Chlorine dioxide disinfection residual chlorine is which?

Hospital wastewater is generally used Chlorine dioxide generator produces chlorine dioxide to disinfect, compared to hypochlorite disinfectant, this disinfection has the following advantages:

Chlorine dioxide (CIO2) is internationally recognized as the most efficient and safe chlorine-containing disinfectants, the bactericidal capacity of chlorine gas is 5 times that of sodium hypochlorite 50 times that of sodium hypochlorite, can kill all bacteria, viruses, microorganisms;

ClO2 disinfection in the pH5-9 range is almost unaffected by pH;

Chlorine dioxide applied to the disinfection of drinking water, does not produce organic carcinogens safer.

Therefore, chlorine dioxide is commonly used to disinfect medical wastewater, waterworks and industrial wastewater.

Your hospital should also use chlorine dioxide disinfection method, you said the detection of chlorine dioxide is in fact the detection of chlorine dioxide residual chlorine, based on a simple test paper test is not scientific, but also inaccurate. Especially when the content is small, test paper testing method is difficult to compare the value, it is recommended to use a professional chlorine dioxide residual chlorine online detector to test.

Additionally, to explain the total chlorine you mentioned, simply put, total chlorine = free chlorine + chlorine compound

Chemical chlorine refers to chlorine and ammonia compounds in the water, including NH2Cl, NHCl2, NHCl3, etc., this residual chlorine is also known as the chemical residual chlorine or chlorine binding residual.

Free chlorine refers to the water ClO-, HClO, Cl2, etc., sterilization speed, sterilization power, but disappear quickly.

Often we say residual chlorine is free chlorine, total chlorine is the sum of free chlorine and chemical chlorine. Detecting small-range residual chlorine, recommended DPD residual chlorine online detector, more accurate. For example, MCA-1200 residual chlorine/total chlorine online detector.

Executive Standard: GB 11898-89 ? Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine



"Correct Interpretation of "Chlorine Complex", "Free Chlorine" and "Residual Chlorine", "Total Chlorine", "Chlorine Ion"
