I was in the hospital for a checkup and I don't know what I checked, and I don't know what a couple of the medical abbreviations mean? Please help translate if you know

LEV medical [=Leibovitz-Emory medium (for viral cultures)] Leibovitz-Emory medium: for viral cultures

DET diethyltryptamine HIST histamine EXAM test

X-RAY READ X-ray CHEST SINGL chest X-ray

MOD is both an acronym and a name with multiple meanings: MOD is an acronym for a game enhancement program; MOD is an acronym for a wavetable-like music format; MOD is an acronym for the name of a computer hardware modification; MOD is an acronym for Master of Defense; MOD is the name of a platform service; MOD is the name of the remainder operator; MOD is the English name of the module.

Don't know much about it, see if there's anything you need~~~