The correct way to use the 110 alarm phone is as follows:
First of all, there should be a cell phone or a landline with a plug-in line that can be dialed out.
Next, the general alarm can call two kinds of phone:
One is the public security organs at the county level or above the police receiving platform, coordinating the reception of the police and then subdivided into districts under the dispatch.
One is the duty phone of each police station or police station team.
Under normal circumstances, it is recommended that you save or record the telephone number of the police station under your jurisdiction (a landline number that may not appear to be associated with the police station), which is the most direct way to report a crime.
The phone directly to the duty room of the jurisdiction, and then transferred to the next step according to the relevant situation assigned to the police station police procedures, this process eliminates through the 110 police platform 110 and then transferred to the relevant jurisdiction of the police station team process, the police will be improved on the timeliness.
Then there is the telephone link to call the police, playing 110 or the duty phone of the police station team are the same.
Whether it's windy, rainy or thunderous lightning, be sure to allow yourself to speak clearly to the police content, which includes a specific address and a brief on-site situation, in simple terms, and the composition of elementary school students, "time, location, characters, events", time to know the degree of urgency of the incident, the location of the incident can be determined by the location, characters can determine the scale of the incident, the event, and the police will be able to provide the information. Characters can determine the scale of the incident, the event can be preset disposal program.
An example: Hello, 110? Now in the horizontal road vertical vertical street circle building downstairs of the fork in the restaurant there are three or four people with a bottle fight, there is a person's head flowed a lot of blood, come quickly! This sentence briefly the time and place of the personage event clearly, the police receiver will know, to send how many police with what equipment, to which position to go, personnel injuries whether to notify the ambulance.
The reality is that many people are very nervous and very anxious to say that the other side of the breath to know all of their own meanings, to give a negative example: is 110?
The most important thing is to tell the police the location of the incident and the police class shape, the location should be a landmark location, buildings, markers, etc. for the standard is appropriate, avoid only talking about so-and-so door number and other seemingly accurate but vague standard, because few urban planning clearly from 1 to 999 rows over the past, even fewer police officers will remember where each door number.
A brief description of the incident will allow the police to have a prediction of the incident before the police and bring enough police and equipment to play a big role in the timely and effective disposal. In short, the police are very taboo to speak of their own understanding of other people can not quickly understand the content, to overcome nervousness, fear and other emotions correctly and briefly expressed in order to play the most efficient response.
The last point of warning, although the 110 alarm platform has been changed from the original simple criminal cases 110 "bandits" phone for today's similar service platform, although now the public security organs pursue the "police must be picked up, there is a difficult to help, there is a danger must be rescued, there is a request must be answered!
110 alarm platform and even the local police station duty phone we may be informed is a special important resources, may be irrelevant may also occupy other people's life line, usually a "cat running up a tree" alarm may be delayed a distress call, the relevant departments of the relevant departments to find the relevant departments to solve the matter, the rational and appropriate use of 110 alarm service platform. Reasonable and appropriate use of 110 alarm service platform, to prevent the limit into a vicious circle, is the biggest help to their own possible dangerous situation.
Expanded Information:
110 is the police telephone number for the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. The 110 telephone number in mainland China is not only responsible for accepting criminal and public security cases, but also accepts emergency distress calls from the public that are unexpected and cannot be solved by individuals. The number is a special number and does not charge any fees.
Three points to note the police:
1, must be in the nearest place, seize the time to report to the police, the faster the better. Any unit with a telephone, individuals and public telephones should provide convenience for the alarm.
2, the police should be prompted by the police to tell the basic situation of the alarm for help; the scene of the original state of how; there is no measure; criminals or suspicious persons, the number of people, characteristics, carrying goods and escape direction. Call 110 also provide the location of the alarm, name and contact information.
3, no special circumstances, the alarm should wait in the alarm, and with the police and 110 timely contact. There is a crime scene, pay attention to the protection, do not turn over at will. In addition to rescue the injured, do not let anyone enter.
Sidenote: minors 12 years old and under, their guardians should educate their children not to dial 110, 119, 120 and other similar phone teasing service personnel for fun.