How to pronounce expensive

The pronunciation of expensive is: English [?k'spens?v]. The detailed meaning of expensive is adj. (adjective) expensive, expensive, spending (a lot), expensive, expensive, expensive, high-end, gorgeous, extravagant, extravagant, wasteful of money, wasteful of people and money, too good at spending money. Big money is spent indiscriminately. expensive synonyms costly.

1. Detailed explanation

adj. (adjective) expensive, expensive, spend (a lot), expensive, expensive, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money, spend a lot of money. lavish, ostentatious, wasteful, wasteful of people and money, too good at spending money, spend a lot of money, waste money wastefully. 2. Double explanations

adj. (adjective) expensive, costly costingalot (ofmoney) 3. Dictionary explanation< /p>

1. Expensive; high-priced

If something is expensive, it costs salot of money.

e.g.Wine's so expensive in this country...

Wine is very expensive in this country expensive.

e.g.I getverynervousbecauseI'musingalotofexpensiveequipment.

I'm very nervous because I'm using a lot of expensive equipment.


She was expensively dressed,with fine furs and jewelry...

She was wearing expensive fur coats and jewelry, very luxurious.

They do a third-rate job veryexpensively.

They charge a lot of money for third-rate jobs. 4. Examples

The dressistooexpensiveformetobuy.

That dress is too expensive, I can’t afford it.


The quality of cheap cameras is not always worse than expensive ones.

This set of crystal winecups is very expensive.

This set of crystal wine glasses is very expensive.

The overhead costs are sarericulously expensive.

Daily expenses are too high.

It is more expensive to go by plane than by boat.

It is more expensive to go by plane than by boat.

5. Vocabulary matching

Used as adjective (adj.) ~ + noun expensivebook expensive book expensivecar expensive car expensiveclothes expensive clothes expensiveeducation expensive education expensivegift expensive gift expensivelady, expensively dressed woman, expensivemodeofliving, luxurious lifestyle, expensiveparty, expensive party, expensiveproject, expensive project, expensivewatch, expensive watch, adverb +~abominablyexpensive, ridiculously expensive, ridiculously expensive, too expensive, too stupidly, amazingly expensive, criminallyexpensive, shamefully expensive extremely expensivedreadfullyexpensiveextremely expensiveenormouslyexpensiveexcessivelyexpensiveextremelyexpensiveexorbitantlyexpensiveextravagantlyexpensiveexcessivelyexpensiveextremelyexpensivefoolishlyexpensiveinconceivablyexpensiveinconceivablyexpensiveinexpressiblyexpensiveinexpressiblyexpensivenaturallyexpensivenaturallyexpensiveoutrageouslyexpensiveintolerable~ + Infinitive expensivetobuy can’t afford expensivetotravelbyplaneTraveling by plane is too expensive~ + Preposition expensiveforsbToo expensive for someoneexpensiveindietThe cost spent on food and drinkDa 6. Situational dialogue


B: Oh, no. We'regoingtobelateforthemeeting.

Oh, no. We're going to be late for the meeting.

A: No. We’ll get accab. It’s faster than taking the bus or the subway.

No. Let's go by taxi. That's faster than taking the bus or subway.

B: Oh, good.

Oh, good.

A: How much will it cost?

How much will it cost?


B: Well, cabs are more expensive than the bus or the subway. It’ll probably cost around six dollars.

Well, taking a taxi is more expensive than taking the bus or the subway. Probably about $6.

A: Taxi!!!

Taxi! ! !

B: I can’t find the business card.Do you know the address?

I can’t find the business card. Do you know the address?

A: Yeah. I met with them back in March, remember?

Yes. I met with them in March, remember?

B: Right.



A: Driver,1600PennsylvaniaAve.,please.

Driver. Go to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

HealthInsurance-(Medical Insurance)

B: Ohhh, IthinkIbrokemyleg.

Ohhh, I think I broke my leg.

A: Here, sir, sit down in this wheelchair.

Sit down here, sir, in this wheelchair.

B: Thanks.

Thank you.

A: The doctor will bewithyouinamoment.Ijustneedtoaskyouafewquestions.

The doctor will be here soon. I want to ask you a few questions.

B: Allright.


A: Name,ageanddateofbirth,please.

What is your name, age and date of birth?

B: John Taylor, 32, May 23, 1970.

John Taylor, 32 years old, was born on May 23, 1970.

A: Healthinsurancecompanyandpolicynumber?

What is the company and policy number of the medical insurance you purchased?

B: I don’t have it.

I don’t.

A: What?


B: I don’t have health insurance.

I don’t have health insurance.

Expensive means

A: Well, this is going to beaveryexpensivebrokenleg, Mr. Taylor.

Oh, Mr. Taylor. The cost of breaking a leg this time is not small.

Antonym of expensive

B: Ohhhh!

Oh oh oh.

QualityControl-(Quality Control)

A: We'rehaving some quality-control problems, Jim.Weneedtogotothesourcetoworkthemout.

Jim, we have some quality-control problems. We have to get to the root of the problem and try to fix it.

B: What problems are you having, exactly?

What problems do you have?

A: The complaint rate for our new product line is very high, almost seven percent.

The complaint rate for our new product is very high, almost seven percent.

expensive online translation

B: That's high.

It's really high.

Expensive online translation

A: Yes.Wekeepfindingproblemswhentestingtheboards.

Yes. We kept finding problems when testing the sound card.

B: But your promotional materials claim the board is the least expensive of their type on the market.

But your promotional materials require that this sound card must be the cheapest of its type on the market.

A: The least expensive, but still fully functional. And we think that your factory needs to take measures to improve quality control.

It should be the cheapest, but still have complete functions.

We believe your factory needs to take steps to improve quality control.

B: That will involveadditionalexpensesforus,whichwe'llhavetopasontoyouasaratehike.

That means we will have additional expenses, and we will pass on the price increase to you.

A: I'm afraid that's unacceptable. Your contract says you will deliver goods with a defect rate of less than five percent.

B: Well, I'll tell you what, Mike. Discuss with management. We will then discuss and resolve the issue together.

7. Common Mistakes

adj. (adjective) The price of this suit of clothes is too expensive. False: The price of this suit of clothesis is too expensive.

True: The price of thissuit of clothesis is too high.

True: Thissuit of clothesis is too expensive.

Expensive means "expensive, huge cost" and cannot be used with price.

It doesn’t cost much to run a modern farm. False Modernfarmsaren'texpensivetobedeveloped.

True Modernfarmsaren'texpensivetodevelop.

True Modernfarmsaren'texpensiveforustodevelop.

Analysis of the active form of the infinitive in the beexpensive+to-v structure It has passive meaning, so passive structure cannot be used.

I have collected many valuable stamps in my stamp album. Incorrect InmystampalbumIhavemanyhighly-costedstamps.

Correct InmystampalbumIhavemanyexpensivestamps.

Analysis: Highly-costed means "high cost", while expensive means "valuable, expensive".

Related synonyms of expensive

costly, dear, high-priced

Related antonyms of expensive

cheap, expensive, modest


Expensive related adjacent words

experience, expensive, expensively, expensivetoy, expensiveoil, expensiveness, expensivesoil, expensivedrug, expensivecoat, expensivefood, expensivegift, expensiveflat