Serial number Name of instrument/equipment Verification method Verification time (frequency)
1 Opacity meter Routine inspection (visual inspection) June / every six months 1 time
2 Chassis Dynamometer Routine inspection (visual inspection) June / every six months 1 time
Period verification (check during the operation) records
Serial number Inspection content Inspection party Inspection conclusion Inspection date Inspection person
Validity of inspection mark or certificate Visual inspection (routine inspection) Qualified August 1, 2011 Zhang
Period verification record is a record sheet for each piece of equipment, based on the implementation of the period of verification plan that you made at the beginning of the period of verification is basically the content of the period of verification is: the validity of the inspection mark or certificate, the intactness of the protective marking, whether the device has been obviously altered, the error of the instrument, and whether it has been altered significantly, and whether it has been altered visibly. Whether the instrument was significantly altered, whether the error exceeds the maximum permissible error and other items, mainly developed by themselves, how to develop, how to implement.
I am working in the automobile testing company, in August just carried out a supervisory review,
This is the first time that I have seen the automobile testing company.