If you don't have a brand, you are like a manufacturer, processing and producing on behalf of others. For example, many garment processing factories in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have similar clothes styles, but different brands, most of which are independent sellers. Your problem description and pattern are basically like this. Your home is very special, and the products are all the same. If only the market were different. If there is competition in the same region, then consumers will have doubts. If the quality products are the same, the two sides of ab will have a relationship or a price war. In this way, the lower the profit of ab, the lower the price, which leads to the narrower market and ultimately affects you. The way this market is in the hands of others, your own grasp will be very low. Of course, the advantage is that the market does not have to worry about itself. How many orders do you produce? Less investment and less risk.
Like you, it is common now to register your own brand, set a unified price, and then let ab be the distributor, and the distributor will delimit the sales area without forming a competitive relationship with each other. You have more control. Similarly, the disadvantage is that you have to participate in the market and even make plans. At the same time, you have to decide your own production, and the investment will increase, and the risk will increase relatively.
If we still insist on the former, we must let them negotiate the sales area, sales price and other matters, otherwise it will be chaotic later.