What are some of the accidental injuries you know about? What are the conditions of these injuries? How to first aid?

Traffic Accident

When you are in a car accident, you should seize the "golden hour" to save your life, and do a good job of stopping the bleeding first and then bandage, fixing and then carrying. There is no tourniquet, you can use gauze or clean clothes in the proximal part of the affected limb muscle rich parts of the bundle, fixed, to avoid further neurovascular rupture, if it is a fracture, you can take local materials, the use of boards and wooden strips, etc. to do a good job fixed, carry special attention to the protection of the injured, such as lumbar spine injuries can not be walking on the back of the injured. Strive to send the injured to the hospital in the shortest possible time.

Alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning patients central nervous system paralysis, can not control their own behavior, serious respiratory failure. As soon as a family member realizes that someone is severely intoxicated, he or she should be taken to the hospital immediately. If an intoxicated person becomes unconscious, family members should help him or her lie down with the head to the left side and the feet high, to ensure an open airway.

Gastric perforation

1, do not cover the stomach rolling, should be lying on the left side of the bed. The reason is that most of the perforation sites are located on the right side of the stomach. The left side of the bed can effectively prevent stomach acid and food from flowing further into the abdominal cavity and worsening the condition.

2, if the paramedics can not arrive in time, but there are some simple medical equipment on the scene, the patient can self-insertion of gastric tube. Specific method: Insert the tube into the nostril, to the throat, and swallow hard while breathing, to swallow the tube into the stomach. Then use a syringe to draw out the contents of the stomach, which can reduce the degree of infection in the abdominal cavity, for the patient to win the treatment time, remember that at this time the patient must also be lying on the left side.

Bath fainting

There is no need to panic in this case, as long as you get out of the shower immediately and lie down, and drink a glass of hot water will slowly return to normal.

If the heavier, but also to relax and rest, to take the flat position, the best with the side of the book, clothing, etc. can be taken to the leg cushion high. When a little better, you should open the window to ventilate, wipe the body with a cold towel, from face to toes, and then put on clothes, head to the window, will recover.

Accidents during meals

1. A protective cough reflex exists in the normal human pharynx. When a foreign body touches the vicinity of the opening of the trachea, in order to prevent the foreign body from being sucked into the trachea and causing tracheal obstruction, the person will cough up the foreign body by coughing. However, when a large amount of alcohol is consumed, the throat is anesthetized and the cough reflex does not function properly or disappears. If vomiting occurs at this time, food residues left in the mouth that have not been spat out will easily be inhaled into the trachea by mistake, resulting in acute asphyxiation. Therefore, in order to prevent the drunkard from aspiration, he should be placed in the lateral position with his head tilted to one side, so that the food residues in the mouth can flow out of the mouth.

2. For the suspected asphyxiation, the surrounding people should first open the patient's mouth and try to pull out the food residues in the mouth; if the tongue is found to be falling back, the tongue root should be pulled out immediately. In the above rescue measures at the same time, should promptly call the ambulance or the nearest hospital.


Spattered with oil while cooking, most of the symptoms are mild and the injured skin area is small. If you immediately use a clean cotton wool dipped in chloramphenicol eye drops gently wipe, will soon heal and painless. If the burned part is large, you can use cold water to rinse.

If the burn is large, the skin appears red and swollen, as soon as possible with ice cold compresses, and go to the hospital for treatment. When the injury is swollen, remove watches, bracelets, rings, etc., cover with a clean, moist dressing and gently fix the bandage, taking care not to tighten it too much.

Food poisoning

Emergency vomiting If the time of eating is 1~2 hours ago, you can use the method of vomiting. Immediately take 20 grams of table salt, add 200mls of boiling water, cool and drink at once. If this is not effective, drink several times to induce vomiting. You can also use 100 grams of fresh ginger, mashed juice with 200 ml of warm water.

Diarrhea If the patient has eaten contaminated food for more than 2 to 3 hours, but the spirit is still good, you can take a laxative to promote the contaminated food as soon as possible out of the body. Generally, 30 grams of rhubarb is used to decoct once, and elderly patients can choose 20 grams of yuanming powder, and take it with boiled water. The elderly in good health, can also be used senna 15 grams, a decoction or with boiling water, can also achieve the purpose of diarrhea.

Detoxification If the food poisoning is caused by eating spoiled fish, shrimp, crab, etc., you can take 100 milliliters of vinegar, add 200 milliliters of water, dilute it and take it at once. In addition, 30 grams of perilla and 10 grams of raw licorice can also be used for one-time decoction. If you accidentally eat spoiled preservatives or drinks, the best first aid is to use fresh milk or other protein-containing beverages to infuse.

If, after the above first aid, the symptoms do not improve or the poisoning is more serious, should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. In the process of treatment, the patient should be given good care, try to make it quiet, avoid mental stress; the patient should pay attention to rest, prevent cold, while replenishing sufficient amount of light salted boiled water.

Viper bite

One is to prevent the venom from spreading and absorbing

After being bitten by a venomous snake, don't panic and run and walk, which will encourage the venom to spread rapidly throughout the body. The injured person should immediately sit or lie down, on their own or call others to help, quickly with a shoelace, pants or other rope can be found to tie the proximal end of the wound, if the fingers are bitten can be tied to the root of the finger; palms or forearms can be tied to the elbow joints of the bite; toes can be bitten to tie the root of the toes; the foot or calf can be bitten can be tied to tie the knee joints; thighs can be bitten can be tied to tie the root of the thighs. The purpose of tying is only to block the venom through the vein and lymphatic return to the heart, and does not impede the supply of arterial blood, and the purpose of hemostasis is different, so the tying does not need to be too tight, and the degree of tightness of its grasp in the lower limb can be tied arterial pulsation slightly weakened as appropriate. After tying every 30 minutes or so to loosen, each time 1-2 minutes, so as not to affect the blood circulation caused by tissue necrosis.

The second is to quickly exclude venom

Immediately use cool boiled water, spring water, soapy water or 1:5000 potassium permanganate solution to flush the wound and the surrounding skin, in order to wash off the wound appearance venom. If there is poisonous tooth residue in the wound, it should be quickly picked out, with a knife or broken glass and other sharp objects, it is best to use fire to disinfect it before use, with the tooth mark as the center of the cross-cut, deep to the subcutaneous, and then with the hand from the proximal end of the limb to the direction of the wound and the wound around the repeated extrusion, to promote the venom from the incision of the wound to the outside of the body, extrusion side with the rinse of the wound, rinsing and squeezing of the detoxification shall continue for 20-30 minutes. After that, if you have a cup of tea with you, you can do fire cupping on the wound, first light a small ball of paper inside the cup of tea, and then quickly fasten the mouth of the cup on the wound, so that the mouth of the cup is close to the skin around the wound, and then suck out the venom by using the negative pressure generated inside the cup. If there is no cup of tea, can also be used to suck the wound detoxification, but the sucker's mouth, lips must not be broken, no caries, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning. Sucked out of the venom immediately spit out, after sucking to use water to rinse mouth.

After the completion of detoxification, the wound should be wet to facilitate the venom to flow out. It is important to note that snake venom is highly toxic. Only a very small amount can cause death, so must not be afraid of pain and refused to cut the wound detoxification treatment. If snake medicine is available, it can be taken orally immediately to relieve the internal poison. If the patient is thirsty, give enough water to drink, do not give alcohol to prevent the toxin from spreading faster. After the cut and detoxification treatment of the casualty should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible with a stretcher, vehicle for further treatment, to avoid the emergence of the field can not be dealt with the serious situation. Transit to eliminate the patient's nervousness, keep quiet.


1, the casualty will be lifted out of the water, should immediately remove its mouth, nasal cavity of water, mud and dirt, with gauze (handkerchief) wrapped around the fingers of the casualty's tongue will be pulled out of the mouth, unlocking the buttons of the coat, the neckline, in order to keep the airway open, and then pick up the casualty's waist and abdomen, so that their backs are up, the head down for the pouring water. Or pick up the casualty's legs, put his abdomen on the first-aider's shoulder, and run quickly to pour out the water. Or the first-aider takes a half-kneeling position, puts the abdomen of the casualty on the first-aider's legs, makes his head hang down, and pours out the water with the flat of the hand on the back.

2, respiratory arrest should be immediately artificial respiration, generally mouth-to-mouth blowing for the best. The first aiders are located on the side of the injured person, lifting the injured person's jaw, pinching the injured person's nostrils, inhaling a deep breath, blowing slowly into the injured person's mouth, and when his chest is slightly raised, relaxing his nostrils, and using one hand to press his chest to help exhale. Repeatedly and rhythmically (16-20 times per minute) until breathing is restored.

Cerebral hemorrhage

1, family members should restrain their feelings, do not shout or shake the unconscious person violently in order to wake up the patient, otherwise it will only make the condition deteriorate rapidly.

2, the patient lying flat on the bed, due to elevated cerebral pressure, such patients are very prone to projectile vomiting, such as timely removal of vomit, may lead to cerebral hemorrhage coma due to vomit blockage of the airway suffocation and death. Therefore, the patient's head must be turned to the side so that the vomit can flow out of the mouth.

3, family members can use ice packs or cold towels on the patient's forehead to help stop bleeding and reduce brain pressure.


When the patient has a seizure aura (such as dazed, eyes upward, foaming at the mouth, or before fainting teeth are not closed), the hand will be on the ground, pull up a handful of common grass, stuffed into the patient's mouth, the seizure will stop.

Chest tightness and panic attacks

Cough loudly, as often as every 3 seconds.

Respondent's Additions 2009-08-25 16:04

1. Car accidents

More than ninety percent of car accidents occur in front of the house because as soon as the door is opened, the dog is not on a leash yet and it rushes outside.

1) When there is a lot of bleeding - try to stop the bleeding, compression, acupressure, tight ligatures, same first aid as people do.

(2) When there is vomiting, choking, difficulty breathing - head down, pull out tongue.

(3) In chills - keep warm, use coat, blanket.

Gently pick up the dog and place it in a large towel, cardboard box, or basket, preparing the vehicle on one side and contacting the hospital on the other. On the way, gently clean up the bloody urine sludge poop and cheer it up on one side.

2. Fractures, dislocations

Dogs fall from a height, hit by a car, beaten, below the broken end of the bone, it will be loose and collapsed dragged, it is very good to recognize; dislocated, the dog's feet do not dare to touch the ground. At this time, you can simply external fixation, one side to remove the sludge, blood and urine, find a hospital with X-ray, as soon as possible to send to the doctor.

3. Infarction, choking

When the dog constantly stretches its neck and scratches its mouth and neck with its front feet, it may be infarcted by a bone or a small piece of debris in its throat. Try to make it open its mouth, shine a light on it to find the obstruction, and dig it out with your fingers. If it is a needle or sharp bone, don't move it; if it is a small ball or piece of meat stuck in the trachea or esophagus, you can grab the dog's two hind legs and lift them upward, patting the back to induce vomiting. Some infarction will be delayed to more than a month before the onset of vomiting, no appetite, it is best to carefully count the owner of their own jewelry, sewing kit there is no shortage of things, as soon as possible to send to the hospital.

4. Heatstroke

Dogs react to heatstroke with a high fever, panting, weakness, convulsions, and salivation. Immediately move to a cooler place or soak in cold or icy water, and continuously measure the anal temperature; if the dog feels cold, immediately rewarm it and send it to the doctor as soon as possible.

5. Poisoning

Symptoms are tightness in the abdomen, crying, vomiting and diarrhea, convulsions, trembling, heavy breathing, fainting, bleeding. At this point, first check what medications your dog has taken and take the medication label or medication with you to the doctor.

Corrupt food, paint, insecticides, pesticides, strong acid, strong alkali food or poisonous fungus, detergents, bleach, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, cold medicines, may cause poisoning.

6. Burns

Cold and ice water can be used, wrapped in sterile gauze and kept moist.

7. Puerperal fever

High fever, convulsions and salivation in late pregnancy and lactation bitches due to excessive litter size and severe calcium deficiency.

8. Stroke, convulsions

Puppies are blindly paddling, half paralyzed, foaming at the mouth, eyes wide open, this time to avoid it biting its tongue or stumbling, to give it a towel stuffed and wrapped in a large towel to send to the doctor.

9. Cuts and bites

Wash the wound with soapy water and press to stop bleeding, and send it to the doctor with sterilized gauze or clean towel wrap.

10. Shock

The dog will be weak, cold limbs, shortness of breath. At this time to give insulation, quiet, let it breathe slowly or weak down, the dog's mouth closed, blowing air from the nostrils, and massage its chest, pinch its nose, toes, one side of the first aid side to send medical.

11. Motion sickness, seasickness

Dogs start motion sickness, seasickness, mucous membranes and gums become pale, will vomit, salivation, don't be nervous, rest for a while will get better; have this habit of the dog in the car on the boat or on the plane before the eight hours do not eat, drink, or ask the doctor to prescribe medication beforehand can be taken.

12. Snake bites

Cut the wound, squeeze out the poisonous blood, and use a tourniquet bandage to tie it tightly near the heart, and then loosen the bandage and tie it tightly again after half an hour. Note which type of snake bite it is so that antivenom and other treatments can be purchased quickly. Because the animal hospital will not usually have antivenom, you have to buy another.