An X-ray machine is an X-ray machine that utilizes various images created by X-rays through the body to diagnose patients. It can be divided into various types.
⒈ ⒈ structural form of classification (1) portable: this X-ray machine structure is simple, light weight, easy to load and unload. The whole machine can be installed in a suitcase or backpack to carry, suitable for out-of-hospital mobile temporary inspection.
(2) mobile: this X-ray machine compact structure, small size, X-ray generator and application equipment compactly assembled in the base, the base with wheels or equipped with a battery-operated car, manpower or electric drive, easy to move. It can do mobile bedside fluoroscopy and photographic examination in the ward, such as equipped with image intensifier and X-ray TV, can be monitored and interventional therapy.
(3) fixed: this X-ray machine parts and heavy, complex structure, need to be fixed in a special room for use. This type of machine on the power supply, room, installation, commissioning and other strict requirements.
Peake according to the output power classification
Output power classification refers to the nominal power according to the X-ray tube, such as 10kW, 20kW, 50kW, etc., in China is usually X-ray tube promised to pass the maximum tube current size classification.
1) Small: X-ray machines with a maximum tube current of 100mA or less.
(2) Medium-sized: X-ray machines with a maximum tube current of 200-500mA.
(3) large: maximum tube current of more than 500mA X-ray machine.
3 according to the use of the scope of classification
(1) comprehensive X-ray machine: with fluoroscopy and photography and other functions, suitable for a variety of diseases and parts of the X-ray machine.
(2) special X-ray machine: X-ray machine designed to adapt to the examination of certain specialized diseases, such as dental X-ray machine, mammography X-ray machine, cardiovascular imaging X-ray machine.
3 multifunctional X-ray machine: the integration of different diagnostic equipment is the development trend of medical imaging equipment. Such as Siemens multifunctional equipment AXIOM Luminos dRF, can be used for X-ray fluoroscopy, photography and angiography medical imaging diagnosis, at the same time with the intervention function. A single device can basically complete the radiology routine examination. According to the biological effects of X-rays, X-ray machine for the treatment of diseases, according to its use can be divided into three categories:
⒈ contact therapy machine is mainly used for the treatment of the skin surface or superficial body cavity diseases.
Peak surface treatment machine is mainly used for the treatment of large areas of skin or superficial diseases.
3 deep treatment machine is mainly used for the treatment of deep tissue disorders.