How about Chengdu Renpin Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Hospital?

Chengdu Renpin Ear, Nose and Throat Specialized Hospital is not bad.

Chengdu Renpin Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Hospital Co., Ltd. was founded on November 18, 2003, with its registered office located at No. 51, Qinghua Road, Chengdu, and its legal representative is Qiao Xinsha.

The scope of business includes preventive health care / internal medicine (outpatient) surgery (outpatient) / otolaryngology; otolaryngology; rhinology; pharyngolaryngology / emergency medicine / anesthesiology / medical laboratory science; clinical body fluids, blood; clinical chemical testing / medical imaging; X-ray diagnostics; diagnostic ultrasound; diagnostic electrocardiography / traditional Chinese medicine / Chinese and Western medicine (validity period) Until January 9, 2029)

National Hospital Scale:

At the end of 2007, the number of health institutions nationwide amounted to 315,000, of which 19,900 were hospitals, 40,000 health centers, 24,000 community health service centers (stations), and 3,007 maternity and child health care centers (institutes and stations).

Compared with 2003, the number of health institutions has increased by 24,000, of which: community health service centers (stations), health supervision agencies and hospitals have increased, maternity and child health care institutions and disease prevention and control agencies have not changed much, and township health centers have continued to decrease with the adjustment of the townships.

At the end of 2007, the number of health personnel nationwide amounted to 5.7 million, with about 950,000 rural doctors and health workers. Compared with 2003, the number of health personnel increased by 425,000 (an average annual increase of 1.95%), and the number of rural doctors and health workers increased by 80,000 people.