1, billing by weight. This method is in accordance with the gross weight of the goods sent, to calculate the cost of transportation, provided that the volume of the goods within the prescribed range.
2. Billing according to volume.
This method is in accordance with the volume of the goods sent to calculate the cost of transporting goods, this will also require that the quality of the goods within the prescribed range.
3. According to the choice of billing.
For the weight and volume of the goods are difficult to identify, from the above two methods to choose a suitable billing method.
4. Combined mass and volume billing.
Calculate the transportation cost according to the gross weight and volume of the goods respectively, and choose the one with the highest freight cost.
5. Billing according to the number of pieces.
Calculating the shipping cost according to the actual number of pieces of goods, this billing method is generally applicable to the more expensive items.
6. According to the agreed billing.
This is in accordance with the shipper and the carrier pre-agreed price to calculate the freight, such as the delivery of large machines.
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First of all, according to the transportation of different goods, there is a difference between chartered trucks and bulk cargoes, there are tons or cubic meters, according to the box, etc. The specific goods to be still with the specific goods, and also to the specific cargoes. Specific goods to also have to negotiate with the specific logistics, because each of the charges are different.
In fact, the main difference between the standard is the distinction between light cargo and heavy cargo. Roughly converted 1 cubic meter is about 330 kilograms, the unit volume is less than 330 kilograms for light goods, the unit volume more than 330 for heavy goods, the conversion standard may not be the same, some places are 1 cubic meter is about 260 kilograms.
Volume and weight are the most important measurements that logistics charge for freight of goods, therefore, because of the different charges of each logistics enterprise, the best way is to contact more logistics, freight comparison, and choose the right price.
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Logistics companies are based on the lightness and weight of the goods to determine whether to calculate the weight by kilograms or by cubic meters. Logistics companies also have pickup/delivery costs, if you own the goods to be transported to the logistics company, then do not add the pickup fee, if you want the logistics company to your home or company to pick up the goods have to add a certain amount of money. Goods shipped to the destination after the need for delivery also need to add a certain cost, self to the logistics company to pick up on their own do not need to add costs.
Expanded information:
Price calculations should be differentiated between the nature of the first: heavy goods or bubble goods, because heavy goods to the weight of the price, while the bubble goods in the square price.
When the volume of goods per ton more than 3 cubic meters is, according to the bubble goods to how much money per cubic meter to calculate the price, which is customary to 1 ton of volume of more than 6 cubic meters counted as pure bubble goods, the price is lower, such as foam, and 3-6 cubic meters between the bubble counted as heavy goods, the price is higher, such as furniture.
When the volume of goods per ton is less than 3 cubic meters, according to the heavy goods to how much money per ton to calculate the price, which is accustomed to 1 ton of volume of less than 1.5 cubic meters known as pure heavy goods, can be a very low price, such as steel plate, the general price on the quotation refers to this part of the price, and 1 ton of volume of 1.5-3 cubic meters between the counting of heavy bubble goods, such as beverages, the price is appropriately high.