Basic Economics Questions 1- What are inputs , what are outputs. 2- How to understand the relationship between inputs and outputs. 3- What is gross output?

On the basis of inputs and outputs, the following input-output model can be developed: product equilibrium model? A x+y=x, where A is the matrix of direct consumption coefficients; x is the column vector of total output by sector; y is the column vector of final products.


Outputs are the tangible material outputs and intangible service outputs provided by producers to the society. Tangible material outputs include food, machinery and equipment, and daily necessities; Intangible service outputs include medical care, information services, financial services, tourism services, etc.

Outputs are the basis on which firms earn sales revenue.

Output is a literary word, the verb meaning "to produce" and the noun meaning "the amount of output".

Output: input is the process of producing the final product by using material materials as objects of labor. Inputs to the production of factors after the harvest, the marginal yield is an increase of one laborer to bring production. Less labor inputs, total output decreases, more increases.

relationship between inputs and outputs: when the amount of inputs is greater than the amount of outputs, it means that the cost increases, this is because of the amount of value spent on making this product, when the amount of inputs is less than the outputs, the cost decreases, this is economic efficiency.

total output: is the total output provided by a given amount of factor inputs, that is, the total amount of output produced measured in physical units.

Classification of output:

Material inputs and outputs, inputs "hardware" construction, such as the purchase of documentation facilities, e-learning equipment and other outputs of direct economic benefits.

Spiritual inputs and outputs, investing in spiritual education, the output of people's social values.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Total Production

Baidu Encyclopedia - Inputs

Baidu Encyclopedia - Outputs