What are the types of isolation for standard prophylaxis?

Measures of standard precautions

1, hand washing: when contact with blood, body fluids, excretions, secretions may be contaminated, after removing gloves, wash hands or wash hands with a rapid hand sanitizer.

2, gloves: when in contact with blood, body fluids, excretions, secretions and broken skin mucous membranes should wear gloves; gloves can prevent the possibility of transferring the flora on the hands of medical personnel to patients; gloves can prevent the medical staff to become infectious microorganisms when the medium, that is, to prevent the medical staff will be contaminated from the patient or the environment in the spread of pathogens in the crowd. Always change gloves between patients; gloves are not a substitute for hand washing.

3, masks, goggles and masks: wearing masks and goggles can also reduce the patient's body fluids, blood, secretions and other liquids of infectious substances splashed into the eyes of the health care workers, the oral cavity and nasal mucosa.

4, isolation clothing: wear isolation clothing to prevent contamination by infectious blood, secretions, exudate, splash water and a large number of infectious materials only when used. Wash your hands immediately after removing the isolation garment to avoid contamination of other patients and the environment.

5. Disposal of contaminated instruments and medical equipment. Reusable medical supplies and medical equipment should be disinfected or sterilized as needed and in a timely manner when used for the next patient.

6. When the need for resuscitation arises in the first-aid place, a simple air bag is used instead of mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration

7. Medical waste is treated harmlessly in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Medical waste is strictly categorized, and sharps are put into sharps boxes for disposal to prevent needlestick injuries.

8. Disinfection and sterilization of the environment and object surfaces. The hospital environment and object surfaces are cleaned regularly and sterilized at any time when pollution is encountered.