Introduction to Live Streaming Servers

Live Streaming Server is essentially a video and audio i coding device. Mainly for live video, streaming media services, IPTV, interactive TV, mobile TV, business TV, distance learning, B2B business communications, video to desktop desktop transmission, VOD systems, remote monitoring, data preservation and other application requirements and the design of the media streaming equipment.

Live server in the court of law typical application topology Nuctech live server, digital trial collection and editing live server is designed specifically for the technology court video processing equipment. Its use of digital image synthesis and H.264 coding technology, through the courtroom scene video, multimedia evidence, VGA evidence information coding and recording, can realize a variety of modes of picture synthesis, equipment built-in transmission services and standard definition image display function.

Topology Vantage Live Server streams audio, video and multimedia files in the network; low coding latency, transmission of full HD video, customer users VLC client direct live broadcasts for in medical surgery, education, conference video applications to provide convenience.