What is the difference between pharmacy and pharmacy program

Difference 1: the difference in the content studied


The main subjects: pharmacy, chemistry, biology. Core courses: analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, human anatomy and physiology, microbiology and immunology, biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutical analysis, industrial pharmacy, biopharmacy and pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutical polymers, pharmaceutical engineering, principles of chemical engineering.

Pharmacy Program

Pharmacy is subdivided into Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Clinical Pharmacy.

The main courses are: inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, chemical analysis, physical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, natural medicinal chemistry, pharmacy, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmacology, and so on. The curriculum varies from school to school depending on the direction of the program.

Difference 2: graduates should have different knowledge and ability


Graduates should obtain the following aspects of knowledge and ability:

1. Mastery of physical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, medicinal polymer materials, industrial pharmacy, preparation equipment and workshop process design and other aspects of the basic theory, basic knowledge;

2. Master the research of preparation, design and improvement of dosage form and process design of pharmaceutical preparation production and other technologies;

3. Have the research and development of pharmaceutical preparations, the design and improvement of dosage form and the initial ability to design the production process of pharmaceutical preparations;

4. Familiar with the laws and regulations of the pharmacy management, policy;

5. Understand the dynamics of the development of the modern pharmaceutical preparation;

6. p>6. master the basic methods of literature search, data query, with preliminary scientific research and practical work ability.


Graduates should obtain the following knowledge and ability:

1. master the basic theory and knowledge of pharmacy, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry and drug analysis and other disciplines;

2. master the main drug preparation, quality control, drug interactions with living organisms, pharmacodynamics and drug safety evaluation of basic methods and techniques;

3. master the basic methods and techniques;

4. master the basic methods and techniques;

5. master the basic methods and techniques;

6. Technology;

3. Have the ability of preliminary design of drug preparations, the ability to select drug analysis methods, the ability of new drug pharmacology experiments and evaluation, the ability to participate in the rational use of clinical medication;

4. Familiar with the regulations of pharmacy management, policy and basic knowledge of marketing;

5. Understanding of the dynamics of the development of modern pharmacy;

6. Mastering of literature searches, The basic method of information query, with a certain degree of scientific research and practical work ability.

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Difference #3: Employment Direction Differences

Direction of Employment for Pharmacy Majors

Drugs Research institutions of new dosage forms and new drug delivery system development and research; pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical companies drug preparation development and research, the development of new products, production processes and quality assurance work; the relevant institutions of higher learning drug preparation teaching work; hospital pharmacy preparation and management and related enterprises in the preparation and management of the production of product development and production technology management and pharmaceutical marketing, etc.; apply for the pharmaceutical management department of the civil service.

Pharmacy professional employment direction

Pharmacy professional employment direction is broadly divided into the following kinds: scientific researchers - in the university, research institutes, pharmaceutical research department, engaged in drug research and development work; hospital pharmacist - in the hospital, pharmacy, pharmacy, pharmacy, pharmacy and other related enterprises. Pharmacists - in hospitals, pharmacy, pharmacy, pharmaceutical factories, etc. engaged in preparation, quality control, clinical pharmacy and other work; drug inspectors - in the drug testing laboratories engaged in the identification of the quality of drugs and the development of the corresponding quality standards.

Corporate staff, pharmaceutical sales staff - in the pharmaceutical trading company or pharmaceutical enterprises engaged in drug production, distribution and sales and other work.