Israel's Military and Economy

Israel is one of the largest countries in the world, with an area of 27,000 square kilometers and a population of less than 5 million people, but its military strength and war potential are not to be underestimated by any strategist in his right mind. The regular army alone has 178,000 men and hundreds of thousands of reserves. Over the past few decades, confusing, war-torn Middle East created Israel as a regional "military power", but also stimulated the development of its military industry and the arms trade. At present, the military industry has become the pillar industry of Israel's national economy. Bank of Israel Governor Moshe Mandelbaum once said. Mandelbaum once said: "in the case of serious foreign debt and inflation, there is only one factor to save Israel from bankruptcy, that is, the export of arms to earn dollars." In recent years, Israel's profits in the world arms trade market have averaged about $1 billion a year.

The military-industrial system, "all the organs"

Out of the need for war, Israel's military industry started very early (late 50s, early 60s), when only part of the production of light weapons, modification and maintenance of some weapons and equipment. 1967, the famous "six-five" war, a huge amount of money. In 1967, after the famous "June 5 war", the huge demand for military products drove the rapid development of the Israeli military industry. To the mid-80s, Israel has formed a more complete military research and production system, the country engaged in the development and production of weapons and equipment companies up to more than 250, and emerged such as the Israel Military Industrial Corporation, Israel Weapons Development Authority, Israel Aircraft Industries, Rafael, Israel Shipyard and other dozen large-scale, world-famous military enterprises. These military enterprises cover from military research to weapons production, from a variety of military aircraft, tanks, ships to electronics, communications equipment and almost all military products in the field of production, employing nearly 80,000 people.

Israel's military industry, including state-run (80%), private and joint ventures with the United States, Britain, France and other countries of the three categories, by the government and the Ministry of Defense **** with the management. Israel's famous military research institutions have more than a dozen, such as the Rafael Weapons Development Authority, Haifa University of Technology, Weapons Research Center, the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Weizmann Institute (research nuclear technology). Among them, the Rafael Weapons Development Authority is the largest military-industrial management organization in Israel and the most powerful weapons and equipment development and production complex.

Israel's weapons production company has about 150, the famous Israel Military Industrial Corporation, Soltam Limited, Merkavim Company, etc., of which the Military Industrial Corporation is Israel's largest military industrial company, under the weapons, munitions, chemical, rocket systems, such as 9 branch offices and a research institute, *** there are 1.5 million employees engaged in the production of armaments and equipment here.

The military aviation industry also has dozens of companies, can produce fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, transport aircraft, helicopters and other types of military aircraft. Fighter jets such as the Cub and Lion are representative of Israel's military aviation enterprises.

The missile and aerospace industry plays a pivotal role in Israel's military industry, and is the backbone of Israel's superiority in terms of weaponry over the Arab countries around it. It has enabled Israel to become the eighth country in the world to launch satellites and has the capacity to produce all types of missiles.

Scientific research "incubation" strength

Some people once used "the world's money bags in the pockets of the Jews" to describe the shrewdness of the Jews, and his words are not wrong at all. The poor living environment has created a strong sense of concern for Israelis, out of seeking military superiority and the instinct of home and garden, to the end of the 80's, Israel has formed a full staff, advanced equipment, a full range of military industrial system, and has the development and production of various types of light and heavy weapons, supersonic aircraft, medium-sized tanks, combat ships, air-to-air and anti-ship missiles, electronic warfare equipment, radar and other types of Weapons and equipment. Among them, self-produced combat aircraft, missiles, tanks and artillery are close to or have reached the world's advanced level, and military avionics, early warning aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles lead the world's aviation weapons and equipment market. The annual output value of the military industry is 2 billion - 3 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for more than 40% of the country's total industrial output value.

Israeli military industrial enterprises and production of weapons and equipment in addition to meet the needs of their own armies, in order to seek long-term development of the strength of the military production and sales into a virtuous cycle, but also to the world's exports to more than 60 countries, the annual arms exports up to more than one billion U.S. dollars.

Israel Aircraft Manufacturing Company has the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft manufacturing technology in the world's leading, can produce a full range of unmanned aircraft, including the "searcher", "hound", "herons "In 1998, Israel developed the latest "Sniper" close-range unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, with a flight radius of 50-150 kilometers, an endurance of 6 hours and a maximum flight speed of 176 kilometers per hour. In addition to unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, Israel has been developing unmanned attack aircraft in recent years. Now developed anti-radar unmanned attack aircraft, carrying 32 kilograms of combat, speed up to 500 kilometers / hour, in a variety of weather conditions to carry out combat tasks.

Israel developed the world's newest main battle tank "Merkava" series, the Israeli army has equipped more than a thousand. These tanks use a 140-millimeter smoothbore gun as the main gun and are equipped with an active protection system.

In 1999, Israel's famous Rafael Arms Manufacturing Company unveiled its latest creation to the world --- the "Playboy" helicopter and vehicle-mounted anti-tank missiles, which use tandem

Introducing a new type of anti-tank missile for helicopters and vehicles, the Playboy, which uses a tandem high-explosive warhead, can be launched either from a ground platform or from a helicopter in the air, and is capable of automatic homing and tracking until it hits the target.

The introduction of "foreign aid" transnational business

Since the 1990s, the Middle East region's political, military and economic landscape has changed dramatically, is considered by Israel as a hostile country, Iran, Syria, and other countries of the military power has increased greatly, Israel began to re-examine the national defense strategy, decided to increase the allocation of military spending (more than $ 10 billion a year), in order to increase the number of military expenditures, and to increase the number of military expenditures. More than 10 billion dollars a year), in the full exploitation of the country's military industrial enterprises to maximize the potential at the same time, to strengthen cooperation with the United States and the United Kingdom and other countries, such as the military industrial enterprises, *** with the development of state-of-the-art weapons and equipment. In the process of cooperation with foreign weapons and equipment development companies, Israel's military enterprises have mastered many of the most advanced weapons development technology, so that the modernization of Israel's weapons and equipment level has also greatly improved, and received a "chicken" to "egg" effect.

Following the 1986 Israel and the United States *** with the development of the development of "Arrow" II missile defense system, since the 1990s, the two sides accelerated the development process, and several times successfully carried out a simulation of intercepting the "Scud" missile test. The defense system, which includes radar, early warning and launch control, as well as sub-systems such as the Arrow II missile, can search for incoming missiles within 500 kilometers and can track, monitor and intercept 14 targets simultaneously.

In the development of naval equipment, the Israeli naval research department and the U.S. Navy McMullen Shipbuilding Company jointly designed the "Saar 5" class corvettes, the ship is equipped with 11 missile launchers, two MK32 triple torpedo tubes, the aft hangar can be stored in a SH The ship is equipped with 11 missile launchers, 2 MK32 triple torpedo tubes and a stern hangar for 1 SH-2F, Dolphin or S-76N helicopter. This shows that the ship has strong anti-ship and anti-submarine capabilities.

From the current situation analysis, ups and downs, intricate and complex Arab-Israeli conflicts in a short period of time to "package" all deal, almost impossible, the Middle East turbulent situation will continue for quite a period of time. To this end, the Middle East "arsenal" known as Israel will continue to vigorously develop the military industrial enterprises, development and production of advanced weapons and equipment to maintain regional military superiority, to maintain national security.