Red, yellow, blue, green and purple, what do these five colors represent?

Red, yellow, blue, green and purple, what do these five colors represent?

Red is a warm, impulsive and powerful color that accelerates muscle function and blood circulation. Because red is easy to attract attention, so in a variety of media is also widely used, in addition to having a better visual effect, but also used to convey the meaning of vitality, positive, enthusiastic, warm, forward corporate image and spirit, in addition to the red is also commonly used as a warning, danger, prohibited, fire prevention and other marking colors, people in some occasions or objects, see the red mark, often do not have to look carefully at the content, and can understand the meaning of warning of danger, and can understand the warning of danger. When people see the red sign on some occasions or objects, they often do not need to look carefully at the content, and can understand the meaning of warning and danger, in the industrial safety color, red is the warning, danger, prohibition, fire prevention of the designated color. Big red is generally used for eye-catching, such as the red flag, a little red in the bushes; light red is generally more gentle, tender, such as: the layout of the new house, children's clothing; crimson can generally be used as a backdrop to a deeper and more enthusiastic feeling. Red and light yellow is the most compatible, red and green, orange, blue (especially a little deeper blue) repulsive, and milky yellow, gray for the neutral match. Yellow Yellow's brilliant, brilliant, with a sun-like light, symbolizing the light of wisdom to illuminate the darkness. Yellow has a golden glow, a symbol of wealth and power, it is the color of pride. In industrial color, yellow is often used to warn of danger or remind attention, such as traffic signs on the yellow lights, engineering with large machines, students with raincoats, rain shoes, etc., all use yellow. Yellow in black and purple can reach the unlimited expansion of power under the background, light pink can also be like a young girl will be yellow this proud prince conquered. Yellow and green match, looks very energetic, energetic; Yellow and blue match, looks beautiful, fresh; Pale yellow and dark yellow match looks the most elegant. Pale yellow can match almost all colors, but if it is to be eye-catching, it cannot be placed on other light colors, especially white, because it will be you can't see anything. Deep yellow generally can not match with deep red and deep purple, also not suitable for matching with black, because it will make people feel obscure and the sense of the dumpster Green Green In commercial design, green conveys the refreshing, ideal, hope, growth of the imagery, in line with the service industry, the health care industry's appeal, in factories in order to avoid * work when the eye fatigue, many of the work of the machinery is also the use of green, the general In factories, in order to avoid eye fatigue when working, many working machines are also using green, and general medical institutions often use green for space color planning, i.e. marking medical supplies. Bright green is a very beautiful, elegant color, it is vibrant, symbolizing life. Green is tolerant, generous, and can accommodate almost any color. The use of green is extremely broad, whether it is childhood, youth, middle age, or old age, the use of green will never lose its lively, generous. In a variety of paintings, decorations are inseparable from the green, green can also be used as a leisure color. Green infiltration of yellow for yellow-green, it is simple, young; green infiltration of blue for blue-green, it is clean, open-minded. Containing gray green, is still a quiet, calm color, like the forest in the twilight or the fields in the morning mist. Dark green and light green match has a harmonious, peaceful feeling; green and white match, looks young; light green and black match, looks beautiful, generous. Matching green with light red symbolizes the arrival of spring. But dark green is generally not matched with crimson and fuchsia, which will have a messy, unclean feeling. Blue Blue is a vast color, the sky and the sea, the vast landscape are blue. Blue is a symbol of eternity, and it is the coldest color. Pure blue color shows a beautiful, quiet, rational, peaceful and clean. Because of the calm nature of blue, with rational, accurate imagery, in commercial design, emphasizing science and technology, efficiency of goods or corporate image, most of the choice of blue as the standard color, corporate color, such as computers, cars, photocopiers, photographic equipment, etc., in addition to the blue also represents the melancholy, which is affected by the influence of Western culture, this imagery is also used in literary works or sensual appeal of the commercial design. Blue has a wide range of uses, blue can stabilize emotions, sky blue can be used as hospitals, health equipment decoration, or summer clothing, curtains and so on. In the general painting and all kinds of jewelry is also inseparable from the blue. Different blue and white match, showing bright, fresh and clean; blue and yellow match, contrast, more bright; large pieces of blue are generally not matched with green, they can only penetrate into each other, into blue-green, lake blue or cyan, which is also intoxicating color; light green and black match, look solemn, sophisticated, cultivated. Dark blue can not match with crimson, fuchsia, dark brown and black, because there is neither contrast, nor brightness, only a kind of stolen, messy feeling. Purple purple Because of the strong feminine character, in the commercial design of color, purple is also subject to considerable restrictions, in addition to female-related goods or corporate image, other categories of design is not often used as the main color. Purple is the shortest wavelength of visible light. Purple is a non-perceptual color, it is beautiful and mysterious, giving people a deep impression, it is both threatening and inspiring. Purple is the hue that symbolizes piety, and when light and understanding illuminate the obscuring color of piety, the beautiful and lovely halo color enchants! Expressing solitude and devotion in purple, and divine love and the realm of spiritual dominion in fuchsia, this is the expressive value that purple brings. Purple is in a state of limbo between warm and cold, which, together with its low-lightness nature, constitutes the psychological negativity of this color. Unlike yellow, purple cannot hold many colors, but it can hold many lightened layers. A dark pure purple will become a very beautiful, soft color as long as a small amount of white is added. As white continues to be added, many layers of mauve are produced, and each layer of mauve looks so soft and moving.

A drawing board with five colors of red, yellow, blue, green and purple Guess an idiom

Colorful 。。。。。。。。。。。。。

The seven colors red, yellow, blue, green, green, blue, and purple What does each color represent

Red Active, enthusiastic, brave, love, healthy, savage;

Orange Masculine, energetic, positive, optimistic movement, ardent; also fraudulent, jealousy

Yellow Intelligent, honorable, loyal, hopeful, joyful, bright;

Green Fair, natural, peaceful, happy, sensible, childish;

Green Honesty, composure, oceanic, vast, long, calm, negative, wisdom * Purple: elegant, noble, magnificent, mysterious, eternal, restless, spirited

Blue Confidence, eternal, truth, truthfulness, calmness, silence;

Purple Authority, respect, nobility, elegance, faith, loneliness;

Folding treasure with red, yellow, blue, green and purple paper folding what color that choose < p> Hundred white - pure, sacred, refreshing, clean, hygienic, bright

Pure and unsullied, consistent in appearance, not faking, high adaptability.

Pure and immaculate, spotless color. It is undoubtedly the best choice for people who like cleanliness and quietness.

It will create a simple calm effect, nothing to stir the mind.

White with any color will create an unexpected feeling.

Red, yellow, blue, green, purple and white To make a series of clothing, these colors how to match


Red with white, yellow

Yellow with green, purple (yellow with green to do the dress will be a little inappropriate)

Blue with white

Purple with white can be

Hope satisfied with the u

Colored dumplings red, yellow, blue, green and purple are what Dish

Colorful dumpling skin making

White: i.e. ordinary white flour.

Black: add black rice flour or black sesame flour.

Chocolate color: add buckwheat noodles.

Light yellow;:Add corn flour.

Orange:Add carrot juice.

Emerald color:Add spinach juice or celery juice, etc.

Purple:Add purple kale juice.

Yellow:Add egg yolk liquid.

Greenish-white: add egg green liquid.

Coral: add tomato juice.

Inky: add eggplant juice.

Red: add strawberry juice.

Light brown: add taro juice.

Crystal color: add winter melon juice.

How to make colorful dumplings

Method 1


25 grams of amaranth leaves, 25 grams of spinach leaves, 25 grams of carrots, 200 grams of water, 500 grams of flour.

Dumpling filling:

500 grams of celery, 4 eggs, a little shrimp, a little ham.


20 grams of salt, 20 grams of sesame oil, 5 grams of pepper.


1. amaranth leaves washed, chopped;

2. Add 50 grams of water to juice, filter out 50 grams of spare;

3. carrots washed and cut into small dices;

4. add 50 grams of water to juice, filter out 50 grams of spare;

5. spinach leaves washed, chopped;

6. add 50 grams of water Juice, filter out 50 grams of spare;

7. celery washed, remove the leaves (leaves can be used to make a celery egg soup);

8. with amaranth juice, spinach juice, carrot juice, water were added to 120 grams of flour into a sheet;

9. pressed out of a disc;

10. shrimp soak water, minced;

11. . pan pour oil, eggs in the pan scrambled eggs;

12. celery leaves, chopped, ham also chopped;

13. celery, eggs, ham, shrimp, pepper, and salt and sesame oil mix well;

14. wrapped into dumplings in the pot, serving can be dipped in vinegar.

Amaranth is more soluble in water, it is best to use purple kale.

Method 2


200g clarified flour, 50g corn starch.


1 purple potato, 1 handful of spinach, pumpkin powder, 250 grams of shrimp, 5 leeks.


3 grams of salt, 1 piece of ginger, 3 drops of sesame oil, 15 grams of lard (plate oil), 280 grams of water, 3 grams of white pepper.


1. Prepare purple potato juice, spinach juice, pumpkin powder;

2. 200 grams of clarified flour and 50 grams of corn starch mix, water and salt in a pot until boiling, slowly poured into the powder, pouring water while using chopsticks to stir until snowflake;

3. Then knead the dough, put lard and then kneaded into a smooth dough;

4. > 4. will knead the dough into three, each with a color, and knead until the dough becomes smooth, put into a plastic bag, 20 minutes to rise;

5. fresh shrimp to remove the head, shell, shrimp line, wash;

6. shrimp chopped into a wurst, leeks chopped into the end;

7. shrimp puree into a large bowl, add the ginger, the right amount of water, stirring on the strength;

8. Pour in chives, sesame oil, white pepper mix and stir well;

9. After the rise of the dough cut into almost the size of the small pieces, roll a skin;

10. Add the filling, wrapped into dumplings;

11. Packed into the steamer after the steamer basket, on the pot can be enjoyed after the steam.

QQ in a variety of (red, yellow, blue, green and purple) drill. What are the privileges?

Red drill can wear free QQ show

Yellow drill can wear free space dress

Blue drill can receive QQ game gift can T people Anti-T

Green drill can be free to put the song into the space inside the playback

Purple drill has a flying car, Turbo Dance, QQ Church, QQ Sonic, depending on the game that you open the purple drill have privileges

Purple drill QQ The other ones are all 10 yuan

Yellow, red, green and blue are all 10 yuan a month