Please ask our country to do the magnetic ring magnetic core of the big companies there are a few, there is no can make out similar with the United States amidon company T series similar products?

China is engaged in the magnetic core enterprise has more than 30, more than the scale of the company there are three, respectively, Beijing seven stars flight electronics limited company, Huzhou Keda, East Magnetic Group, the listed company East Magnetic Group, Antai technology, Gene Nickel. The United States MAGNETICS mainly produces high flux ferronickel powder core, ferrosilicon aluminum powder core, ferronickel molybdenum powder core, production and technology is in the world's leading, the United States of America's ARNOLD products and the company is the same, and South Korea's CSC, DONGBU two, the United Kingdom MMC specializing in the production of iron-silicon alloy powder core. Good international technology and Japan's EPSON, etc., as for the U.S. AMIDON T products, even less clear. The above foreign companies have built production plants in the country, accounting for about 90% of the domestic market. Suggestions, look for more.