China in October 2003, the state introduced the "domestic garbage rules and regulations". According to the unified symbols developed by the state, household garbage was reclassified into five classifications, they are;
1, red: represents hazardous substances, sometimes also marked in orange, hazardous substances including waste batteries, fluorescent tubes, paints, expired medicines, cosmetics and other non-recyclable and with a certain pollution hazards of the material.
2, green: in the case of a combination of multiple plastic trash cans, green represents food waste, food waste can be used as fertilizer for plant nutrients, soil burial can be decomposed and absorbed by nature's micro-organisms and plants, play a role in the reuse of waste.
3, blue: on behalf of recyclable waste, including plastic, paper, metal and other materials with value, these substances will be included in the waste recycling system, for resource recycling disposal.
4, gray: in addition to hazardous substances and recyclable substances other than garbage, bricks and mortar, ceramics, dirt and other difficult to recycle waste, these substances are generally incinerated, buried and other treatment.
5, yellow: on behalf of the medical waste special trash cans, generally only used in hospitals, health stations and other medical places.
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Categorized trash cans
Mainly includes:
1. Paper: not seriously tarnished text paper, packaging paper and other paper products, etc.. Such as newspapers, a variety of wrapping paper, office paper, advertising pieces of paper, old magazines and so on.
2. Plastics: waste containers plastic, packaging plastic and other plastic products. Such as plastic bags, plastic bottles, Styrofoam, disposable plastic lunch boxes tableware, hard plastic, etc..
3. Metal: various categories of waste metal items. Such as cans, tin can boxes, lead skin toothpaste skins.
4. Glass: colored and colorless waste glass products.
5. Fabric: old textile clothing and textile products.