What are the inventions made by Chinese people since the founding of New China?

100 outstanding inventions, I'm very proud of them!

Since ancient times, our people have a glorious tradition of inventions of creative thinking. Such as the dragon and the phoenix. The combination of the decapitated head of the magical animal Phoenix and the feathers on the peacock. Rondo's creativity, the dragon is a combination of a magical animal horse head, deer body, snake page feet, eagle claws, Lun body, fish tail. In addition, the famous British scientist Dr. Joseph Lee, who made scientific and technological achievements in ancient China, in-depth research, wrote the great work world-famous "Chinese Science and Culture" (translation of the book "History of Science and Technology"). Robert Temple, under the guidance of Dr. Joseph Lee, published in 1986 a book "China - the Land of Inventions and Discoveries" hundred "world's first" concise and popular text introduction. The following inventions are introduced to you by sequencing.

1, photographic drums:

By 3500 BC, the Chinese already had the legend of the artificial drum. In 3000 BC, the drum beast Piedmont Region of the frame or container. To 1000 BC, Mesopotamia, Sumer a drum, drum body painting pictures. Later there were small and large bronze drums. In the 15th century cavalry, brass drums in the 17th century, adopted the orchestra. In the 17th century it was used in orchestras. In 1692 it was used in the soundtrack of "Queen of the Elves" by Sailor. This drum is now called the timpani, bass drum in the 19th century. The drum would make a unique, durable and powerful beat. The Chinese invented the timpani in the 2nd century BC.

2, Binary system:

According to legend, in 3000 BC, Fu Xi invented the binary system. The "I Ching" is the Pentateuch "I Ching", which is one of the oldest classics of the country. "According to legend, from about 3000 BC Fu Xi drew the trigrams, King Wen, Duke University's Zhou Heavy Trigrams for Yao Ming (Yao Ming) resigned, and, after Confucius revised them, became the "I Ching". Contemporary computers use not decimals, but binary. Who invented binary? "I Ching", "I Ching" is binary, in other words, Fuxi invented binary, Fuxi Shen Nong legend Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs and there is food, our only primitive agriculture. Fuxi can be described as a big man our social progress was established in Beijing in order to pay tribute to Shennong (i.e. Fuxi), expressed admiration for his descendants.

3, wire rope:

2800 BC, the Chinese have mastered this technology to create hemp. People began to use hemp fiber rope, AD era, hemp fiber has become the main cable material in most parts of the world. Manufactured man-made fiber rope making machine, the era of handmade rope ended. Started in 1950, the length of about 2 millimeters, the diameter of the manila rope pull 5512 kilograms will be broken, the same thick nylon rope can withstand the pull of 13227 kilograms.

4, compass:

According to legend, 2700 BC, China's Yellow Emperor invented the compass, compass, Yellow Emperor fog to discern the direction, defeated the Chi. According to historical records, the Chinese have used, as early as the Warring States period compass. In the 3rd century BC, "Han Fei Zi said:" Shen Song during the Warring States period, some people used the "Ian" (compass). Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bianan" records this in more detail. In 1090, Chinese and Arab navigators mounted a compass. As a navigation tool. In the 11th century in Europe, before the use of a magnetic needle floating in the water, so that around 1250, in the Mediterranean region, the magnetic compass system has been installed to a certain extent above the card and the central pivot point to maintain equilibrium.

In the 16th century the compass was mounted on a rack that played the role of compass. on board ships. In the 19th century the iron ship compass would be mounted on a piece of Princeton iron to correct errors caused by the magnetism of the ship. In the 20th century, the gyrocompass compass for ships and airplanes. According to the principle of rotation of the vertex to stabilize the attitude of the stars, the electric compass, has 2 advantages: both close to the metal and deflection, double point true north instead of magnetic north. In 1908, Germany achieved the world's first practical instrument. The best compass is the American Sibley system. Successfully tested on the ship "Dharavitra" in 1910, it soon came to be adopted by the U.S. Navy. In short, the compass is one of the 4 great inventions of China, which with its later dispersion throughout the world has made a great contribution to the development of the shipping industry, as well as other aspects of the globe.

5, Fish method:

In 2500 BC the Chinese already knew how to catch fish. When our people could use artificially hatched eggs to increase consumption in the 1960s and 1970s, salmon and other fish were artificially bred in Europe and the United States. The United Kingdom and other Western European countries now produce about 10 tons of freshwater fish farms annually.

BR /> 6, Equatorial Astronomical Instruments:

In 2400 BC, the Chinese invented equatorial astronomical instruments.

7, Decimal Counting System:

The Chinese invented the decimal counting system in the 14th century BC. Modern science is very important to the Europeans formal evidence of its earliest time, in 976 AD, Spanish manuscripts found in China, as early as the 14th century BC in the Shang Dynasty, has been used. Unearthed oracle bones from the 13th century BC, see a Chinese account of "547 days" as an example of a decimal.

8, Printing:

Printing was the world's first medium for the dissemination of data and information with its predecessor, the printing of documents in 1324, the printing of ink with the engraving of Chinese seals. Printing is one of the 4 great inventions of China. We Chinese have been using seals since ancient times, to engrave people's names or rankings. The seal to stamp documents with official titles was standardized after 1324, initially with ink in the fifth, and in the sixth century ad started with red sealing clay. "Chinese seals were carved of soapstone, jade, bamboo, and ivory. The Chinese believed that seals were more reliable for signing documents, letters and notes. The oldest printed book is the "Diamond Sutra", printed by the Chinese people, which has become a solitary copy of the 868 Chinese invented the engraved printing, the letterpress printing of the Diamond Sutra, which is a multi-block 91 cm long, 36 cm wide replica of the engraved printing of the 5.25-meter scroll, which was later landed in the United Kingdom, and is now housed in the hands of the British Museum in London.

1040 Chinese engravers in the calendar year of the invention of movable-type printing in Beijing Bisheng, hexahedral type mold clay, heated and hardened press, rhyming with ranking turntable. Printing movable type printing store turpentine, December binding materials, such as iron plates, surrounded by iron frame type trusses, a large fire to heat the binder melted and cooled after cooling isophilic rods of iron baked hot iron plates to remove movable type printing press for later reuse. After India, in 1403, Joseon's Taejong Lee, the founder of the earliest metal-cast character factory (at the time, Joseon had been using written characters as well), created a phonetic alphabet instead of written characters in Joseon 30 years after referencing ancient Indian Sanskrit. Korea had 40 letters and only a handful of letters were needed to spell out all the words in 1438 in the German city of Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany, where the first Schegenfels (German) created a set of poured metal letter type molds to carve out hard metal perforated characters for the characters, and then hammered perforated characters into molds with soft copper wires systematically pressurized by the molds, and the molds line-printed on the frames. It is possible that the tin began in the 15th century. He printed in 1451, the first book in Europe printed with movable type - "Donatot Latin" about the printing of Latin in 1453. He pressed the press to convert an ordinary screw press. As a printed page on the printing plate to a stage, brushed with ink, the paper is covered using the pressure of the screw press. The first line of the day can only be printed for about 16 dollars per hour.

In 1457, the invention of Foster and Shuao's Buddha multicolor printing, printed the first two-color book - Latin Hymns. 1461, Bamberg relied on the combination of Stetter engraving and movable type printing, printed the first "book - German Fables, ***101 illustrations. In 1470, the Frenchman Sen in Venice designed a set of Roman movable type printing 1477 Torey Mi drew a map of the world printed on intaglio, ***26 copperplate. Difficult to imitate, the inked paper swells slightly more, features, it is easy to recognize the authenticity, and is still used to print banknotes, stamps and securities, 1501 Italian isolation suits in italics; in 1561, he put these words in narrow-printed pocket editions of books. (Italicized words in the West mainly emphasize words.) In 1620, Bokin Austria, Holland invented the convenient printing of received words, printing 150 copies per hour. 1642 German General Election Root invented the law of engraved intaglio, best suited for printing pictures, the first picture is a portrait of the Countess ELISA, Germany.

In 1107, China also invented color printing. 600 years later, in 1719, the German Leblanc color printer design received several patents. The first book to be printed was "Painting the Harmony of Colors. In 1727 the Scottish goldsmith Gert invented the casting of engraved plates for printing. Image bill. In 1775, the French Dido develops units for measuring type size. In 1798, the German Nuffield invented the lithographic plate method best suited for printing illustrations. In 1875 the offset method was first used, where the image was printed on a rubber blanket and then formally printed on a flexible material as needed. 1800 Stan, who made the first iron-framed press instead of a wooden press. 250 per hour could be printed. Germany worked in London, in 1810 Gurney GE steam press patent (mechanized manual press), 400 per hour can be printed out. Germany Gernig and Powell 1812 design drum roller press. The "Times" sold this machine can print 1100 per hour. later Gernig also designed a printing press that everyone can print on both sides.

Electroforming was invented in 1839 in Britain and the United States, and in Russia. Electroforming was done on metal plates instead of woodcut plates. In 1845, the first practical rotary printing press was patented in Holland, New York. Philadelphia's "Chronicle" to buy this machine. In 1848, the engineers of "The Times" in London, Apps and Cowper designed a rotary press that could print 8,000 copies per hour using this newspaper. 1861, he AO curved stereotypes, the paper type system from a completely circular print layout, in 1852, the British photographic pioneer Talbot discovered the principle of wire letterpress. In 1852, Talbot, a pioneer in British photographic technology, discovered the principle of wire letterpress printing, and was the first to reproduce this method in the New York Illustrated News in 1880 with a photo captioned "Scenes from the slums of New York. 1886 German Silent Gensole working in the U.S. invented the highly accelerated Automatic Typesetting Policy Commitment Typesetting Machine, which was used in the "New York Times" and was officially put into operation for two years. ", officially put into operation two years later, the line matrix 6000 hours, four times the speed of the most skilled workers, 1887 British civil servant Langston invented a complex typesetting single cast row machine, this machine put into production in 1897. Prior to this, before 1477, people know the method of copper intaglio engraving, in 1895, the Austrians invented the Crick intaglio invention, in 1839, Xu Bu phototypesetting machine in the United States of America country. From the printer no metal movable type, and switched to photolithography instead of the traditional letterpress. This method was successively projected letters on top of photographic paper, which were then punched out and pasted onto a sample. A good version of this battle has a camera to shoot a photographic film on a metal plate, which, after etching, makes a piece of printing plate that has the properties of 1798, the Nuffield version of the invention's lithographic printing mission; the ink is mounted only to the plate having the graphic place. The phototypesetter, now exchanged for the vast majority of traditional typesetting.

The electronic phototypesetter was invented in Germany in 1965, the era of computer-controlled typesetting, which can be designed on a computer. Advanced printing page layout screen, the layout of the designer correctly using the computer's storage device to store the entire content, including text, titles, pictures, location, etc. Then, the computer-controlled laser scanning of photographic paper, print out the image of the entire layout of the printing plate, photographic made of laser phototypesetting. Many large newspapers in the world today's advanced methods of typesetting, such as China's "Science and Technology Daily, China Television News" and "Beijing Evening News" have adopted this state-of-the-art printing technology.

9, Lacquer - the world's first plastic:

In the 13th century BC, the Chinese have invented the latest paint. In the city of Anyang tomb excavated in Henan Province in 1976 "a woman (buried in the 13th century AD), her painted coffin was proved. Joseph Lee said: "Lacquer is probably the oldest industrial plastic understood by man." In ancient China, the organization and management of the paint industry was very regimented with private paint shops and production centers in the country. The Museum of Oriental Art in Paris, has painted wooden wine cups, cups engraved with inscriptions in addition to the description of the World Cup AD four years, and the names of the seven craftsmen involved in the five officials are also engraved in the production and production centers. This wooden wine cup performs a manufacturing process watched by the Chinese more than two thousand years ago, on the other hand, the cup also shows that at the time of production, it is likely to have been used as a pipeline in the modern industrial production process. As early as the second century BC, the Chinese have discovered important chemical properties of paint, through the process of evaporation of paint to make it deteriorate found that after putting a few crab shells in the paint, the paint would remain liquid and would not dry. In 120 B.C., "Huainanzi" and in the 12th century A.D., Li mentioned the special feature of crab shells to keep the paint in liquid state. Modern scientists' laboratories have confirmed that certain enzymes within the chemical compositions inhibit the activity of crustacean tissues, where the enzymes are enzymatically hardening the paint. The paint can remain a liquid for a long time, which allows this industrial prototype of biochemical processes to continue through chemical action.

10, Bronze Mirror:

Around the 12th century BC, the Chinese invented the bronze mirror. The Chinese also invented mirrors on walls in the 5th century A.D., and the British crystallographer William Bragg by 1932, systematized the theory of mirrors, more than in China, about fifteen hundred years later. Mirrors are one of the most curious items in the world. "The Daily Mirror What is its magic? Bronze patterns cast on the opposite wall - images or words, or a combination of both on the mirror. The convex shape of the reflected light side is made of bronze polished as a mirror. In most lighting conditions, this mirror looks no different from other ordinary mirrors. However, when you look at the mirror on the wall in bright sunlight, its reflective surface can be "seen through". Walls with mirrors reflecting sunlight into the darkness, people will be able to see the image cast on the wall of the mirror pattern or text. Solid bronze products become transparent, a phenomenon understood by the mystical Chinese, who took the name translucent mirror for mirror. Bronze is opaque, however, actual people feel the translucency, why is this? Deeply Chinese and foreign scholars explored the miracle for hundreds of years, Chinese scientists Shen live and foreign scientists, Sir William Bragg, published too high to see. In 1932, Sir William Bragg, found a sense of mystery, said: "It is the amplification pattern of reflection is obvious." Joseph Lee called each of these "the first step in leading to the mastery of the fine structure of gravel properties."

11 Umbrellas:

By 1100 BC, the Chinese were already using umbrellas, already said with umbrella identity. Umbrella made of bamboo or sandalwood, covered with leaves or feathers umbrella. The 12th century English word "umbrella". Previously there had been only parasols, and only in 1733 the umbrellas were made of oilcloth umbrellas in Paris. In 1750, England's Hanwell trip back to London after the umbrellas abroad was a sensation. 1874 snow in the ear near the Decca area of metal drawing worker Hawkes bent steel umbrella patent. With this umbrella, the umbrella tightened, and has since become a British gentleman with rain gear. 1930 white selection of Royce Pooter invented a retractable umbrella. It is also said that in the Three Kingdoms period of the 4th century AD academic talent, invented the umbrella.

12, kites:

1000 BC, the Chinese first kite flying. Long before the messenger, the legendary Chinese were flying kites. According to legend, in the fourth century BC, the famous Chinese craftsman Lu Ban (i.e., public opinion class) made a kite that launched the third without falling. There is a story that the general surrounded the palace and utilized the kite to measure the distance between the palace walls and his own army. The kite can be used to deliver bricks to the house or a fishhook to tie the tail of a fishing kite. 1600 Oriental kites (diamond-shaped) spread from the Netherlands to Europe. In the 19th century the English inventor Craven was inspired by the kite and invented the glider. Texas actor Cody "Captain" Cody's kite towing folding boat across the English Channel, and continued his efforts to take a double box kite flying in 1901, interested the British War Office. Soon, an airplane to replace the military kite was the victim of a crash in 1913 when "Captain" Cody flew his new biplane. In 1970, the U.S. space program designed a variety of "winged" kites that once again became available to adults, such as the Roger Leroy folding winged thing, which was specifically designed for safe landing in the Mercury spacecraft silo, and was later replaced by a parachute; this folding wing, however, results in the wings of today's hang gliders. The kite took to the skies the principle and inspiration for the airplane took to the skies.

13, rice wine:

In 1000 BC, the Chinese invented rice wine.

14, Bow and Arrow:

China invented the bow and arrow in the 8th century BC. In 200 BC, China invented the crossbow. It was mainly used for war and hunting rifle standing shot, riding shot, extremely ? Great power. Italy used the bow in Europe in the 10th century before twelve hundred years later than our country.

15, Ancient Robots:

Ancient robots were invented by the Chinese during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty from 770 BC to 256 BC. Today's world, just talking robots, real word to Europe, the United States, Japan, however, may be the world's oldest ancient robot system, you never know, we Chinese. Our ancient robotic system is not only small, but also widely used, there are all kinds of robots. The robots would dance, sing and blow the shofar to make money robots robots, fishing and robots ... And so on and so forth.

The robot that dances. China's Tang Dynasty Anxi Qianhan, Han Dynasty Hun Boldon besieged in Pingcheng. Han Chenping knew that the soldiers would be Boldon's wife Xiongnu system, is a country's most hussar elite team,, but the Huns are jealous of other people's personalities. Chenping ordered craftsmen to make an exquisite wooden robot. The wooden robot put on beautiful clothes, dressed up, and rubbed on its face to apply rouge, more handsome. Then put it on the wall of the female wall (short wall) on the launch of the authorities (mechanical parts), this robot delicate dance, beautiful dance killer engine. Outside the city, the Huns see this scene very real mistakes, this dancing robot is the real human nature of goodness and beauty, afraid of breaking the city Boldon designed and cold their pets in the original Miki Xiongnu led her army to abandon the city. Pingcheng turned into a danger.

Singing flute player robot. More advanced robots and magic in the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Greedy in the Tang Dynasty "super uploaded: Yan Wenliang Luo state when the use of magistrates (equivalent to the mayor), intelligent characters, like a drink. He carved a wooden robot and wore clothes made of silk, let the robot as a waiter. The "waiter" turbid wine the line of the feast, always courteous.


profitable robot. By the Tang Dynasty, Hangzhou, China, there is a focus on raising service cheap craftsmen, developed robots like a monk, hand-held fossilized copper bowl, can learn the monk fossilized money, wait until the pot is, it will automatically collect the money, and it also donors bowed. HCM City citizens scrambled to put money in this bowl to see such a wonderful show. Every day it can escape from the Lord who groaned thousands of money, this phenomenon is known as ingenuity and wealth creation.

Fishing robots, robots can also be used in the production of Tang Dynasty practice. Tang Dynasty Liuzhou history of the king, according to the development of similar otters, robots that can sink in the water of rivers and lakes, catching fish, head out of the water. Why can catch fish, right? If the bait and an launched device, it can absorb water and stone, allowing him to put the robot in the mouth. The fish takes the bait, the component is launched, the stone falls into the water, from its mouth, its mouth, it is a fish in his mouth, do not run it, it will float on the surface of the water. This is the world's first production of robots.

Additionally, the book of records "Supplement", also records the ancient robots associated with the administrative lights on the stage, the blind ingenuity is marvelous.

16, branch cultivation and good farmland law:

In the 6th century BC, the Chinese invented the branch cultivation and good farmland law, Europeans 1731 technology, about 2400 years later than China.

Month 17, the iron plow:

6th century BC, the Chinese invented the iron plow, the Europeans until the 17th century to use the iron plow, than China about 2,300 years later, 1050 AD, China also invented the plough mirror, plough ploughs fitted with mirrors to facilitate the turning of the soil, thus improving agricultural production. About 3500 BC, farmers on the Mesopotamian plains invented the ox-drawn plow, plow man early began to cultivate the farm equipment, the Chinese from about the Shang Dynasty with ox-drawn plows, wooden body stone shovels. 500 BC, the European farmers old-fashioned iron ploughs, two wheels in front of the plough, the plow blade (i.e., plowshare). China's Warring States period in the wooden plowshare put V-shaped iron blade, commonly known as iron mouth plow plow plow frame smaller, lightweight and flexible, can be adjusted in depth, greatly improving the benefits of farming. Europeans in the early 18th century began with advanced Rotherham plows, Ransom Gold and iron plows, planters. American settlers began in 1830, Deere copper plow and other continents also began to use copper plows. In short, the invention, application and development of the plow combined the efforts of Chinese and inventors around the world and showed their ingenuity.

18, Calm Tone Clock: BR />

China in the 6th century BC, invented the large timbrel clock, Europeans have set the tone clock to 1000 years, more than a hundred years late about 1600 years.

19, long-lasting lamps:

Chinese invented long-lasting lamps in about 589 BC. Asbestos sealed with oil or kerosene whale oil for the stamen.

20, Abacus:

In 550 BC, the Chinese invented the abacus calculation was also widely used in commercial calculation tools since ancient times, and later spread around the world gradually replaced by modern Arabic numerals of the 12th century. By the 20th century, the Soviet Union and the Far East, many people still use the abacus, the abacus raw material plastic instead of wood and bamboo abacus, electronic calculators and electronic computers in the world, rather than the trend of the abacus, but because the abacus is cheaper, a computer in the world, completely replacing the abacus, it takes at least a decade.

21, carpet:

500 BC, the carpet in China. The earliest known carpets originated in the fifth century BC, China and Iran in 1606, near Paris, France, first spent a loom weaving carpets. Carpets have now become woven of man-made fibers and wool.

22, double-acting piston bellows:

In the 5th century BC, China invented a double-acting piston bellows with the West in the 16th century before the double-acting piston bellows. About $ 21, a hundred years later than China.

BR /> 23,

Bay Bowl In the 5th century BC, the Chinese invented the water surge bowl.

24, Empty Table Zero Method:

BR /> In the fourth century before the beginning of the Chinese in the Chinese abacus vacant zero represented, according to the traditional version of the Western, represented by the symbol "0" zero, invented by the Indians in the ninth century A.D. It was, in fact, in the Guamoan inscription in 870 A.D.. However, the appearance of the symbol "0", which is much earlier. 683 AD in inscriptions in Cambodia and Sumatra, as well as in 686 AD in inscriptions near the island of Pangkal Sumatra, there are symbols, and there are specialists who believe that the symbol for zero in these countries, China in the past, and they have this symbol in India. Zero is very important, if ignored as zero, therefore modern technology will disintegrate. Of course, the vacancy for zero, which is an invention of the Chinese people, but we belong to our country, and without further ado, the absolute priority of the "0" symbol "0" symbol, until 1247, was the first time it appeared in our printed materials, even if we believe that at least a century ago, this symbol was already in use, but no one knows when and where this symbol indicating zero was first used by the Chinese, which requires further research.

25 Chemical Weapons:

The history of chemical warfare using poisonous gases in China can be traced back to at least the early fourth century BC. In the early writings of the Mohists used bellows, which have burned to release the gas stove mustard to record the siege of enemy tunnels. Earlier than the German trenches in World War I mustard gas was used in the following 2300: in China the chemical weapon "fecal bomb", which was the prototype of the gas bomb. Quicksand bomb", which is pottery on which the gunpowder composition of the gunpowder is quicklime, rosin, ethanol extracts of poisonous plants. This weapon went down the wall and blasted out a deadly dispersion of poison." Tear gas", in the second century A.D., the Chinese people would use tear gas, which produces smoke that quickly brings people to tears. Sea Vein Oil, Szechuan Lacquer and Starfish venom would cause hoarseness in the voice of our enemies causing some of the poisoned muscles to rot and reveal white bones. The fire spears contain arsenic and poison. The book "Smoke and Gunpowder" of 1540 Bellin Gussio says that the fire spear burns and spits out a burning flame, there are two or three paces away, thriller, police procedural, horror movie". In Europe, until 1580, arsenic was a popular thing, but in the 17th century, it was the mercury smoke ball, then a gift to the world.

Month 26, the change of the horse chest strap with

Circa 4th century BC, the Chinese invented the horse chest strap. Prior to this, the West only meant the change of girth with the change of horse in the 8th century AD. This was an unreasonable method because the strap strangled the horse in the throat, which meant that the horse suffocated to death as soon as it exerted maximum effort. We invented other tools to overcome this disadvantage of the horse's chest. This invention passed through Central Asia in China and later spread to Europe. European archaeologists have found variations with artifacts of the chest strap in tombs of the 7th to 10th centuries.

27, Oil Lighting Method:

Around 4th century BC, the method of oil lighting and gas lighting was invented by China.

28, cast iron technology:

In the 4th century BC, the Chinese invented cast iron surgery.

29, Mastoid setter:

Fourth century B.C. to first century B.C., the Chinese invented the Mastoid setter change. A century after the change than the European chest harness, a thousand years before the rotator cuff. The Chinese also found the rotator cuff variation with another, simpler way: changing the ropes tied to both sides of the collar of the rotator cuff (on and set directly on the car). It is this form of rotator cuff variation that is still commonly used in the world today.

30, Nitrate identification method:

China in the 3rd century BC, before the discovery of denitrification. It was 2000 years earlier than the West. Before the invention of gunpowder, it must first be recognized that its three components, the most important component, which is saltpeter. Before the Middle Ages in the West, I did not know about it, in the case of Europe and China, this material was abundant and could be distinguished from other minerals, purified. The identification of saltpeter is based on the color reaction on it. The burning of saltpeter emits a purple flame verifying the presence of potassium. The Chinese would use this method to determine the presence of saltpeter at least as early as the 3rd century BC. The Chinese discovery laid the foundation for the later invention of gunpowder, saltpeter and.

31, the world's tallest canal, the Ling Canal.

West, in the 13th century built an outline canal, than China about 1600 years.

32, Three-dimensional maps:

China in the 3rd century BC, the latest invention of three-dimensional maps.