Power supply first aid box configuration standards
First aid box configuration requirements first aid box features: easy to carry, complete rescue equipment, lightweight and compact. First aid box content: flashlight, water, matches, compressed cookies, timekeeping devices (such as watches), band-aids, conditions allow communication tools. A Serious Injury Record Book should be kept, listing each medical evacuation and the hours of work lost as a result. Improvements should be made to avoid similar accidents. Conduct a full investigation of each serious injury and keep a copy of the accident investigation report form on file. Keep a record of all injuries and illnesses treated at the plant, including minor accidents like minor cuts. This record should include the name of the person treated, the position, and what work was being performed at the time of the injury or illness. If the plant has a medical room and is capable of treating minor illnesses on site, the medical room personnel should keep a record of all injuries and illnesses treated, which should be kept in the medical room for inspection.