What is the power of a chip resistor?

0805 package size/0402 package size/0603 package size/1206 package size

Package size and power relationship:

0201 1/20W

0402 1/16W

0603 1/10W

0805 1/8W

1206 1 /4W

Correspondence between package size and package





1210=3.2 mmx2.5mm



The power of a chip resistor is the power generated due to the Joule heat resistance when passing current. It can be calculated according to Joule's law: P=I2 R.

Power rating : It is the maximum permissible power at a certain temperature, and usually refers to the power rating when the ambient temperature is 70°C.

The power rating of a chip resistor is the maximum allowable power at a certain temperature.

Rated voltage : The rated voltage can be found from the following formula.

Rated Voltage (V) = √

Rated Power (W) x Nominal Resistance (Ω)

Maximum Operating Voltage : The maximum voltage allowed to be loaded on both sides of the chip resistor.

The relationship between chip resistor package and power and voltage is shown in the following table: