How does the auto manual transmission self-locking interlocking device work?

Self-locking mechanism is: the role of preventing automatic gear shifting and automatic de-gearing

Interlocking mechanism is: to prevent the simultaneous engagement of two gears. Self-locking, is the use of its own normally open auxiliary contacts to keep the circuit on after the contactor coil is energized, the general object is to control its own circuit.

such as the normally open auxiliary contact and start the electric switch in parallel, so that when the start button is pressed, the contactor action, auxiliary contact closure, for state maintenance, and then release the start button, the contactor will not be de-energized disconnect. Generally speaking, in addition to the start button and auxiliary buttons in parallel, but also in series with a button, to stop the role. Tap switch for the start with the selection of normally open contacts, do stop with the selection of normally closed contacts.

Interlocking, said several circuits, the use of a circuit of auxiliary contacts, to control the other side of the coil circuit, for state maintenance or function limitation. The general object is the control of other circuits.

Interlocking, that is, the set conditions are not met, or internal and external triggering conditions caused by changes in the associated electrical, process control equipment, the working state of the control mode change.

"In a circuit, that is, there are self-locking and interlocking is called "interlocking."