Some people ask: How can Chinese medicine identify blood types and detect various types of cancers without the use of Western medical equipment? This question is in fact a pseudo-question, it will be two different cultural types of concepts mixed together, resulting in people's perception of Chinese medicine and Western medicine confusion. Asking TCM practitioners how to identify blood types and detect various types of cancers is as absurd as asking Christians how to identify whether Taoist internal alchemy has been successfully practiced using Christian teachings. Whether it is blood type or cancer, both are physiological and pathological phenomena produced by Western medicine based on scientific reductionist deconstruction of the human body, which are products of atomistic deconstruction and construction.
Chinese medicine, on the other hand, adopts the research method of image thinking and observation and analogy within the framework of the theory of yin and yang and five elements to recognize the law of change of the human life form. The natural entities recognized by TCM are all in keeping with the changes in natural space-time ? The unity of heaven and mankind. The holistic connection. Therefore, from the perspective of Chinese medicine to see, belongs to the mechanical reductionism product of blood type and cancer, is not in the scope of Chinese medicine. Just as Chinese medicine recognizes the qi points and meridians are not within the scope of scientific mechanical reductionist understanding. Although TCM cannot deconstruct the pathological phenomenon of cancer from the human body as Western medicine does, as long as the human body is abnormal, TCM can recognize and treat it through the four diagnoses. Similarly, although TCM cannot deconstruct the new coronavirus from the natural environment as Western medicine can, it can still achieve effective treatment based on the holistic symptoms of patients with new coronavirus pneumonia.
This issue also reveals the key to the lack of confidence in Chinese medicine on the part of those who combine Chinese and Western medicine. Because their minds are clouded by a sense of scientific reduction, those integrating Chinese and Western medicine practitioners tend to measure Chinese medicine theories against the pathologies that Western medicine has deconstructed from human corpses, for example, they often ask: Can Chinese medicine lower blood sugar? Can Chinese medicine lower blood pressure? Can Chinese medicine treat acute appendicitis? Since the theories of Chinese medicine do not have this kind of abstract pathology that is reconstructed, they think that Chinese medicine cannot treat these diseases, and then they think that the efficacy of Chinese medicine is not as good as that of Western medicine, and they are inclined to adopt the diagnostic and treatment methods of Western medicine in their clinical practice. In particular, those anti-Chinese medicine scientism believers, is the use of Chinese medicine does not have Western medicine deconstructed pathology phenomenon of Chinese medicine, wantonly denial and denigration.
Chinese medicine and Western medicine are the products of two different worldviews and ways of thinking, and they are incommensurable with each other, so to look at Chinese medicine from the theory of Western medicine will result in incomprehension and distrust. Whether it is to recognize Chinese medicine or the development of Chinese medicine, it is necessary to proceed from the perspective of the subjective consciousness of Chinese culture rather than the subjective consciousness of Western scientific culture.