Electromagnetic compatibility is the study of limited space, time, spectrum resource conditions, a variety of electrical equipment (broadly defined also includes organisms) can **** survival, and does not cause degradation of a discipline. It includes electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic sensitivity of the two parts, electromagnetic interference test is to measure the measured equipment in the normal operating conditions and the size of the electromagnetic wave signals emitted to the outside to react to the surrounding electronic equipment to interfere with the strength of the weak. Electromagnetic sensitivity test is to measure the equipment under test on the electromagnetic harassment of anti-interference ability. Electromagnetic interference mainly includes radiation emission and conduction emission.
Radiated emissions:
Electromagnetic interference propagated through space in the form of electromagnetic waves.
Conducted emissions:
Electromagnetic disturbances that travel along a conductor.
Test site:
Open field, semi-electrical dark room, forbidden room.
Electromagnetic interference test main equipment:
1, airwave darkroom 2, receiver 3, receiving antenna 4, artificial power supply network
5, power absorption embedded in 6, turntable, elevator 7, turntable, elevator controller
EMC test items, EMC test items the various charges,<
EMC test items
Conduction emission (9kHz-30MHz)
Power radiation power clamp (30MHz-300MHz)
Magnetic field radiation magic emission (9kHz-30MHz)
Radiated immunity (below 1GHz)
Radiated immunity (above 1GHz)
Fast pulse train EFT/B (±0.1-±4.4kV)
Surge surge (0.1-6.6kV)
Conducted immunity CS (0.1-30V)
Resistance to Magnetic Field Interference MS(0-120A/m)
Power Failure Dips(0%-100%)
Oscillatory Waves Surge Oscillatory Waves Surge 0.1-6.6kV Waveforms 100kHz
Harmonic, interharmonic wave immunity Harmonic, interharmonic immunity
Magnetic Field EFM 10Hz-400kHz (EN50366)
CompositionEMC consists of two major items: EMI (interference) and EMS (sensitivity, immunity)
EMI test items include: RE (radiation, emission)
CE (conduction interference)
Harmonic (Harmonics)
Flicker (Flicker)
EMS test items include:ESD (Electrostatic discharge)
EFT (Ephemeral pulse transient interference)
DIP (Voltage drop)
CS (Conducted interference immunity)
RS (Radiated interference immunity)
Surge (surge, lightning)
PMS (frequency magnetic immunity)
Classification1.EMI (Electro-Magic Interference)---Electromagnetic Harassment Test
What is the main content of the EMI test?
Radiated Emission - Radiated Nuisance Test
Conducted Emission - Conducted Nuisance Test
Harmonic - Harmonic Current Nuisance Test
Flicker - Voltage Variability and Flicker Test
2. EMS (Electro- Magic Susceptibility)---Electromagnetic Immunity Test
The purpose of this test is to detect whether the electrical products can work stably in the electromagnetic environment without being affected.
What is the main content of the EMS test?
ESD - Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test
RS - Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation Immunity Test
CS - Conducted Nuisance Immunity Test for RF Field Induction
DIP - Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions, and Voltage Variation Immunity Test
SURGE - Surge (Impulse) Immunity Test
EFT - Electrical Fast Transient Pulse Group Immunity Test. Electrical Fast Transient Pulse Flock Immunity Test
PFMF-Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity Test
Spurious definition: refers to the standard test signal modulation in addition to the carrier frequency and due to the normal modulation and switching transients caused by the sidebands and the neighboring channels outside the discrete frequency radiation (both far-end radiation). Spurious radiation according to its source can be divided into two types of conducted and radiated.
Conducted spurious: the level power of any discrete signal measured on a 50 ohm load at the connector of the antenna.
Radiated Spurious: Spurious nuisance caused by the chassis, structure and interconnecting cables of the test equipment. Test conditions are preferred to be conducted in a radio dark room or outdoors.
First, EMI (electromagnetic harassment) in radio frequency and industrial frequency two types of tests
l RF category test items:
1.1 RF is divided into conductive and radiated two tests
RF conduction (prohibited room test)
1.1.1 conductive voltage and power two tests
1.1.2 Conducted voltage standards: CISPR11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 and 20, the test is conducted in the dark room. CISPR11, 14, 15, 22
1.1.3 Conducted power standard: CISPR11, 14
RF radiation (darkroom test)
1.1.4 RF radiation standard: CISPR11, 22, IEC60571
l IF type test items (laboratory test)
IF Harmonics 1.2.1 IEC6100-3-2
IF Flicker 1.2.2 IEC6100-3-3
EMS (Electromagnetic Sensitivity): Transient, Radio Frequency (RF), Low Frequency (LF) Magnetic Field (LFMF), and Power Quality (PAQ)
2.1 Transient Test Items (Laboratory Tests)
2.1 Transients are divided into three tests: static electricity, transient pulse and surgeTransient static electricity IEC6100-4-2
Transient pulse IEC6100-4-4
Transient surge IEC6100-4-5
l Radio frequency (RF) test items
2.2 Radio frequency (RF) tests are divided into two tests: conducted and radiated p>
RF conducted IEC6100-4-5
l RF tests (laboratory tests)
l RF tests (lab tests)
l RF tests (laboratory tests)
l RF tests (lab tests)
RF Conducted IEC61004-6 (Laboratory Test)RF Radiated IEC6100-4-3 (Darkroom Test)
l Low Frequency Magnetic Fields (Laboratory Test)
2.3 Low Frequency Magnetic Fields (Pulsed Magnetic Fields and Industrial Magnetic Fields)
Pulsed Magnetic Fields IEC6100-4-9
Industrial Magnetic Fields IEC6100-4-5
Pulsed Magnetic Fields IEC6100-4-5
Pulsed Magnetic Fields IEC6100-4-5
Pulsed Magnetic Fields IEC6100-4-5
IEC6100-4-8Power quality test items (laboratory test)
2.4 Dropping, interruption and voltage change tests
Note:1. Conducted power test area > 7x1M
2. Conducted voltage test table: 2x1.5x0.5M
2. Conducted voltage test table: 2x1.5x0.5M
2. Conducted power test table: 2x1.5x0.5M
2. Conducted voltage test table: 2x1.5x0.5M
3. Recommended 2x1.5x0.8
Consider the test area of cabinet equipment.
3. Harmonics and flicker test area >2x2
4. Electrostatic discharge test table: Recommended 2x1.5x0.8
5. Transient and power quality test table: Recommended 2x1.5x0.8
4. 5. Can be used with the same test table
6. Conducted RF sensitivity test table: Recommended 2x1.5 x0.8
6. x0.8
5. 6. the same test table can be used
7. the prohibited room and the laboratory should have the appropriate temperature and humidity requirements
8. there can not be sensitive equipment around during the sensitivity test
9. there can not be transmitting or interfering equipment around during the test in the laboratory
Otherwise the test should be conducted in the prohibited room.
10. Except for the power amplifier and harmonic, scintillation system, which is a three-phase power supply, all other
equipment is a single-phase power supply.
11. There are standards, the ones now on hand.
12. These are the minimum test environment requirements !!!!
13. All test standards, such as the need for national standards, please refer to the standard comparison table !!!!
Test standardsEN 55014-1: Radiation from household appliances
EN 55014-2: Radiation immunity from household appliances
EN 55011: Radiation from industrial, scientific, and medical equipment
EN 55013/20: Audio-visual products
EN 55015: Radiation from electrical lighting appliances
EN 55022: Radiation from information technology equipment
EN 55024: Radiation immunity of information technology equipment
EN 60601-1-2: Electromagnetic compatibility of medical electronics
EN 61000-6-1: Radiation from general-purpose equipment for use in the residential, commercial, and light industrial environments
EN 61000-6-1: Radiation from general-purpose equipment used in residential, commercial, and light industrial environments
EN 61326: Electromagnetic compatibility of instrumentation and equipment for measurement purposes
IEC 61000-4-4-2004 Electromagnetic compatibility Test and measurement techniques Electro-rapid transient impulse group immunity tests
IEC 61000-4-5-2005 Electromagnetic compatibility Test and measurement technique Surge (impulse) immunity test
IEC 61000-4-11-2004 Electromagnetic compatibility Test and measurement technique Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity test
IEC 61000-4-2-2001 Electromagnetic compatibility Test and measurement technique Electrostatic discharge immunity test