Pangang General Hospital's advanced equipment

The hospital has the U.S. GE angiography digital subtraction machine U.S. MARCONI magnetic *** vibration (MRI); Germany SIEMENS CT; Israel ELSCAT ECT; Co60 radiotherapy instrument; U.S. HP color Doppler ultrasound; Japan HITACHI 1250 mA X-ray machine; the U.S. Stryker three-chip laparoscope; medical electronic linear accelerator; Switzerland 1010 electronic chemiluminescence immunometer; Italy BENURO MT04CHSVS electromyography; U.S. MEDGRAPHICS Laparoscopy; Medical Electronic Linear Accelerator; Swiss 1010 Electronic Chemiluminescence Immunometer; MT04CHSVS Electromyography of Italian BENURO Company; Lung Function Instrument of American MEDGRAPHICS Company, and other advanced medical instruments and equipments with a total value of nearly 80 million RMB. A series of new medical technologies carried out by the hospital have become the brand technologies of the hospital and are in the leading position in the region. The hospital also undertakes provincial and ministerial scientific research projects for many times, and has carried out 23 scientific research projects, 126 new technologies and projects, and published 291 academic papers. The hospital has published 291 academic papers. 123 people have participated in various domestic and international academic exchanges.