What countries have provided material assistance to China since the outbreak of China's Coronary Pneumonia epidemic?

One party in trouble, eight parties to support? Is China for all the countries in the world a kind of diplomatic resources policy, and for China, China has also helped many South Africa and most of the countries in Europe. Thus, China has maintained a good reputation in the world, and when a new coronavirus pneumonia occurred in Wuhan, there were many countries that China had helped, to help and support China.

China, a in the world has a good reputation for aid, and in Eastern Europe, China also has many partners, China also has a policy of counterpart assistance to Africa, so when China occurred new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, there will be many countries in turn to help China. According to statistics, since the outbreak of the epidemic in Wuhan, a *** more than 30 countries have extended a helping hand to China.

The thirty-one countries are Japan, South Korea, Belarus, Indonesia, North Korea, Pakistan, Malaysia, Estonia, Turkey, Latvia, Iran, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Australia, Equatorial Guinea, Canada, New Zealand, Tobago, Trinidad, Ghana, Thailand, Myanmar, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Maldives and France.

And Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, at the time of the outbreak of a new type of coronavirus pneumonia in our country, Wuhan, has also publicly expressed the fact that he mainly supports China in fighting the epidemic. In the streets of Japan, we can also easily find stickers with ? Go China? Wuhan Go! etc. on the streets of Japan. China has helped developing countries in Africa to build railroads and factories, and to strengthen exchanges and economic exchanges. With China's help, developing countries in Africa are gradually moving towards economic prosperity and strength, and when China is in trouble, our good diplomatic reputation has brought about the effect of one party in trouble and many others in support.