If you are a Japanese major, it is more troublesome to do testing or development, because you have to learn a lot of software knowledge and speak quickly. However, if you are interested in developing here, it is ok to study hard. Because you have no foundation, it must be very difficult to learn. As for the exam, you can search online more. I think the exam is quite boring.
Dongda is short of people now. After training and learning well, you can basically stay. I have left 80% of my class. I failed in the interview, but there are still many opportunities. However, the treatment here is low. I just entered 1800-2500, and five insurances and one gold are deducted.
My suggestion is that if the landlord thinks Japanese employment is not good, he can consider taking a test. Neusoft has many projects outsourced to Japan, and your Japanese level is good, which is still promising. Those who are excellent and experienced in testing can become test designers, and the salary is acceptable.