Which is better esp32 or stm32?

STM32 is better.

1, system performance: STM32 usually has a higher clock frequency, making it able to handle more complex tasks and larger-scale data calculations, thus meeting application scenarios that require higher system performance. While the ESP32 also has some computing power, the STM32 may be better at handling complex tasks in comparison.

2. Memory and storage: STM32 provides richer memory and storage options. For example, the memory capacity of the STM32 can range from 16KB to 2MB, which means that the STM32 may be more advantageous when processing large-scale data or running complex algorithms. In contrast, the ESP32 also has some memory and storage capacity, but the range of options may be more limited.

3, industrial-grade applications and stability: STM32 is widely used in industrial control, automotive electronics, medical devices and other fields, which require a high degree of stability and reliability of the system. STM32's stable performance, powerful IO pin count, and long lifespan make it the preferred choice in these fields. In addition, STM32 has more powerful peripheral interface support, such as USB, CAN bus, Ethernet interface, etc., which can meet more complex application requirements.