What sterilization equipment is needed for beef cattle farms

Construction of beef cattle farms, regardless of the form of cattle farms need building materials, should be adapted to the local conditions of the material to achieve both durable, inexpensive, easy to take.

1, cement drinking trough fattening beef cattle drinking trough is generally cement drinking trough. Each cow trough width 1.1 - 1.2 meters, near the trough ground slightly higher. Feeding trough to fixed cement trough is the most applicable. It is equipped with a water inlet and a drain. The water inlet is located at the top or side of the trough, and its height should be the same as the water surface of the trough. The drain is located at the bottom of the drinking trough and is plugged with a piston.

2, fence gate, fence gate width 1.2 meters, height 1.4 meters. The width of the fence gate is the same as the size of the cattle tongue fence grill.

3, build a drainage ditch, in order to keep the ground of the cattle fence dry, the use of ditches dug around the barn can achieve the purpose.

4, power supply, beef cattle farm power supply should be guaranteed

5, cattle troughs, double-sided cattle troughs, troughs 60 cm wide, 75 cm high, trough depth of 25 cm, 1.2 meters between each head of cattle, the ground slopes 15 degrees, the requirements of good ventilation.

6, cattle beds, cattle beds are generally required to be 1.6-1.8 meters long, 1.0-1.2 meters wide. Cattle bed slope of 1.5%, cattle trough end position high. Feeding trough in front of the cattle bed, the most suitable for fixed cement trough, the upper width of 0.6 O.8 meters, the bottom width of 0.35-0.40 meters, curved, the rate limiter inner edge of 0.35 meters high (by the side of the cattle bed), the outer edge of the height of 0.6-0.8 meters (by the side of the aisle). For easy operation, labor saving, should be built high channel, low slot channel unity type is good. That is, the outer edge of the groove and the channel in a horizontal plane.

7, feed room, grass, material stored in a dry space. Should be built closed feed room, and to prevent rodent damage. Cattle farms a large number of full-price feed for the growth and reproduction of rats provide superior conditions, and the construction of closed feed room and supplemented by appropriate feed management measures, such as feed room outside the overnight feed and material bags, their own processing and production of feed in a timely manner to the required feed room in the barn, do not stay in the feed mill overnight, as far as possible, to cut off the path of grain theft rats to reduce the waste of feed. Closed feed room should have movable windows to observe the ground, moisture, often empty feed.

8, due to the beef cattle in the continuous self-group reproduction, the need for long-term special, different specifications of the breeding cattle beds, calf cages, maternity cleaning and disinfection of the car, feed trucks, manure trucks, ear tag pliers, ear number plates, thermometers, roof ventilators and other equipment.

9, cowshed everywhere is iron, iron stretcher, iron cattle trough, tethered cattle chain, especially easy to conduct electricity, and there is no good grounding device, after a lightning strike, lightning current can not flow smoothly into the earth, or lightning flow into the ground when the grounding resistance is very large, which will make these iron parts of the high voltage. Those close to the iron cattle shed or cattle trough cattle suffered an electric shock, the serious death, and a little light was knocked down or coma

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