How should I calculate the profit please?

Profit = Revenue - Expenses

Operating Profit = Gross Profit - Main Business Taxes and Surcharges - Circulation Expenses

Operating Profit Margin = Operating Profit/Main Business Revenue * 100%

The essence of profit is the expression of the profitability of an enterprise. Profit is not only qualitatively the same, but also quantitatively equal; profit differs only in that surplus value is for variable capital and profit is for all costs.

Therefore, as soon as the gain is transformed into profit, the origin of profit and the material production which it reflects is earned" (The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 56), and thus takes on a great variety of money-making forms. In capitalist society, the essence of profit is that it is a product of capital and has absolutely nothing to do with labor.

Qual characteristics of profit:

(1) A certain profitability. It is the final financial result of the enterprise for a certain period of time.

(2) Profit structure is basically reasonable. Profit is measured according to the principle of proportionality and is the result of subtracting revenues from expenses for a certain period of time.

(3) A firm's profits have a strong ability to generate cash.

(4) The factors affecting profit are more complex, and the calculation of profit contains a large component of subjective judgment, and the results may vary from person to person, so it is manipulable.