The reason is that teachers in the townships are really poorly treated. For example, in Ganzhou City, the same level, urban teachers than the county township teachers can be an average of 1,000-2,000 more per month. the treatment of teachers and other professions is compared to the top of the situation than the bottom of the situation, in general, the treatment of teachers is good, and is expected to improve.
Netizen five:
Now the classroom treatment is still relatively good, like Zhangzhou such a small city, at least a monthly salary of almost 3000 yuan, there are some like provident fund and so on. Usually there are a lot of benefits, such as a civilization award, the city award, family planning awards, 13, 14 months salary and so on.
Because nowadays, the teacher's program will not be a lot. For example, if we Zhangzhou side of the city. 12 lessons per week, occasionally sitting class still, so relatively still good. It is very suitable to engage in side business. Can open an educational institution. And now the price is relatively high. I am small class teaching, a person two lessons at least 50. each small class can add almost 6 people. That works out to be a good month's salary.
Netizen six:
Teachers treatment is still appealing to the middle and upper part of society, belonging to the cause of the program, but also many people hope that a good job, this belongs to the brain workers, at the same time, teachers also have a part of the occupational disease, in short, there are advantages and disadvantages, most of the teachers work time is stable, stable wages, and summer and winter vacation is super-long is also the most appealing part of the profession, on the other hand, the teachers On the other hand, there is basically not much room for the salary of this profession to rise, which is more suitable for people who like stability.